Chapter 2

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- Where are you hurt? I wanna make sure your bruises are clean so you they dont get infected. - the cop said.

- Ryder it's fine, they aren't bad dont worry. - but the look he was given made him change his answer- on my leg, arm and stomach sir.

- Good boy. See? It wasn't that hard. - the praising made Jackson's little friend a bit happy, but it ended quickly when he felt pain in his arm again. The cop was cleaning one of his cuts. - Oww it hurts, be careful.

- Jack don't even start complaining, I'm cleaning your cuts that literally come from knifes, don't complain about some itchiness. - they both chuckled a bit.

Ryder cleaned the cuts from Jackson's arms and legs. They weren't too deep, so he just put bandaids over them.

- Okay now show me your stomach. - Jack shook his head - Jackson, show me your stomach I need to see the damage.

The handcuffed boy shook his head again nervously. Ryder was inpatient, he had already seen some blood in Jackson's shirt, and he didn't want it to be worse. The boy had some knowledge in medicine, and was always worried about Jackson getting in fights and not taking care of the bruises.

- You are handcuffed, I can literally just put your arms up and look myself. But I don't want to fight with you. Cmon Jack, please, I'll be gentle.

Jackson hesitated but started lifting up his shirt. He bit the end with his mouth to keep it out of the way and closed his eyes waiting for the pain. Ryder observed his body carefully, he had a snake tattoo that started at the left of his stomach and went down disappearing in his pants. His abs were really defined. Jackson wasn't too big or too muscular, but he liked to exercise and be fit. Ryder, on the other hand, was a bit more muscular. He was a bit taller but here wasn't much different between them. The boys were both around the same age, the cop being only 1 or 2 years older. Jackson had black hair in a short mullet, not too defined and not too long. His eyes were dark blue, wich contrasted perfectly with his hair. Ryder had dirty blonde hair, with green eyes.

Back to the bruise, it was a kinda big cut that crossed his stomach from one side to another, it was bleeding still and it looked really bad. Ryder started cleaning it and noticed in one side it was bleeding too much.

- Jack I think this needs some stitches.

Jackson's face dropped. He hated any medical stuff and he specially hated needles with all his heart. His phobia was really bad. He would usually not go to the doctor even if Ryder asked him too, and he was lucky none of his scars had never been too bad that scarred for long time. He started to hyperventilate just by the thought of the stiches.

- Please no Ryder, no stitches. Just put something over it and it'll stop bleeding eventually. Please please Ryder please I'll do anything.

- Woah hey calm down. Its okay its just some stitches, it'll hurt more if we dont do it and it'll get infected.

Jackson shook his head. He had stoped biting the shirt and he was now holding it down with his hands, so the cop couldn't touch his stomach anymore.

- Jack, are you scared of needles? - A nervous nod answered Ryder's question. - Okay okay umm... I really do think you should get stitches. We don't need to go to the doctor, I am trained to do them, okay? And I'll be very quick.

Jackson was already silently crying. It was crazy how such a tough guy, who was always surrounded by the worst and most dangerous stuff all the time, had tears in his eyes as soon as a simple needle was mentioned. Ryder felt really bad for him. He took the handcuffs off quickly and grabbed one of Jackson's hand and put it on his chest.

- Copy my breathing Jack, slow deep breaths.

It worked a bit and the black haired boy started breathing normally again. Ryder looked at him in the eyes and started speaking softly.

- This is what we will do. We will go upstairs to the bathroom in my room, where I keep all my stuff. Then you'll lay down and I'll work quickly on you before your blood covers all my clean floors. We will take this slow, okay?

- O-kay.

The cop smiled at the answer and helped him walk upstairs. Then he made him wait in his bedroom and went inside the bathroom to grab the stuff needed. He put a couple towels on the bed, to protect the sheets and dropped a black bag next to the bed. Then he grabbed a wet towel and a small dry one. Jackson followed all his movements closely with his eyes.

- Take your shirt off and lay down please.

Jackson obeyed and closed his eyes trying to control his breathing. He didn't want to look so he wouldn't panic at the needle, but he wasn't able to keep his eyes closed.

- Jack, don't look. It'll only make it worse for you. - Jackson's eyes closed again but only lasted like that for 2 seconds. - Jackson, eyes closed.

Ryder started cleaning the cut, making the boy wiggle in pain. "Dont move", the cop complained. He wasn't even finished cleaning when Jackson wiggled again making Ryder's job difficult. His eyes were also wide open and looking at every moment, wich meant he was going to see the needle and all the work.

- Okay thats it. Wait here, dont you dare moving. - Ryder said, walking out of the room. Jackson was left scared on the bed still in a lot of pain and now even more terrified not knowing what the hell was the cop doing.

The blonde walked back holding a black thing in one hand and some handcuffs in the other. But they were soft handcuffs, with protection for the wrists. Jackson opened his mouth wide open but didn't let out a sound when he realized the black thing was a blindfold.

- R-ryder no... what are you doing? I'll stay still I promise.

- Jackson I can't risk it. Better safe than sorry. Now put your hands over your head please.

- No no please Ry don't...

The cop left the stuff on the bed and grabbed Jackson's hair pulling it up so he was looking straight into his eyes.

- Jackson you will shut your mouth right this second and obey, or the pain you are feeling right now will be multiplied by ten and I'll make you actually beg and cry.

He let go of his hair and without waiting for an answer grabbed Jackson's hands and handcuffed him to the bed, then he grabbed the blindfold and placed it over his head, covering his vision and helping him lay back down.

- Now be a good boy and let me work.

- Y-yes sir.

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