Chapter 19

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College? University? That was not for me. There was no way on earth. Besides, I was not smart enough for that shit. I had told Ryder I would make up my mind in the morning. But fuck, it was morning already, and I didn't have an answer. Well, I had one very clear, but my dom would certainly not like it. The morning went on, and I didn't say a word about it. Eventually, after lunch, he sat me down on the couch. I obviously knew what he wanted but I played dumb.

- Jack, I need an answer. Now.

Ryder could be fucking scary. Really fucking scary. I took a deep breath and hoped for the best.

- I don't want to go to college.

I looked down, trying to avoid my dom's eyes , but he lifted up my chin and I was forced to do so.

- Baby, education is important. I want you to have a good life. I can totally maintain you just fine, that's not the problem. But I want you to do something that can fulfill you, make you feel useful and nice.

The fucker had a point. I sighed.

- Fine. But what am I even gonna study there? I'm not smart and I'm not good at anything.

Ryder held my face in his hands and caressed my cheeks softly.

- Don't talk about yourself like that, my love. You are a very smart boy, I'm sure you can be very good at something. Come on, what is something you would like to do?

I thought about it for a while. Well, maybe there was something. But I didn't want him to laugh at me for it, so I kept my louth shut.

- Baby, please. - he said.

I bit my lip, my eyes locked on Ryder's.

- Can I call Nick?

My dom smiled at me, I guess it was some sign of hope for him.

- Sure, I'm gonna go run some errands so you can talk freely.

With that, he kissed me softly before grabbing his stuff and leaving. I grabbed my phone and searched for my friend's contact. Well, he had saved it himself as "Nicky 🐶⭐"... That boy had issues.

- Hi there Jack, it's Sean.

- Oh, hi. Umm, I was hoping I could speak to Nick for a sec.

- Master pleaseee, just bring the phone hereeeee.

- Sorry buddy, Nick is doing his time in the corner. Is it important ?

- Well, kinda. Ryder wants me to have my mind set for something when he comes back home, and I kinda need Nick's advice.

- Okay, okay. Then I'll let you guys talk. Puppy! Come here. You better be good or you're getting that spanking.

- Yes yes, now go. Lemme talk to my bestie. Jackiee! How are you doing, mate?

- Hey Nick, I'm good. I just need your help with something.

- I'm all ears, my dear.

- Okay so umm, Ryder kinda wants me to go to college.

- Oh wow, that's a big thing. Go for it all the way for sure.

- Well yeah, I guess I should. But I'm not fullt convinced I'm prepared for it. Plus, I'm embarrassed to say what I would like to do, and I doubt I'm even smart enough for it.

- Woah there hun, shut the fuck up.

- Nick! Language!

- Sorry Master... Hey! Don't listen to my conversations! It's private information. Anyways my dear friend, as I was saying, you are smart as hell. Bro, like that thing you did with River, quick thinker too.

I couldn't help but blush at the compliments. I guess I was a quick thinker.

- Come on, tell me. What is it that you would like?

- It's just that, I'm not sure if I'm right for it, and there's other shit I'm not sure I can do. College is a big thing, Nick. I don't know.

- Jackieee, that's what your dom is for, silly. He can help you with all of that. Sean helps me with nursing school a lot, at the start I was kinda messy and not very good at it, but now I've improved a lot. And honestly, I feel so good with myself and I'm very happy.

- Okay, I'll go. Damm it, you are convincing Nick. And yeah, I want to study phycology. I know it doesn't suit me but...

- Thats so fucking cool dude!!

- Nickolas!

- Sorryyy master.

- No, that's it. Get your ass over here. Now.

- Hey Nicky, I think I'll let you go now, thanks for the advice.

- Wait! Don't leave now I'll ...

With that the line cut and I just laughed. I rested a bit in the couch until Ryder arrived.

- Hey baby. - He said, giving me a kiss.

I smiled at him, fidgeting nervously with my fingers. He sat next to me, placing his hand on my thigh, wich made me even more nervous. I cleared my throat and looked at the floor. Okay, maybe that was my safe space...

- I want to study psychology. - I finally confessed.

- Oh, Jack. That's very good. I'm very proud of you, baby.

I couldn't help but smile and blush. What can I say, I had a praise kink after all...

- I don't even know if I'll be able to do it though, I'm not very good at studying and all that shit. But I want to try. And I wanna make you proud.

Jackson you are such a pussy. Shut the fuck up Jackson.

- Jay, that's why I'm here. I'm gonna help you go through it. I'm here to guide you and help you with anything, okay? We'll get you enrolled this evening. I'll get Iker to cover my shift and we'll go together to the office.

- Okay, thanku.

As the time to go came closer, my anxiety also grew. I wasn't ready for it. I wasn't ready for failure. I took a deep breath and took my phone out of my pocket.

- Hey buddy, whats up? - my brother said.

- Hey Johnny. I have news for you.

- You sound nervous. Did you do something bad?

- No, idiot. I guess you can say it's good news.

- Just spill it already Jackie.

- I'm going to college.

There was a deep silence in the other side of the line.

- Johnny?

- Fuck, Jackson. You're gonna make me cry. Are you for real?

- Yeah, Ryder convinced me to, I want to study psychology. I'm nor sure If I'll do good tho...

- Cody! Get down here! Jackie is gonna be the first Williams with a college degree.


- Ryder! - Jack called.

- Yes baby? - I said as I entered the room.

- My brother wants to talk to you.

- Oh, okay.

I grabbed my boy's phone.

- Hi, it's Ryder here.

- Thank you so so much. You have no idea how much good you are doing to my brother's life.

A/N heyy beautiful people. What do y'all think?? Hope you are enjoying so far. Comment and vote!! <3 :)

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