Chapter 24 🔞

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- Thank you for coming. - Ledger said.

- Of course bro, you know you can always count on us for anything. - I replied.

My friend looked down and took a deep breath.

- I actually wanted to ask for a favor.

- Sure, anything.

- Well, I know you're not working this week, and I'm kinda busy with River. Could you help Ares with the club?

I knew he was going to ask. I had actually received a message from Ares a bit before dinner, but I didn't mention it. I knew I could do the job just fine, but not like my friend did. Ledger was thee best Master Dom I had ever met. He managed a big, fun and safe club. Everyone loved him and respected him, and that is not something you just earn from day one. Ares was his second on command, and that dude knew everything about everyone.

I sat in the car and Jack joined me, after saying a last goodbye to everyone.

- Hey baby, -I said - Ledger wants me to look over the club for a bit. Him and River may come around, but I need to take over the control until they are settled in.

- Can I come with you? - he asked.

- You can come tonight and tomorrow but next week you have class, and I dont want you staying up late.

I wasn't even looking at him but I could perfectly imagine the pout on his face.

- But Ryder, I can study in the office, and if it's late I'll sleep in the playroom.

Having my boy every night of the week in our playroom? Tempting.

- I don't know Jack, I'll be busy.

He crossed his arms and looked out of the window, staying quiet the rest of the ride. Once we got home, I started to change for the club and he just sat on the couch.

- Don't you want to come tonight? - I said.

He kept quiet. I sighed, walking to him and sitting on the couch too. I grabbed his face with my hands and kissed his pouty lips.

-Hey whiny baby, I'll make a deal with you. - I said.

His face suddenly lit up and I chuckled.

- You can come the rest of the week, but you come in normal clothes, straight to the office and you'll finish your work before 9 pm every night. Ares will be aware of this and help me with controlling it. Bedtime is at midnight, no arguing about it either. I don't care if there's a show or not.

- Yes sir thank you! - He said happily. I gave him one last kiss before sending him to get changed.


I was sat on the couch while Ryder was doing some paperwork. Bored as fuck. Nick and Sean were supposed to come.but they were not here yet. And I think Leo was feeling sick again, cause when he left Ledger's house he was fast asleep. I didn't know what was up with that boy... I had to ask.

- Can I go around the club by myself? - I asked.

- No.

Damm it, Ryder.

- But I'm bored, plus I know my way around it perfectly.

- No.

Come on, that's excessive.

- But why not? What if I only go to the sub's room?

Ruder looked at me straight in the eyes.and I just rolled my eyes and kept quiet. And then my brain had the most amazing idea. Nick would have been so proud, hehehhehehe...

I silently made my way to the desk and dropped to my knees.

- What are you doing? - He asked.

I stayed quiet and got in front of me, unbuttoning his belt.

- Jackson, stop it right now.

Just as he was going to continue complaining, the door opened.

- Hey Ryder. Where's your little troublemaker? - Ares asked.

I put my master's cock in my mouth and he grabbed my hair hard.

- Umm, he went for a walk around the club. - He said, his voice breaking a bit.

I started sucking him hard, looking up to see him struggling.

- Are you okay? - the security guy asked.

- Yeah, just kinda t-tired. Anyway, everything a-alright?

What can I say, I'm pretty good with my tongue. Gosh Nick was really influencing me...

- Yeah all good, I'm just gonna go check on the subs room.

- O-okay, see you. - My dom replied.

- Bye Ryder, and bye Jack. - Ares said before leaving while laughing loudly.

Ryder grabbed me by my hair and pulled my head up, making my eyes meet his.

- You are so naughty. - He said.

I smirked and he pushed me down on his cock again.

- Now finish your job.

A/N Whattttt??? Another post???? Don't get used to beautiful people. Anyways, I just wanted to bring a bit of smut in between the drama.

As always don't forget to vote, comment and enjoy! <3

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