Chapter 23

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I woke up in Ryder's arms, in his bed. The phone was ringing really loudly and I wanted to throw it across the room. With a very sleepy voice, my boyfriend answered.

- Yeah?

Suddenly, he got up quickly, starting to get dressed.

- Yeah, I'll be there in 10 minutes... yeah don't worry.

He finally hang up and I got out of bed too.

- What happened? - I asked.

He stopped, looking at me like if he had forgotten for a second that I was there. He walked to my side and kissed me deeply.

- I'm so happy to have you, baby. I'm so lucky you're mine.

I was so fucking confused, but I didn't wanna ruin the moment so I stayed quiet.

- If you want to come with me get dressed quickly and meet me in the car, okay ? I'll explain there. - he said.

I nodded my head and within 5 minutes we were hitting the road. Ryder seemed really nervous, his body all tensed up and his hands grabbing the steering wheel as if he wanted to rip it off the car. I placed my hand on his thigh, rubbing shooting circles on it. He just took a deep breath and continued driving in silence.

We arrived at this big mansion, that I recognized as soon as I saw the large entry. Ledgers house. Was he okay? Ryder parked and got out of the car.and I quickly followed him. It was Asher who opened the door, letting us in and directing us to the living room. Before we stepped in, Ryder stopped and grabbed my face on his hands.

- Baby, River is here. He is been abused pretty badly, okay? Try to be nice with him, I know you can.

My heart almost stopped. Abused? Flashbacks of my dad started to cross my mind, but I quickly got them out and we walked in the room. There, sat on the couch, was the blue haired boy. Knees up to his chest, he was hugging his legs and staring at the table. He had a black eye and a bruised lip. And overall, he looked very broken. And now you may think, don't you think he deserved it, Jack? No. Never. No one.


- Hey buddy. - I said, sitting next to River. He gave me a small smile, that made him groan in pain from the bruise. - Ledger explained to me all you said to him, so I don't really have much more to ask, okay? This will be quick, and then I'll let you rest.

He nodded and his body visibly relaxed. I just asked a bit of what I didn't know, more details about Carlos, the abuser. I knew River wanted Ledger to be his dom, with a contract. After he was banned from the club, he decided to cope with a "whore phase" in other clubs that were obviously not as safe as Ledger's. He cane across this dom, Carlos, who took him into his house, making him leave everything he had behind. He was so toxic, River lost contact with everyone around him in less than 2 weeks. The relationship turned abusive very quickly, but the sub didn't have anywhere else to go, or anyone else to go to. One night it he was almost killed, and he escaped. And then he called the went for his last recourse, Ledger. (In a long, long future you'll see this happening somewhere else 😏🤭)

My dom friend seemed kinda overprotective over the blue haired boy after the incident, and I knew straight away it was finally time for him to stop being so stubborn and settle down. Of course, I had talked about it with the rest of the boys, but we decided not to say anything to Ledger, to prevent his stubbornness get the worst of him.

- How about you stay for dinner, I think some company will help. Right, sweet boy? - Ledger said, looking at River.

The sub just nodded, looking down.

I looked at my boy and he also agreed.

- Okay, sounds good. I think we'll go get some food, to let River have his time to process everything. We'll be back shortly.

Something clicked in the blue haired boy's brain, and he grabbed Ledger's arm as if his life depended on it.

- You're leaving too? - he asked almost crying.

I felt so bad. The boy was so broken. My dom friend shook his head and put him on his lap, rubbing his back softly.

- I'm not going anywhere, River. I'm here with you, don't worry. I'm not leaving you alone.

The boy went back to his quiet mode, cuddling up to Ledger's chest.


The situation was a bit overwhelming, but our walk to the chinese takeaway restaurant we picked helped my brain ease up a bit. Ryder put his arm around my waist and held me closer as we were walking back.

- I don't understand why people can be so fucking disgusting. - I said.

- I don't understand either, baby. And believe me, I've seen a lot.

We stayed quiet until we reached the mansion again, where Asher was just parking his car, this time with Leo by his side. Inside, Sean was already there with Nick. We all sat down for dinner, and River seemed to enjoy the talk. He even laughed at one of Nick's silly jokes. Leo, on the other hand, was not feeling very good. He was sat on Asher's lap, his face buried on his doms chest and eyes closed shut. The sadist was softly caressing his back, while he alternated to feed Leo and himself with his other hand.

- So, how is uni going Jack? - Ledger asked.

I looked at Ryder for a bit of support and I started to nervously fidget with my hands.

- It's okay. I'm trying.

I expected my dom to lecture me in front of them or something, but he didn't. He looked at me with a smile and then looked at Ledger.

- He is doing really good. I talked to Damon on the phone yesterday and he tomd me my boy was one of the top students in the class.

- What? - I said shocked.

- Damm, Jackie thats amazing. - Sean said.

- Good job mate. - His sub complemented too.

My face was suddenly a deep shade of red.

- Thank you, I guess. - I mumbled.

- Im honestly happy for you Jack. - River said.

And that made my day.

A/N Hi guys! Thanks to everyone who commented nice stuff on my last post. Being away from home and my friends it's hard, as well as uni work. I think I am finally settled in, and I have it easier now. Thank you all for being so understanding. Love you <3

As always, don't forget to vote, comment and enjoy!!

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