Chapter 27

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When I entered the club Saturday evening, I was a bit surprised to see Ledger there, sat on the office. But what really shocked me was seeing River perfectly kneeling on a pillow, head resting on the Master Dom's lap.

- Hey there - My dom friend said as I closed the door.

- Good evening Ledge, evening River.

- Good evening Master Ryder. - The sub replied.

I couldn't contain myself and I just asked.

- Whats with all this?

- Well, I figured my boy needed a bit more training, and today he is showing me how good he can be as the Master Dom's submissive.

My jaw DROPPED. Literally.

- Oh my God please can you say that again but on video so I can send it to the boys? -I joked.

He just chuckled, and I could see River smiling.

- Say whatever you want, I'm happy with him. We signed a contract this morning.


- That's it, I'm calling Asher. He has to be the first to know.

- Ryder you are too childish sometimes.

- Shut up, big boy. I'm happy for you, man.

As promised, I called my sadist friend.

- The hell do you want Ryder, we're gonna see eachother in 2 fucking minutes im driving.

- Ash, quit the bitchy tone. You're not gonna believe this.


I was still kinda mad at River, to be honest. I was just starting to like him and he did that... I was entering the club and I hoped not to have to see him. I didn't want to deal with his rudeness, and I wasn't in a very good mood, so I wouldn't be able to contain myself.

- Hey there - Ares stopped me. - How's your lip?

- It's way better now, barely noticeable and doesn't hurt.

- Good. Behave, I don't want you and Ruver fighting again.

- No sir. -I replied in my good boy tone (I'm so good at it)- I don't think I'll see him anyway, I'll just avoid him.

Ares changed his expression and put his hand on my shoulder.

- I'm afraid that's gonna be a bit hard from now on, buddy.

What did he mean by that.

- Why?

- It's official, just go in the office, Ryder is alredy there.

And then I realized.

No. Fucking. Way.

I rushed into the office and there he was, kneeling on a pillow. The "perfect sub" pose and Master Ledger caressing his hair.

- Hi baby - Ryder said, but I half ignored him.

I was to focused on that blue haired boy, that didn't even look at me when I walked in.

- Hey Jack, how are you? I'll be done with some work soon and we'll have dinner. Your boyfriend has helped a ot around the club but I wanted to come back already. - Master Ledger said. - And this boy is making things very easy, so I was able to come in earlier than expected.

I wanted to punch River in the face at that moment. I told myself to breathe and I tried to calm down. I thought to myself, he hasn't done anything to you today, and last time he apologized. Did that thinking work? No.

- Jackie, you alright buddy? - Mastr Ledger asked.

- Yeah, sorry. Just tired. - I replied.

I decided to focus on Ryder, so I wlked to him and sat on his lap, joining our lips together and hugging him tight. I got close to his ear and I whispered.

- I still don't like River.

- I don't like you either.


- Boys. - Ledger warned.

But I wasn't having it that day.

- And why don't you? I literally haven't done anything to you but reply to your bitchy comments. I only dislike you because you are mean to me. And you have a very strong fist you will not stop using.

- Jackson, - Ryder started, but I cut him, getting up.

- What? Don't lecture me. I'm only saying the truth, I'm not even being rude.

- You call me names -River said.

- But you always fucking start it. - I said, fed up.

- Okay, enough. -Master Ledger said sternly.

Suddenly, I wanted to cry. I knew where this was going. And I was gonna end up punished unfairly. But Ryder took my hand and pulled me into a hug.

- Baby go to the playroom and take shower, change and come back for dinner, okay?

I was confused, and I think the Master Dom and River were too. But I did as told and left the room. Just as I closed the door, I came across Leo and Asher. I didn't even realize I had started crying until Asher pointed it out.

- Hey bud, everything okay?

- Y-yeah I just don't feel very well. - I lied.

- Want some company ? -Leo asked.

I thought about it for a  second and then nodded.

- I'm going to my playroom to tke a shower and change, come with me if you want.

- Can I daddy?

- Yes baby, just be both back for dinner.


- Master Ryder, I didn't even do anything this time.

- I don't care, River. -I said. - Jack is nice to you when you're upset, but you are mean to him from day one without a reason.

- That's not true! -The sub said, getting upset.

- Ryder, stop it.

- No, Ledger. This is what nedds to stop. If River is your sub he'll need to start getting along with my boy. Otherwise, it won't work.

I saw my friend biting his tongue, thinking before speaking.

- You're right. - He finally said and I sighed relieved.

- But Master - River complained - I didn't do anything.

- No one is saying you did this time, River. But you need to understand what Master Ryder is telling you. Jack is a nice guy. You both need to work on your differences.

- Yeah you wish.

Damm River.

- What did you just say? -Ledger said, getting up.

His sub realized and he started shaking.

- Wait no, I wasnt thinking, please Master I'm sorry.

Asher entered the room.

- Am I interrupting something? -He said. - I see Ryder was right, you guys are official.

- Yes. And apparently River wants to hsve his first punishment as my official sub.

- Master please, I'm sorry. -The younger begged.

- Corner, now.

A/N well hello beautiful people. It's me again! Don't forget to vote, coment and enjoy!

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