Chapter 15 🔞

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Jackson's brother was released after just a day. After contacting some of my colleagues, I managed to get him to only be on probation for 2 months, and no jail time. Let's just say the young teen loved me now. He gave me a tight hug before Jack and I left.

- Thank you Ryder - my boy said as we got home - I don't even know how to even express how grateful I am.

I smirked.

- You can just show me, baby. - I said

My boy looked at me with his eyes open wide, but instantly dropped to his knees. Such a beautiful sight. His hands rushed to my pants and I just let him do it by himself while I took off my shirt. Once he pulled down my boxers, he just stared at my cock for a bit, as if he was mesmerized by the treasure he had found. I couldn't help by chuckle.

- You've seen it before, Jay. Don't act all surprised.

My boy licked his lips with a smile before looking up for permission. I just nodded and he instantly swallowed my whole mini me in his mouth. My eyes rolled back from pleasure and I started caressing Jack's soft hair. He looked so beautiful while sucking me, eyes either closed or locked on mine.

- Fuck baby, it feels amazing. Good boy. - I praised.

I was quickly brought to climax. I shot my load in the back of my boyfriend's throat, and he swallowed without even gagging. I quickly pulled him up by his shirt's collar and I joined our mouths together. We made out passionately before staring at each other.

- You are amazing, Jack. - I said, meaning it with all my heart.


- You are amazing, Ryder. - I replied, meaning it with all my heart.

Now my dom was naked and I was still fully clothed, and very very hard. He started taking out my shirt and unbuttoning my pants as we walked ti the bedroom. I fell on my back on the bed, letting Ryder take the remaining pieces of clothing I had.

- Are you still sore, baby? - He asked.

I blushed, remembering our scene.

- A little bit, but it's fine. -I answered.

My dom nodded and kissed my cheek softly. He grabbed some lube and within 10 seconds, he had two fingers inside of me, curling and scissoring my hole. I just gripped onto the sheets as I moaned from pleasure. I started moving my hips, asking for more. Master took the hint and placed his tip on my entry. Without a warning, I was full again. I moaned in pain and pleasure. The mix was amazing. He let me relax, wich didn't take me much.and he started moving, while leaving hickeys all over my collarbone. Neither of us lasted long, but we didn't really want to. It was just an "I love you" fuck. And that's exactly while we said as we came at the same time.

Ryder helped me clean up and I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. I couldn't help gasping when I saw what he had done to me. I was completely marked. My boyfriend smirked and kissed my neck.

- I want you to go to the club shirtless so I can show you off to everyone while you are marked.

My face turned a deep red color and I hid my face on his neck while whining softly. He just laughed and kissed my head while rubbing my back softly. I don't remember much more, because as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was off to sleep.


Jack woke up from his nap at 7pm, perfect time to get ready for the club. As he came out of the shower I handed him a pair of bery short leather shorts. I winked at him and he just rolled his eyes with a smile.

- We are gonna have dinner with the boys, is that okay? - I asked.

- Yeah, I'm starting to really get along with the subs and I like them a lot.

I smiled, happy that my boy was liking our club friends. It was a big part of my life, and those boys were all very important to me. So my boy liking them too was in my top priorities.

-I hope Nick doesn't give you bratty ideas. - I said, half jokingly hald not.

My little minx just giggled, and I slapped his butt softly.

- Oh, by the way. - I said. - Are you starting to like Asher?

- Yeah, he's not that bad. And Leo always talks very good about him. I guess being a sadist and a daddy dom are the perfect balance.

I pulled Jack into a deep kiss before staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

- You're right, baby. It's all about balance. Just like bad boy sub and cop master, hmm?

Jack blushed again and hid his face on my chest. I didn't want to waist any mire time so I put on my shoes and helped my boy get dressed. He put on one of my hoddies and we got to the car.

Everyone was already sat on the couches. Well, Nick was kneeling by his Master, per usual. His head was down, and his collar had a leash attached, that my dom friend had around his wrist. I soon noticed the sub wasn't kneeling like usual, his hands where resting on his lap but his fists were closed, and his body was visibly tense. He didn't even look up when I greeted him. I raised an eyebrow to Sean, as I sat down with Jack next to me.

- Nick has misbehaved today - My friend clarified. - He is not allowed to go to the dance floor tonight, and neither watch the show. He will be blindfolded and kneeling by the floor while we all enjoy Master Frank's show with his submissive pet.

Nick started shaking slightly. There weren't many pet subs in the club. And shows like this were very rare. So the boy was obviously very upset about not being able to watch. Sean was being stricter than usual. I looked at Ledger and he gave me an "I don't know either" look.

We started to eat, and I couldn't get my eyes off of Nick. Sean fed him with his hand, and the sub didn't even look up once. Once we were done, I kissed my boy's cheek softly and gave him his bag.

- Want to go to the sub's room to get ready? - I asked.

- Yes sir - he said with excitement.

Asher motioned Leo to follow my boy. The kneeling sub attempted to open his mouth to ask for permission, looking up to his master. Bur Sean tugged the leash hard, making the sub whimper in pain.

- Don't even think about it, Nickolas.

The other subs froze. Even us, the doms, were confused. I softly slapped Jack's thigh to make him move, and he left the room with Leo. Nick looked back down and I notice tears falling down on his lap. Sean was nevee this strict, so Nick had to have done something very bad.

- Sean, - Ledger said. - is Nick not going to get ready in the sub's room too?

- No. - Sean replied dry. - He is already ready.

Nick couldn't hold it anymore and he started crying hard. I looked at my dom friend and I saw how he bit his lip, feeling bad for his boy. He took a deep breath and just ignored the cries. So we all felt obligated to ignore them too. We just started to talk about random stuff. Eventually, Nick started shaking again, this time just crying very softly but letting out small whimpers. Then I realised, he was wearing a butt plug tail. Sean looked down at his sub before speaking.

- Puppy - he said softly- you know you can always safeword no matter what, yeah?

- Y-yes master. - Nick replied between sobs.

A/N Im gonns leave you all hanging here heheh. How are all my beautiful people doing?? Don't forget to comment and vote!! And yesh ofc, enjoy. :) <3

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