Chapter 6 🔞

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A/N how are you liking the story so far? I hope you love it, cause its gonna get... Kinky.


I woke up with Jackson snuggling me, his beautiful sleeping face on my neck and his arm wrapped around my waist. God, that boy. I gently kissed his cheek, admiring his beauty. My heart still hurt thinking about my poor scared baby, and that asshole he has as his father. I layed there holding him closer, until he started to wake up.

- Hey sleepyhead. - I said kissing his cheek.

I only got some grunts as my answer.

- Someone is a grumpy boy in the mornings, huh? - I teased him.

That earned me a soft punch on my chest, wich earned my sleeping beauty a nice slap on his cute butt. I didn't let him complain and I quickly started pecking his soft lips, while he tried to talk. It escalated very quickly and our tongues were soon fighting for domination, that mine clearly won. I started sliding my hand down my boy's body, making him moan as my fingers caressed his sensitive nipples.

- Mmm Ryder - he moaned in my mouth- I need a shower.

I smiled at him and kissed him one more time before getting up.

- You're right- I said - Let's go take a shower baby.

He looked at me with wide eyes and I couldn't help letting out a chuckle.

- T-together? - he stuttered.

- You're so cute. Yes baby, it's not like I haven't seen you, huh?

His cheeks got very red and I grabbed his hand to pull him off the bed. I didn't waste any time and I helped him take off his shirt, sliding my hand down his stomach and pulling the waistband of his boxers.

- Mmm Ryder I- mmmm

- Shhh, don't worry pretty boy, I'll take good care of you.

He was hard but I was harder. I pulled down his underwear and then mine. He looked down at me and bit his lip.

- It's gonna fit just fine baby don't worry - I said smiling.

But he wasn't so happy. I quickly tried to distract him.

- Hey Jay, if you're so scared of needles how the hell did you get this done? - I said, following the snake tattoo with my finger and grabbing his hard member.

He gasped and it was the perfect opportunity for my tongue to enter his mouth. He moaned and I pushed him inside the warm shower.

- Mmm - he moaned in my mouth - Well I wasn't really concious.

I stopped right away and pinned him against the wall.

- What?

My voice sounded a bit more stern than what I wanted, but I didn't care. He looked at me in fear.

- Well umm I got it while I was... Ummm...

- High? - I "helped"

He nodded, looking down.

- I'm sorry sir.

Oh. Oh? Oh. That little minx...

-You're gonna be sorry. - I said while pushing him down to his knees.

My beautiful boy started sucking me right away and his mouth just felt amazing.

- Such a good boy Jay, your mouth is amazing.

It didn't last long before I was painfully hard. I pulled his head by his hair and made him stand again, turning around his body and pinning him to the wall again. I kissed him deeply and moved my fingers slowly down his spine, sending him chills. I started to gently rub his butt cheeks, carefully brushing the tips of my fingers through the middle.

- Relax now, baby boy.

I said while slowly pushing a finger in. The water was helping, but he was truly tight. My poor boy hissed and I just tried to distract him with another deep kiss. I started to move my finger, searching for that little...

- Fuck!

Found it!! Soon, Jackson's moans were louder, and he was relaxed enough for me to put on a second. He arched his back a bit, but he was soon back to his moaning state. I moved my fingers around, scissoring him until I could put on a third. It was a bit harder but reaching his sweet spot a couple more times was enough for him to fully relax.

- Okay baby I think you're prepared.

I turned off the water and started making out with Jack again, wrapping his legs around my waist and carrying him to the bedroom. I dried us a bit with a towel and I quickly grabbed some lube and a condom that I put on.

- Ryder... Be gentle...

I didn't answer and just kept kissing him. He was laying on his back so I pulled him closer to me and pulled his legs up. I put a fairly amount of lube on my dick and some on his little hole, lining them up. I could see him biting his lip and I gave him one of my hands to hold. As soon as the tip started entering, Jackson's eyes began filling with tears. I bent down and kissed his cheeks, praising him and moving slowly inside, until my dick was fully inside, not moving to allow him to adjust.

- R-ryder mmm h-hurts. - he said, tears already running down his face.

- Shhh, I know baby, it'll feel good soon I promise, you're such a good boy.

I grabbed his snake to distract him, and it worked pretty well. Within a couple minutes, Jack was moving his hips. I took it as a clue to start thrusting slowly. I made sure to hit his sweet spot as much as I could.

- Mmfm m-more sir -he moaned.

I kissed him again and then began to move faster. His moans were soon met with mine. We looked at eachother while I moved deeper inside him, and it was beautiful. I started to feel the usual sensation in my lower belly, informing me that I was about to explode.

- Mfmm I need to cum - he said, perfect timing.

- Wait baby, hold it till I cum. Almost there. - I said, grabbing his dick to stroke it myself. But I didn't last much longer. - Fuck Jay come with me.

Our moas got louder and we reached the climax together. I gently pulled out of Jack and got rid of the condom before laying down next to him. We were both exhausted, breathing heavily. I got closer to him and pulled him into my chest. After a couple minutes, when my breathing was back to normal, Jack started crying. I quickly grabbed his face to look at him and started kissing all his face.

- Jay baby what's wrong? Did I hurt you? Was I too hard on you?

He shook his head. I put him closer to him playing with his hair. He looked up at me and whispered " my dad's right, I'm just a fag..." I didn't let him finish and pulled my body on top of his, pinning his wrists on each side of his head and locking my eyes with his.

- Listen Jackson, your father's words should never, never! Get into that head of yours. You're not just a... That f word... You're gay baby, and if he can't understand that well that's his problem.

My poor boy nodded and we just cuddled for a bit more. I helped him clean up the cum on his chest. Well I basically licked him clean, making my boy giggle. We got dressed and decided to start our day with some coffe.


Ryder was something else. He was... He was just fucking amazing.

- How's down there? - he asked.

Okay maybe he was a bit of a jerk too.

- If you're talking about my butt cheeks they are sore, and if you're talking about my hole, well it's sore too.

That made the fucker laugh too loud, but before I could complain he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me into a warm and passionate kiss that his tongue leaded. I fucking loved the domination. The praising, the control. I hated breaking down like a cry baby on him, but I just felt so safe in his arms, I couldn't help letting go.

Fuck I was falling in love.

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