Chapter 28 🔞

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- I just don't know what to do anymore. - I said, while putting on a shirt.

- Honestly, I belive it's River's fault. - Leo stated. - Don't get me wrong, I like him. I don't think he's a bad guy. But I have a feeling he has some kind of anger issues. And not to be rude, Jack, but I do think you have some of that too.

I thought about that for a bit. And the blondie was right.

- So I guess it's kinda my fault too. -I said.

- I'm afraid so. You have similar impulsive personalities so I guesd that's why you don't get along.

- Damm, Leo. And I thought I was the one studying phycology.

My friend laughed shyly and I took a deep breath before deciding it was time to leave. We arrived at the office and I was surprised to see River standing on the corner. Leo went straight to his dom's lap.

- Hey baby, were you behaving?

- Yes daddy.

- Such good boy.

Jealous of the praise, I went to sir next to Ryder, who kissed me softly.

- How are you feeling? - he asked.

- Not sure. - I admitted.

- Where's Nick? And Master Sean? -Leo asked.

- They got a bit busy, they'll join us in a second. - Ledger said.

That meant that Nick was getting his ass beaten. Great. What the hell was going on that day?

Suddenly, Ryder got up and stood next to Ledger.

- Okay -he started- Let's get this over with.

I did not like how that sounded.

- River, come here. -Master Ledger ordered.

- Jack, stand. - My dom said.

Yeah, definetly not liking any if that.

- Okay boys, this has to end. As the Master dom, I'm responsible for all the subs in the club. Do you guys know how embarrassing it is for me to not be able to handle two of the few subs I know more?

I wanted to lower my head, but knew better. Instead, I decided to express myself with words, wich is something I'm not good at if I'm nervous.

- May I speak? - I asked.

Ryder looked at Master Ledger and then back at me.

- Go on. -he said.

- Well, - I started - I was speaking with Leo earlier, and I admit I may have acted wrongly in this situation. I know I can be very impulsive sometimes, and I came to the conclusion that River gets on my nerves easily because he is kinda like me.

My dom and the Master Dom nod their heads, and then they both looked at River.

-Anything you wanna add? -Master Ledger asked.

The blue haired boy thought for a bit before crossing his arms and shaking his head.

- River... - His dom started but he was interrupted.

- I'm not impulsive - the sub said almost crying- I don't give a fuck if be says he is but I'm not.

I was a bit shocked. Also kinda pissed, because I was trying to finally fix the problem, but he was not helping at all. I thought to myself maybe I wasn't worth a shot after all, and River would never want to get along with me. That was low-key sad.

- River - Master Ledger said. - we're trying to get over this, but you need to help a bit, or it's gonna be impossible.

The sub was now fully crying.

- I'm not fucking impulsive like he is. Fuck you all.

My jaw dropped, as I saw him trying to get out of the room, but of course his dom caught his arm. I expected the worse, but River actually hid his face on Master Ledger's chest and started to cry really hard.

- Baby please talk to me. What's got you so upset?

River said something but I couldn't understand him between sobs.

- Okay - Ledger started. - River has anger issues. He's been dealing with it all his life and we are working on it. He is a bit embarrassed of all of this and I try to be as understanding as I can.

I looked to the couch and Leo gave me that "told you" look.

- Being a sub helps him a lot, and I could not be happier to be his dom and put rules that will improve his behavior. I understand how frustrating it is for him, and so it is for you, Jack. I know. And I also know you try to be patient and I appreciate that so much. River does to, even if he doesn't admit it.

I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet. River was still holding onto Ledger's shirt. I felt bad. And I also started getting a bit upset. I thought that now River had an excuse for his behavior, but I didn't. I was just impulsive. And I had gotten down to his level a couple times now. I didn't want to deal with that and I ran out of the room.


- Shit, Jack! - I said, going after him.

I started looking for him, until I heard some yelling coming from the VIP rooms hallway.

- Let me go! Let me go you fucking bastard! Stop!

There, Ares had my boy pinned to the wall.

- Not until you calm down. - The security guy said.

- Hey - I said. - Let me handle this thank you.

Ares nodded and let my boy go. Jack stared at the floor, tears in his eyes and shaking a bit.

- Let's go to the playroom. - I half said half ordered.

My boy stayed quiet but followed me. After I closed the door, I pulled him into a hug, and he started crying hard. He eventually calmed down, so we were able to start talking again. We moved to the bed and sat there.

- Okay, I need you to explain why you're so upset. I wanna do things right with you, baby. You're the most important person in my life, and I will always put you first. - I said and he started to cry again. - Jay is that the problem? Do you feel like I haven't been putting you first? Or that I favor River in any way?

He nodded. And I suddenly felt like a horrible dom.

- Baby I'm so sorry, I really am. I trust you with my heart and even tho I know sometimes you lie to get out of trouble, I'll always believe you if we talk seriously. I know it's hard for you. All this situation. But you've done so good, baby. I mean it. The other day you made me so proud not reacting back to his punch. That was amazing.

I could see he was smiling a bit. I hugged him again and we started to passionately make out. One thing led to another and we were naked. Okay, don't judge us. Everyone let's out their frustration however they want.

I was thrusting deep inside Jack and I held his face between my hands, kissing him.

- I love you Jack- I said.

- I love you.

A/N hey beautiful people!  How's it going? Don't forget to vote, comment and enjoy! :) <3

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