Chapter 20 ⛓️

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That was it. My first day of college. It couldn't be that bad. I just had to sit through the classes, take notes and to home. Right? Was I scared about the people? Yes. Was I scared about the subjects? Also yes. But there was no going back. So I just kissed Ryder goodbye and I went inside the building.

I looked for my class and entered. There was already a couple students inside, but no teacher yet. I sat on the second row.

Yes, the secind row. What? I didn't want to look like the teacher's pet...

A guy sat next to me and smiled. I smiled back and started getting my stuff out of my back.

- Nice tattoos. - The guy said.

I was wearing a t-shirt, so the ones on my arms were visible. Only if he knew about Ryder's favorite...

- Thanks. - I replied. - I'm Jack.

- Theo, nice to meet you.

We did a bit of small talk before a third guy joined.

- Theo, how are you doing bro ? Haven't heard from you in ages. I thought you were not gonna make it to class this year. -the guy said.

Theo just laughed and went back to look at me.

- This asshole here is Carl. Carl, this is Jack, pretty cool guy so far.

I couldn't be happier. I was making friends... Okay I know that sounded like a kid in kindergarden, but I swear the stress is real. (A/N jokes aside, I'm starting uni in a few days and the stress is in fact real)

- Nice to meet you Jack, - Carl said, sitting behind Theo. - just by your looks I already think we're gonna get along well.

The teacher came in and everyone took a sit. Class started and I took a couple notes, not really sure of what I was doing. It was just a bit of a presentation of the subject, and it was pretty interesting. Time flew by and after an hour and a half, the class was done. I looked at my notebook, proud of my work and I smiled to myself. Maybe college wasn't so bad.

I only had one more subject that day, so I headed out and started walking to the class I was supposed to go to.

- Hey, Jack.- Theo called. - We're skipping this one, this teacher never does shit the first day so not worth it

- Yeah, dude.- Carl added- Wanna hit a blunt in the 5th floor? There's a really cool spot where we go sometimes. We just have to be sneaky, we aren't supposed to go up there.

My brain was going a thousand miles per hour. What was I supposed to do? I had just met this guys, if I said no, they wouldn't invite ne to shit anymore. And also, I didn't mind hitting that blunt...

- Cool with me, let's go then. - I said.

And oh boy, was I going to regret that...

- Pass me the lighter, let's hit this baby. - Carl said.

Suddenly, we heard some steps.

- Shit, shit. Hide! -Theo said.

But I was too slow. A firm hand grabbed my arm, pulling me into the hallway. And of course, I had to be the one holding the blunt.

- Williams, what on earth are you doing here?

Who was this dude and why did he know who I was. I looked back at the man, and his face was kinda familiar. But I couldn't recognize where I had seen him before. He was wearing a tag on his shirt that said "principal", wich meant I was in deep trouble. But I was a bit chill about it, because there was no way Ryder was going to know if I didn't tell gim myself.

- You are coming to my office. Right now.

Damm, this dude had a stern voice. He sounded like a fucking dom, bro...

Shit. No way. No fucking way. You know why he sounded like a fucking dom??? Bingo! He was. It was Master Damon who was dragging me around campus. He was a VIP dom in the club, and I had seen him on the couches next to our's before.

I was fucked, screwed, DEAD.

We entered his office and I sat, swallowing hard.

- You know this behavior is unacceptable, Williams. And it is only the first day. We accepted you in this university expecting a bit more seriousness, but I guess we were asking for too much.

Okay, that hurt.

- I am only letting you go with this because I know it will be dealt with at home. - The motherfucker said. - You are free to go now. I expect a change of attitude by tomorrow.

- Yes sir. - was all I said.

- Oh and, a little advice -he said - stay away from those boys. They will only get you in more trouble.

I walked through the hallway as slow as possible. I didn't want to get out, because I knew outside was Ryder's car. With Ryder inside. The principal ws probably calling him right now, so I needed to give my dom a bit of time to process and calm down. As I was walking through the front doow, Theo came by me.

- Dude, did you get caught ? - he asked.

- Yeah, but don't worry about it, bro. I talked myself out of it. - I lied.

- Really? The principal is very strict, you may have superpowers.

We just laughed and he left. Leaving me alone. Well, not really alone, cause I spotted my boyfriend's car, wich meant my murderer was now waiting for me. I took my time walking to the parking spot. If I could have crawled on the floor, I would've. But I'm not a dog like Nick... Jk, jk.

Finally, I reached the car. There was nothing else I could do, just face it. I opened the door and sat inside. Ryder was silent. Very bad sign. He drove off and the whole ride was silent. Again, very bad sign. We got home and I sat on the couch, expecting him to start talking. Instead, he just grabbed my arm and forced me to my knees. I understood it quickly and within seconds I was kneeling in perfect position, my head down and my hands on my thighs. Again, no words from my dom.

- Master -I said.

Sharp pain on my cheek made me stay quiet. He slapped me, that meant serious business.

- Did I say you could talk? - He said sternly.

- No mast-

I was cut by another slap.

- Then why am I still hearing sounds coming out of that smart mouth of yours, hmm?

This time, I stayed quiet.

He was being very mean. He was being a bitch, and I kinda wanted to tell him...

- You're being a bitch.

JACKSON! DID YOU SAY THAT OUT LOUD? Well yeah, I did. I wasn't thinking properly, apparently. I quickly realized my mistake and covered my mouth with my hands, starting to shake out of fear. Ryder did that shit evil people do, and he just laughed. Why did he laugh? How was that funny?

- You just never learn, do you? -he said.

Of course, I kept my mouth shut not wanting to worsen up my situation.

- Stand up, strip, and kneel back down.

A/N Heyy beautiful people!! Little update cause I've been extremely busy. Love you all and thx for the loving comments, I'm feeling so much better now and I have a bit more motivation.

Big thanks to theangel123459 for giving me this idea.

Please comment, vote and enjoy! <3 :)

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