Chapter 33 ⛓️🔞

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Right as we were entering through the door, my phone started ringing. Guess who was calling me? River.

- What the fuck do you want? - I said, earning myself a hard spank.

- Language - Ryder said but I rolled my eyes.

- Jackson I want to apologize.

- Oh, do you? I'm sure it's just because Master Ledger is holding a gun next to your head or some shit.

- Jack, please. Let me talk. After that you can call me a bitch as many times as you want, but just let me explain.

- Fine. But be quick, I don't have all night.

By that I meant take long af cause I didn't want to be punished yet.

- I didn't know Archie was so important to Leo. And this isn't how I wanted things to go. Ledger had been so fucking busy recently that I felt like he didn't want me anymore. The punishment was worse, cause I couldn't even interact with him when you were around, wich was almost all the time he'd give me attention. And even while watching the shows I have to be kneeling. I just wanted to keep it for a day then give it back. Something to be a bit naughty. Something that would bring back my dom. I'm sorry, I truly am. I already apologized to Leo a million times and I took Asher's punishment. I think you are a good friend for defending Leo that way. I wish I could have friends like you.

OUCH. DID YOU HEAR ME CRY? I felt so bad. I suddenly felt so fucking guilty.

- River, I dont know what to say, really. I'm sorry if I got a bit carried away, Leo is like my little brother and I would kill for him. But I shouldn't have done what I did. And, I wanna be your friend. I mean it. I nay think you are a bitch, an asshole and a piece of shit... - Ryder cut me with another soft spank. - But yeah I believe you are not a bad person. Just please, next time you feel like doing anything call me. Or Nick! Nick is the king of the brats, you should know that. And he will always be more than willing to help you out!

- You are a really good person, Jack. I have to go, but tomorrow I think we should hang out. I wanna talk to you more and finally get rid of our problems. Yeah?

- Sounds good to me buddy. - I replied.

We hung up and I was left with a very good feeling. I was even smiling. Until I saw what Ryder had on his hand.




- Y-you are n-not using t-that on m-me, right-t? -I stuttered, legs shaking.

- Oh but I am, baby. Tonight you'll discover the magic world of figging.


I had my shaking boy naked, beautifully layed on his stomack, hands tied to the bed frame and legs parted with a spreading bar. I had also put a pillow under him so his ass would be more up and accessible, because it was going to be our main focus for the session.

- Okay, Jack. -I said, putting a blindfold over his eyes. - You akready got spanked enough, so that part is covered. But you know that this is going to hurt pretty bad. I know your skin is sensitive, so I have a feeling the burning sensation will also be a bit more itense. As always, remember your safeword, and remember this isn't play, it's punishment, so yellow is not allowed, only black.

He wasn't allowed speak, and I could see him dying to do so.

- Lets start, shall we?

He let out a whimper once my lubed finger started rubbing circles on his tight hole. I slowly pushed it in. I took my time preparing him with my fingers. The goal wasn't to hurt him by stretching him, and I needed him to be relaxed enough. I grabbed the freshly cut ginger and placed it right outside his ass.

- Ready, baby? -I said rubbing his back- Remember, deep breaths to not get overwhelmed and clear mind. It's a new sensation and it can be scary, but remember it will burn, not make you bleed or get bigger or anything. Okay? Just burning.

He nodded and I gave him a quick kiss, helping him relax. Once his breathing was back to normal, I pushed the ginger inside of him, making him hiss. I waited a bit, looking at the way his body was reacting. And then it started.

- Fuck! - he screamed.

I slapped his thigh hard.

- I said no speaking.

He started whining and I used the ginger to fuck him, making it burn more. He was a crying mess within 2 minutes, so it was time for the final part. I left the ginger inside and made my way to his head. I gave him a quick kiss and took my dick off my pants.

- Since you have such a naughty mouth it needs to be punished too -I said. - Tap my leg twice if its too much.

And with that I thrusted my dick all inside his warm throat. He looked up at me with teary red eyes, and it almost made me explode. My boy was so beautiful. I came so quick I didn't have time to warn him, but he was such a good boy he took it all and swallowed without a problem. I deeply kissed him, kinda tasting myself a bit. And then I moved to his ass, where I removed the ginger slowly. I untied him and saw he was hard, so without a word a dragged him to the shower and poured icy cold water on his erection, making it go down, and making my boy lose it.

- Baby it's okay, it's all done, you're okay. - I said while I layed him in bed. - You did amazing Jackie, such a good boy. I'm so proud of you baby you have no idea. My good boy.

His breathing started slowing as his eyes closed. I pulled him into my chest and kissed his forehead.

- I love you my dear. Sleep well.

A/ N y'all are too spoiled. But oh well I love it too!

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