Chapter 5 ⛓️

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Warning! Mention of abuse. Also really sweet love that will probably make you feel very lonely. Read at your own risk.

- Jackson?

- P-please R-ryder.

- Jay, baby what's wrong? What do you need?

- Please p-please I swear I-I'll be g-good.

The cop was having a really hard time understanding the crying boy, who was having a panic attack locked in the bathroom.

- Darling, please take deep breaths. Are you at your house? I'll come get you. Just deep breaths baby it's okay.

- N-no you can't come here! No, no, no.

- Shit, Jack please you need to calm down. It's okay baby, I'm right here.

After a couple minutes and a lot of comforting words, Jackson was finally breathing normally, a bit more relaxed.

- Good job Jack, you're doing very good Okay you dont need to tell me what happened now, but I need to know you are safe. Are you in any trouble right now?

The brunette hesitated to answer.

- It's okay baby, I won't get mad, I promise. I just want to help you, okay? Let me help you Jay.

- I'm not exactly in trouble. Can I... umm...

- Yes?

- Can I stay at your place tonight? It's totally ok if I can't, or if you dont want to.

- Of course you can Jack, do you want me to come pick you up? It's really late and you must be tired.

- I can try to get my brother to drive me there. I'm sorry for bothering you... I just... I need you.

- Jackson you never bother me, I'm always here for you, okay? Go ask your brother and if he can't drive you just call me.

- Okay, thank you.

Jackson looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. He looked like a mess. He slowly unlocked the door and stepped out, double checking that no one was in the hallway. He heard some arguing upstairs, but luckily his older brother was in the kitchen again, far away from their dad.

- Hey Jackie, you good?

- Yeah, umm could you do me a favor Johnny?

- Sure, what is it. Nothing illegal, you're still on probation.

Jackson smiled a bit and shook his head.

- Can you drive me somewhere? I don't want to stay here tonight, I wanna go to umm a friend's house. - he said nervously looking down.

Johnny got up smiling.

- A friend's house? Sure buddy, grab whatever you need and meet me in my car.

As soon as they got to the cop's house, the older let out a surprised "wow".

- Damm Jackie, you're firends with the mafia now?

Jackson chuckled.

- Nah, this is legal money, I don't think you've ever heard of it.

- Real funny. Hey, be safe out there and call me tomorrow if you need a pick up, alright?

- Will do Johnny, thanku.

With that the younger boy closed the door and pressed the ring button outside of the fence while his brother drove back home. The sound of the door opening made his body relax.

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