Chapter 29

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We went back and I was still kinda shaky. I had to take a deep breath so it wouldn't be so obvious.

- Damm - Master Asher said as we entered. - Thats a new way of talking right there.

My cheeks could not get any redder.

- Asher... - Ryder "warned".

- What? I'm sorry, but Jack's shirt was for sure the other way around when he got there. - the sadist pointed.

I wanted the earth to swallow me right there right then. I hid my blushing face on Ryder's neck, who just chuckled.

After I finally put my shirt how it ws supposed to, my eyes went directly to River. He was kneeling, head down.

- Okay, so, - Master Ledger started - after talking to River and figuring out some stuff, I decided that he will not be allowed to participate in any of the conversations while Jack is present. Anytime Jackson is present River will be kneeling by my side, looking down. Only when he shows me that his intentions and behavior towards Ryder's boy have changed, I will allow him to interact.

My eyes went WIDE. I kinda felt good. But of course, I knew I was gonna get some of that shit too.

- As for you, Jackson - told ya... - You will not be allowed in the sub's room while River is there until I say so. If he enters, you leave. No discussion. - Damm, Master Ledger, that's harsh- You are not to speak to him with permission and you are not allowed to tease him or even joke about him under any circumstances. Do I make myself clear?

- Yes Master Ledger. - I quietly said.

I mean, he could be scary as fuck. That's for sure.

- As for consequences, - he continued, making me tense up - if I catch Jackson breaking the rules, he will get a paddling in my office, no matter if Ryder is present or not, and no matter if he has been punished earlier in the day by me or his dom.

Okay now that sucked. What if Ryder wanted to also beat my ass the same day? Not fair.

- As per River, I'll deal with him on my own as his dom. - Of course he would, River was Ledger's little bitch - If any of you initiates a fight he will be banned from the club for a week. The other one will get a paddling. If the fight takes place in the subs room the punishment stays the same, but if the fight is in the middle of the VIP section or in a crowded part of the dance floor you will both get a public spanking.

I started to get really nervous. I didn't trust River not to start shit. Of would be my fault if I followed, but I wouldn't start it.


Ledger's rules were harsh, but completely necessary. I agreed with them and I sat down to the couch, motioning my now very tensed up boy on my lap. I rubbed his back and it helped him calm down. As promised, River stayed kneeling on a pillow, but Ledger played with his hair and he looked very relaxed. Our sweet boy Leo, on the other hand, was not having it.

- I don't want to go homeee - he whined.

- But baby, you just said your head is starting to hurt. I dont want it to get worse here, my love. At home I can run you a nice bubble bath and you can fall asleep in my arms, yeah?

Not gonna lie, that sounded good even to me. But the stubborn boy crossed his arms and looked to the floor, shaking his head. Asher just sighed.

- Baby, please. You're moody because your in pain. Let me take care of you.

- Fuck you.

Okay, maybe our boys were corrupting his innocent soul.

Asher grabbed his sub's chin, making him look at his eyes. Leo went from an angry face to scared dog one. The sadist's looks could clearly kill someone...

- Want to repeat that for me, angel?

- N-no d-daddy.

Smart move, Leo, finally.

- That's what I thought. Now, you're gonna get your ass up, you're gonna hold my hand and we're gonna go to the car. You will sit there quietly until we get home. There, I'll give you 10 spanks for being a brat and then I'll make you that promised bath, understood?

Jack hid his face on my neck again, probably scared to death.

- Yes daddy.

Didn't take anything else, the boy got up and followed my friend out, after saying goodbye.

- I feel kinda bad for him, - Ledger said once they were gone - he gets migraines too often. Asher told me they can get extremely bad.

- Yeah, - I replied - he's also getting more stubborn, and I'm not gonna say anything, but I think someone may be influencing him...

I couldn't help but chuckle at Jack's quick reaction.

- You better not mean Nick and me. - he said, half pouting.

I kissed him and smiled at him.

- Oh yeah, definetly not you, guys.

My boy rolled his eyes and the door opened. A messy crying Nick entered the room, hands shaking and face very red. He was also only wearing shorts. Not even shoes.

- Hey, buddy. What's going on? Where's Sean? - Ledger asked, getting up and gettikg to his side.

Jack rushed to his friend too, and I followed.

- Nicky, are you okay? - Jack asked.

- M-master's h-hand. - Nick said between sobs.

- What's wrong with his hand, did something happen? - I asked, very worried.

The boy looked like he was gonna pass out. He was visibly overwhelmed.

- Puppy! - Sean said, rushing inside the room. - Baby, here you are, oh my God.

My dom friend pulled his boy in a ver tight hug, and Nick just dropped. I saw Sean's hand had a bandaid on, and then I understood.

Later, Sean explained and confirmed my theory. They had been having a very hard punishment scene, and by the end, Sean was putting the toy aside when he accidentally cut himself with the corner of the closet, making his hand bleed. It was a very small cut, but Nick's brain was too messy to understand, and he pannicked. Obviously, after not having the proper aftercare, plus being worried about his dom, Nick had a massive subdrop, and Sean had to carry him to their playroom to get him to calm down.

Jack was sick worried about his friend but I explained him that Nick could be extra sensitive after a punishment. His ADHD made him get overwhelmed easier, but Sean knew his boy very well and knew how to handle it. Ledger also went to comfort his boy, who was upset about the situation but kept kneeling in fear of a punishment.

A/N hey beautiful people, thanku fit reading. Love you guys. <3 As always, don't forget to comment, vote and enjoy!!

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