Chapter 25

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It was Friday night and I was finishing some stuff at the office, waiting for my friends to join me. My boy was out with some friends from uni, and was not supposed to come back to the club till late. But to my surprise, he entered the room, looking kinda pissed.

- Hey there cutie, how was your day? - I asked, trying to be as gentle as possible.

- Like shit. - He answered, sitting on the couch and starting to scroll on his phone.

Okay, moody Jack was not very pleasant, but I always tried to be patient with him. I got up and made my way to his side, sitting down and wrapping my arm around him. But he pushed me away. HE PUSHED ME AWAY. I took a deep breath, remembering to be patient.

- Baby, talk to me. What's wrong? Did something happen? - I asked.

My boy looked like he was about to cry. And if Jack was upset there were only 2 ways it could go. Either he cried like a baby for an hour, or he turned those tears into pure anger. And I had a slight feeling that the second option was going to be my boy's chosen one that night.

- Leave me alone. - He said.

- How about you go take a shower in the playroom? Change into comfy clothes and you can just rest. The boys are coming in a bit so I can come pick you up and have you on my lap so you can sleep.

Come on Jackie, that was like one of his favorite things! But he must have been very upset, because he shook his head and stayed quiet.

- Fine. - I said, going back to Ledger's desk. - Do whatever you want.

With that, Jack got up and left the room without saying a word. That only meant trouble, and I was not up for that shit. I called Ares and he was quick to pick up.

- Hey, I need you to get an eye on my boy.

- Sure thing, let me see if I can find him.

- Thank you.


I sat on the bench in the sub's room, that was still empty, trying really hard not to cry. I have had a horrible day at uni.and my "friends" had left me by myself at the csfe we were hanging out in. I just wanted the day to end quickly. To my misfortune, the door opened. I looked up and saw River walking in.

- Oh hi, I didn't know you were in here. - he said.

- I didn't expect you to come here either.- I replied.

- Wha's up with you ? You don't sound very well. - He said.

I was starting to get more upset, and that only made my anger increase.

- None of your business, River. Thank you, but I am okay.

I thought he was just going to get the hint and leave me alone. Bu t apparently, the blue haired boy had came with a death wish that day.

- You're such a baby. - He said.

- And I thought you had changed... I was so wrong - I replied getting up and feeling him get a bit intimidated. - You are still a bitch.

- Say that again. - he dared.

- I'm just saying the truth, River. You can act all innocent with Ledger, acting like a very good friend to me when we see eachother, but in reality you are still the old mean River. You are still nothing but a fucking bitch.

The motherfucker pushed me against the lockers, making me hit my head. He punched me in the face and I raised my fist, but quickly put it back down. I knew he was still bruised, and as much as I wanted to beat the shit out of him, I contained myself. I pushed him aside, and walked away. He was too stunned to react at the moment, probably expecting me to punch him back. He started following me and grabbed me by my arm before I could leave the room.

- What the hell do you want? - I said.

Not gonna lie, my face hurt. That bitch was strong as fuck, and I was alredy feeling the blood coming out of my bottom lip.

- I'm sorry. - he said.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

- Yeah, sorry my ass. - I said, walking away again, but River caught me and pinned me to the wall.

- Jack I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to do that. - he said.

Part of me wanted to believe his good boy act, but deep inside I knew it was all just that, acting.

- You're just saying this because you don't want me to tell on you. - I said.

His facial expression changed drastically, as if I had just told him his grandma died.

- Y-you're g-gona tell on m-me? - he stuttered.

I started to get a bad feeling about the sittuation, and oh boy was I right. River started hyperventilating, his legs shaking and his hands on his chest.

- Okay, deep breaths River. Come on. - I said, grabbing him so he wouldn't fall. - Come on River, just breath slowly. Breathe in, breathe out. You're okay buddy, just breathe slowly.

It worked pretty well, and I sat down in the floor with him.

- Okay, can you tell me what's going on? - I said.

He looked at the floor with tears in his eyes and took a deep breath.

- I thought you were gonna hit me back. Then we would have both been in trouble. But now it's just me. And that's just disappointing. And now Ledger is going to throw me away.

With that, the boy broke down. Fuck, he was really into the Master Dom. And why did I feel bad for him?? I don't know, I guess I'm a bit dumb sometimes. I rubbed his back softly as I spoke.

- River, Ledger really appreciates you. He cares about you a lot, and he wants the best for you. Just like any good dom. - He looked at me with what seemed like hope in his mind. - Real doms don't throw away their subs when they do something wrong. Or believe me, I would have been in the streets right now for a long time. - With that I gained a little smile, good job Jack. - And bro, come on. Ledger is the Master Dom for a reason.

- There you are, I've been looking for you... What the hell is going on, you're bleeding Jackson. - Ares said, making both River and I jump.

We both got up and stood, looking at the floor.

- Do I even have to say anything, boys? - Ares said in his dom voice.

We both shook our heads and started to silently walk to the office. Before we entered, River stopped me.

- I'm really sorry, this time I mean it.

I sighed.

- I believe you, but you're telling Master Ledger what happened, as well as Ryder.

River just lowered his head and knocked on the door.

A/N Well, it's me again. Aren't y'all tired of me? I hope not... Anyway, I'm back to leaving you guys like this, hehe... I guess you will have to wait to see what happens.

As always, don't forget to vote, comment and enjoy !! :) <3

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