Chapter 26 ⛓️🔞

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- Leo, you haven't eaten anything since breakfasts. Please, just take a small bite, baby. - Asher said.

His sub was sat on his lap, arms crossed hugging his stuffie and teary eyes. He looked kinda cute, but he was definitely being too much of a brat. There must have been something in the air that day...

- Leo, why are you being so stubborn? It's a tuna mayo sandwich, you love those.- My friend insisted, but his boy just shook his head. - Baby, please. Don't make me get mad at you. I know you're not feeling very well.

Asher was being insanely pstient. Wich was a bit surprising, so I guessed Leo was really not feeling his best.

- Hey buddy, - Sean said - how about you just give it a big bite and then you go with Nick around the club a bit? There's a new light setting that you guys may want to check out.

I thought that would have worked, but our sweet boy Leo flipped Sean off. Asher didn't take any time and within 2 seconds the blonde sub was over his lap, pants down.

- No! Daddy stop! I'm sorry!

But of course that didn't help at all. Asher's hand went down with a lot of force to his sub's ass, making the younger cry harder. After like 10 smacks, the sadist pulled Leo's pants back up and sat him back on his lap, giving him Archie to hold. The sniffing boy snuggled his toy while he controlled his breathing.

- I'm sorry Master Sean - he eventually said.

-You're forgiven, buddy. Don't worry.

- I'm sorry daddy, I'm actually hungry.

- I know you are baby, let's eat a bit, okay?

I smiled at the scene, but my gesture faded away quickly. A knock on the door was followed by River opening the door slowly, while looking at the floor. Ledger immediately got up, approaching the sub.

- What's wrong? Did something happen? Are you hurt?

Okay Ledge, chill.

- No sir. Ummm, it's actually kind of the opposite.

And I just knew it. My boy entered the room, bleeding lip included. I didn't waste any time and I rushed to his side.

- Jack, does it hurt bad? Are you hurt anywhere else ? - I asked, while grabbing some desinfectant wipes from one of the drawers and cleaning what I could.

- No, oww that hurts. I also hit my head but it doesn't really hurt much.

I kissed his cheek and turned back to River, who looked like he was going to pass out any second.

-What the hell happened? -I asked.

- We got into an argument and I hit him. - River said. And once again, I wanted to ripp off all of those blue hairs off his head. - he didn't hit me back, he just called me a bitch because I was being mean and I overreacted.

He was actually being honest, and it looked like my boy wasn't holding any anger against him. Actually, Jack looked more calmed than earlier that night.

Ledger on the other hand...

- Kneel.

River hesitated for a bit, looking at all if the people in the room, but eventually obeyed.

Instead if lecturing him, Ledger went back ti the couch.

- Let's have this dinner, shall we? - he said.

I motioned Jack to the couch and he.sat by my side. Nick, who was oddly quiet, gave him a sympathetic smile.

- Daddy - Leo said. - I want to go home.

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