Chapter 18

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- I'm leaving. -Jack said, trying to get up. I held his hips on place and he just whined.

- Don't be dramatic, Jackson. - I warned.

- I'm not dramatic, I just don't like to share my air with liars.

- You think you are fucking better than me? I should have kept my mouth quiet so you'd be spanked more. - the blue haired sub said.

I held Jack down and Ledger stepped in.

- Boys, quit it now before we go over this evening's lecture again.

My boy kept his head down, but River wasn't having it.

- It's not fair. He started all of it.

- River, last warning - The master dom said.

I saw Jack's hands close, bu I was too late to react. River groaned in pain as my sub's fist hit his stomach. The blue haired boy fell into the ground curled up in a ball. I grabbed Jack by his arm and pulled him back.

- Kneel, hands on your back. - I ordered, almost yelling.

Jack hesitated but obeyed. I could see that he was shaking, but I didn't know if it was just pure anger or fear. Ledger grabbed River from the floor and sat him on the couch.

- Is it bad? - the Master Dom asked.

The sub shook his head, whipping a tear from his cheek.

- Boys, - Ledger started. - I do not tolerate this kind of behavior in my club. You are both going to be banned for a month.

I looked at my boy and saw him starting to cry.

- What? - River said, tears also running down his face- But thats not fair.

- I don't care if it's fair or not. It's my club, my rules. My decision is made and its final.

I thought that would be enough for the sub to understand, but he just started hyperventilating and crying harder.

- No no please, I'll be good, please master. - he cried.

I looked at Sean and then at Ledger, not really knowing what to do.

- He's having a panic attack -Nick said.

Ledger got down to the blue haired boy's level, putting the sub's hand on his chest.

- Can you feel my chest going up and down? Follow that. Breath with me, River.

The boy tried, but he got even more stressed. Suddenly, Jack got up quickly and rushed to River's side, covering his nose and mouth. We were all shocked, but it worked like magic. The sub was able to start breathing normally again.

- T-thank you- River said.

- Jack, how did you...

- Holding your breath during a panic attack can help you stop hyperventilating, Master Ledger. - my boy explained.

- That was very smart, baby - I praised.

- I saw that in Teen Wolf! - Nick said excited. -Well it was with a kiss, but I doubt neither of you guys would want that...

Sean gently tapped his sub's back, making him stay quiet.

- I think is time for us to leave, right puppy? - My friend said.

Nick lowered his head and nodded.


River was a bitch. An asshole. A piece of sh...

Ok, ok. You get me. I didn't like him. And yeah, he didn't like me either. But no one else was doing anything and I just had to react.

- I'm sorry, - River said - I just panicked for a bit.

- River, it's only a month. You've been a member of my club for a while now, a month is nothing.

- But... But you may...

I looked at my dom, who was rubbing my back slowly, and he looked s confused as I did.

- What is it? - Master Ledger insisted.

A/N heyy beautiful people, short chapter I know, anyways dont forget to comment!

Nahhh you thought, I'm not that bad...

- I don't want you to play with other subs.

When I tell you I GASPED. And very loudly too. I quickly covered my mouth, cause I kinda got everyone looking at me for a sec.

- River, we talked about this. I don't do contracts. - Master Ledger replied.

The blue haired boy looked down and just nodded. I could clearly see him crying again, silently. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

- Yes Master Ledger. I'll leave now. - the sub said.

Okay maybe I did feel a bit bad. After River closed the door, my dom put a hand on the Master Dom's shoulder.

- Ledger, I think you should...

- Thanks Ryder, - Master Ledger cut him-  but I don't need any advice. Now, I think your sub right here needs to go home. So unless you want him walking there by himself, you should leave too.


Ledger was just too stubborn. There was nothing to do about it, he was a lost cause. Without a word, I grabbed Jack's hand and our bags and I started walking out of the club.

- I'm sorry, sir. - My boy said once we got home.

- It's okay Jack, you were punished severely today, and helping River has definetly saved your butt from another doze from my own hand.

He smiled, blushing. I kissed his cheek softly and we got ready for bed.

- A month is a lot of time - he eventually complained.

- Well, fighting is a very severe thing, you could have gotten banned forever.

Jack's eyes widdened and I couldn't help but chuckle at his cuteness. I placed my hand in the bsck fo his head and pulled him into a nice long kiss.

- It's okay. - I said. - We can play here at home, and I also have something in mind I want to talk to you about. And being free from the club for a while would help you focusing on preparing yourself and everything.

- Preparing? What are you talking about, Ryder.

I took a deep breath before talking, cause I needed to think my words right.

- I want you to go to college.

A/N Hi cuties, now for real lol. This is a short chapter but I wanted y'all to have something because I don't know when I'll be able to write again. Thank you so much for 20K views I'm literally crying.

Comment, vote, and ofc enjoy. :) <3

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