Chapter 10 🔞⛓️

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My boy was beautifully bent over the bed, completely naked and his ass perfectly placed for my paddle to reach. He was shaking a bit, and I ran my hand through his back to help him relax.

I had promised it was only going to be 20 spanks (wich is still a lot, but my boy could take way worse). I didn't make him count cause I've never been a fan of that. Other doms, like sadist bestfirend Asher, were really into the mental part of it. I guess I'm a simple guy.

My precious black haired sub was in tears by the 10th spank, and the begging started around the 15th.

- Please master I'm sorry. - he cried.

- No baby, we agreed on 20, so that's what I'll give you. - I said softly.

Last ones were a bit hard, but I needed to make my message clear. After a bit more lecturing I helped my boy get into some comfy shorts and we just cuddled to sleep.


I was so nervous in the morning that Ryder had to make me stop a million times just to do breathing exercises and calm down. We went over the club rules a million times. He showed me pictures and videos, and he even showed me a video of his playroom in the club, explaining some of the things in there. We also talked about the contract, we went through it a million times before and after signing.

- Okay Jack - Ryder said once we were heading to the club at night - Ledger actually called and we talked for a bit. He said he considered letting u be a certified sub member by tonight, and reducing the test. You did a very good job taking his punishment yesterday, and he also trusts me to guide you properly.

- Does that mean I can have acces to the main rooms and watch shows? - I asked excited.

- Yes baby, but there's one thing first. You won't be tested like the other subs, but you will have a short one when we arrive, that will prove that you are ready. Okay?

- Yes sir. - I said, already getting into my good boy role.

- Good. Don't worry baby, just remember to be relaxed and follow the rules.

Well speaking is easier than doing, you know. As soon as we entered the club I realized how this was going to be. They were going to tease me and trick me. But oh boy, I was not going to fail.

We entered the office and I kept my head down and my mouth shut. Master Ledger greeted Ryder and completely ignored my presence. I heard some giggling, that let me know that Nick was involbed in this.

- Hey Jack, looking good today. - he said.

But I knew better than to reply. While being next to my master, I was meant to remain silent unless given permission to speak freely or being asked a direct question by the Master Dom. Since we had entered the club, I hadn't been allowed to speak or look up. So I was not going to do any of those. And they for sure were trying hard.

- Are you ready to be good today, Jackson? - I heard Master Sean ask.

But like the good boy I was, I kept quiet. Eventually, Ryder came back closer to me, not saying a single word. I felt his hands run through my upper body, but I remained still. I wish I had veen able to look at his eyes and see how proud he was.

- Kneel. -was all he said.

I dropped to my knees, hands resting on my thighs and head still down. And then the ignoring kept going. No one said a word to me in about half an hour. My knees were already hurting pretty bad because of the hard floor, but I stayed in position.

- Jackson, stand. - I heard.

And I swear I almost fell for it. But I already knew the different voices of my master's friends, and that bitch Asher... I mean Master Asher... Was not going to fool me. I remained still.

- Well I guess he can be good sometimes. - he said, and I had to bite my tongue so hard I tasted a bit of blood.

- Jackson - I heard, now finally coming from Ryder - Look up.

I obeyed and I was met with Master Ledger standing in front of me.

- Good boy Jack, you passed.

I was so excited I almost forgot to wait for orders.

- You can stand up and speak freely now baby - Ryder said, pulling me into a hug. - I am so proud of you.

After more praising and chatting, it was finally for the show to start, and I had to do breathing exercises again cause I was too excited. I remembered to keep my head down and I once we got to the VIP area I kneeled next to the couch, were Ryder sat.


Right when the lights when down, I put my boy into my lap. I lent forwards a bit to whisper into his ear.

- Baby, remember you can safeword if anything feels too much.

- Yes sir. - he said so beautifully.

- Good boy. Now, are you comfortable with me touching you during the show? I promise you no one will see any part of you because the lights are too down.

I could feel Jack get really excited about the idea and I kissed his cheek softly when he agreed. On stage, a sub was tied up to the bench, blindfolded and gagged. My hands ran through my boy's thighs, carefully avoiding certain spot. The dom on stage started flogging his sub, and after a while, Jack started whimpering quietly.

- Whats wrong baby? - I whispered - Are this pants getting a bit too tight?

He cried in reply and I started undoing his zipper. My hand slid inside of his underwear and I slowly took out his already very hard member. I noticed his hesd going all directions nervously.

- Dont worry Jay - I whispered. - No one can see you.

As the dom on stage started pounding into his sub, who was a moaning loudly, I started jerking my boy at the same speed as the thrusts of the show. That seemed to excite Jack a bit too much, and he quickly turned into a begging mess.

- Sir please let me cum, please.

I edged him a bit more before giving him permission, right as both the sub and dom on stage were cumming too. I didn't want my boy to feel embarrassed when the lights turned on, so I carried him out and led him into my playroom. His face was hid on my neck, so he didn't see anything in there. He had already seen a video and pictures, but I knew in person it felt way different. I brought my boy into my private bathroom that was attached to the playroom and cleaned him.

- Did you like the show, baby? - I asked as we sat on the playroom's bed.

- I loved it sir, will you try the flogger on me? - he asked excited, making me chuckle.

- Yes baby I will, but not right now, okay?

He pouted by nodded his head. I gave him a kiss and we made our way back to the office.

- Puppy keep quiet. - Sean lectured his sub as we entered the room.

- Sorry master. - Nick replied, who was kneeling and had his head resting on his dom's lap.

- So, Jackson. How did you like your first show ? - Ledger asked.

My boy looked at me shily before replying.

- It was nice sir.

- Only nice? You guys left before the show finished... - Asher teased, making my boy's face turn the reddest shade of red.

A/N hey beautiful people!! How are you liking this so far? Don't forget to comment your thoughts and suggestions, and vote!!! And ofc enjoy :)

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