Chapter 11 🔞⛓️

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Could that mother fucker
Ash... I mean Master Asher... Keep his mouth shut? He kept teasing me nonstop, and he definetly knew how to get on my nerves. I wanted to just get up and punch him, but I didn't have a deathwish. I thought to myself that he wasn't even that scary. I didn't know why he had such fame of being strict, he was literally a daddy dom... But oh boy I found out...

A loud knock on the door made me jump. Ledger opened and one of the security guys entered the room, pulling a crying Leo by his ear.

- Ares, what happened? - Ledger asked his worker.

- I caught this little minx making a scene in the sub's room.

- I d-didn't d-do anything! - Leo cried.

Asher got up so slowly and quietly it felt like a slow motion of a horror movie. Everyone stayed quiet while they followed every step the sadist dom took (including me, duh). Ares let go of Leo's ear as the scary dom grabbed his sub's arm tight.

- Leonardo. - Asher said, making me almost shit my pants. - care to explain your behavior?

The poor boy was a crying mess, he shook his head repeatedly, visibly trying to get off his master's grip. A fast but loud slap was heard across the silence, and a red handprint started to form in Leo's cheek.

- Corner, now. - he didn't even have to raise his voice, it only took those 2 words for the crying sub to run to the corner of the room, and stand there facing the wall.

Asher looked back at Ares.

- What happened? - Ledger asked for a second time.

By the way, I was terrified. I was holding onto Ryder's arm as it my life depended on it. He was rubbing shooting circles on my back and it was helping a bit.

- Leo decided to hide Kai's clothes for a little "prank"- Ares explained. - but Kai obviously didn't take it as a prank and got mad. Then, this little boy here decided to punch Kai for, and I quote, "being such a baby he can't deal with showing his red ass to the rest of the subs". And of course, he tried to lie about it without even thinking about the security camera footage that I personally checked. Now with that, I will leave.

- Thanks Ares. - Ledger said, before closing the door.

- Leonardo, come back here - Asher demanded. The boy obeyed sniffling while walking. - Do you think hitting another sub is acceptable ?

- N-no daddy. - the sub replied.

- Do you think lying to the staff is acceptable?

- No dad-ddy.

- Good. Now, - Asher said, taking his belt off smoothly and making all the subs in the room widen their eyes (yes, including me again, bro, its literally just Nick and me). - Since apparently, you aren't like Kai, you shouldn't care what people have to say about your red ass, so let's give Jackie his first ever punishment exhibition.

Ryder's POV

I checked on my beautiful boy to see if he was okay with what was happening. He seemed terrified, but not over his limit. Asher was a strict dom. He was sweet to his baby boy, but he was extremely strict when it came to rules, specially if his sub had done something wrong in public, because it could give him a bad image. Next thing I know Leo was bent over the desk and Ash had his belt already folded in his hand.

-I'm gonna give you 30 here with the belt and we'll finish your punishment in the playroom. Am I understood ? - my sadist friend asked.

- B-but d-daddy - the small sub complained.

A very loud sound filled the room, followed by a small whimper.

- I said, am I understood?

- Yes daddy, I'm sorry.

The first 10 hits were really hard, and I knew my baby was scared. Asher pulled Leo's pants and underwear down, exposing an already red butt, that he kept on spanking. By 25, I could see Jack's mouth open wide. The masochist's bottom was now a very dark shade of red. The last 5 made loud screams fill the room, sending shivers to the other sub's spines.

- Playroom, now. - Was all Asher said before they both disappeared.

Jackson looked at me so terrified, it was too cute. I gave him a small kiss.

- That was too hard... And he's getting more in private. - he said, visibly concerned. - Isn't it too much?

I laughed and kissed him again.

- Jack, baby. A sadist's sub's pain tolerance is very high. Don't worry about Leo, he will be fine. - that seemed to calm him a bit. - After all, his dadddy takes good care of him, right?

Even Nick laughed at that. Around an hour passed and we were just hanging out, taking about whatever. The door opened and a silent Asher entered the room, carrying a sleeping Leo in his arms, the sub's legs around Asher's waist and head resting on his shoulder. The dom didn't say anything, he just sat down and continued caressing his baby's back softly.

A/n hheyy beautiful people, how's it going ? Srry for late update.

As always don't forget to vote, comment and enjoy !

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