Chapter 14

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I woke up to the loud sound of my phone ringing. I was in Ryder's bed, I couldn't even remember coming back from the club. My body felt really sore, but I was clean and wearing a pair of boxers. I quickly picked up without even looking.

- Yeah?

- Jackie where are you, buddy? -My older brother said.

- Umm still at my friend's house. Why? Did something happen?

- Cody got arrested.

My heart started pounding really fast. Ryder looked at me confused.

- What? What happened? What did he do?

- First of all, you have to know that he argued with dad and shit got heated very quick. They got into a physical fight and the cops were called by sime neighbors. I didn't find out until today cause I wasn't home, but our old man is back to jail.

I didn't know what to say or what to feel. Everything was too much for me to process. I looked at Rdyer and he held my hand.

- Cody didn't say anything, he kept it as a secret until I came today. He wasn't too bruised, so that part is fine.

- But why is he arrested? What did he do?

- I think you should come here Jackie. We should talk about this in person, okay?

I stayed quiet fo a bit, looking at Ryder for some comfort. He squished my hand and gave it a soft kiss while I took a deep breath.

- Okay, local office ?

- Yes, do you have a way of coming here?

- Umm, yeah. I'll ask my friend to drive me.

The call ended and Ryder let go of my hand. Instead, he pulled me into a tight hug. I didn't even notice I had started crying.

- Baby, talk to me please, what's wrong? What happened?


Jack finally calmed down enough to talk, and he pulled away from the hug.

- My brother got arrested and my dad is back in jail.

I kissed his cheek softly. My poor baby.

- Do you need a ride to the station? - he just noded softly -Okay, I promise I'll do whatever I can to help your brother in this. Do you know what he did?

- No, my older brother just told me it would be better to go there and talk there.

My heart hurt just from looking at his teary eyes. My sweet boy, I was sure he was feeling so sore everywhere, and tired. I had loved our first scene together. He behaved so well for me, and I just loved the sight of his beautiful tattooed body displayed just for me to play with however I wanted. He truly trusted me.

We arrived and he rushed out of the car. I followed him behing but stopped him before he entered. He turned around and I held his face with my hands, looking at him straight in the eye.

- I love you, Jack.

- I love you, Ryder.

We joined in a short but intense kiss.

- Woah, that's your friend? - Someone said as we pulled apart.

Jack was blushing, but I'm sure my face was as red as a tomatoe.

- Umm, t-this is R-ryder. - My boy said, looking down.

I held my hand out for the guy and he shook it with a smile.

- Johnathan, Jackson's older brother. Don't worry, I'm not the one in trouble. - The guy said, with a smirk.

I smiled back at him and we started walking inside.

- Johnny, Ryder is a cop. - My boy said. - I'm not sure if he can do anything at all, but at least he will be able to explain shit.

- A cop? Wow Jackie, you are full of surprises, buddy.


- Before I go in, I wanna know what he did. - I said.

My brother took a deep breath and sat me down on a chair. Ryder placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed circles on it softly.

- Okay, prepare for a tough one. Our baby brother decided he was a big brave boy, and that meant joining the family tradition that you once followed too.

I started shaking. I held into Ryder's hand as tight as I could.

- He was seen helping one of his mates get cash from a store with a pocket knife, found drugged on a random street with meth on his pockets, and a gun he swore it wasn't him.

I wanted to start crying right there and then but I held it together and started bresthing deeply.

- Accessory to armed robbery, distributive public behavior and possession of illegal substances and illegal arms - Ryder said.

- I'm gonna kill him. - I said, anger starting to run through my veins. - I swear I'm gonna fucking kill him.

I got up and started walking towards the room where Cody was.

- Jack, calm down.- Ryder tried, but I ignored him.

After I was let inside with Ryder, I almost broke into tears as soon as I saw my little brother there handcuffed, bruised face and red eyes.

- Jack...

- What the fuck were you thinking? - I said, maybe a bit too harsh.

- Jackie I'm sorry, I didn't think that-

- No Cody, you just didn't think at all. You want to go to jail? That's what you want? Because I'm telling you it is not a nice place.

- Jack please just listen to me.

- Oh, listen to you, I see. Did you listen to me? All the times I've told you what to do if you are in trouble, all the times I've advised you about the shit you completely ignored. I've been in juvy, I've been in jail. Want to follow dad's steps too? Been there, done that, buddy. For fucks sake, Cody. You are 17...

My little brother started to cry really hard and it broke my heart. I got closer to him, caressed his cheek and pulled him into a hug.

- I'm sorry for being harsh, Cody. I love you so much, you are my baby brother. I can't let you ruin your life. Not you.


I let the brothers have their time before stepping in.

- Hey Cody, my name is Ryder. I'm a cop in this station but I'm not on duty now, I can try to help you out if you want.

The teen looked at me and then looked at his brother, unsure. I heard him whisper "I dont trust him". And then my boy looked at me with a smile before turning back to Cody.

- He is my boyfriend, I trust him with my life, and I trust him with my brother. Do as you please, but if I were you I would take his offer.

My "brother-in-law" looked at me and just nodded his head. I smiled back.

A/N Heyy beautiful people!! How are you?? I'm gonna be on vacation again so I'm not sure if I'll have much time. But here you have this.

Comment your thoughts and ideas. Don't forget ro vote!! And yeah, ofc, enjoy. <3

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