Chapter 4

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Warning! F slur (I'm gay, don't come at me).

- Good morning, sleeping beauty. - Ryder said, greeting the black haired boy who entered the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

Ryder was dressed up in his uniform and perfect styled hair, while Jackson was shirtless, wearing one of the cop's shorts and really messy hair. The blonde couldn't help smiling when he saw how he looked, in his eyes, adorable and really really hot.

- What time is it? -Jackson asked stealing a slice of bread from Ryan's hand- I'm hungry as fuck.

- 9.30, and you could have asked for food- the cop chuckled- I made you some coffe, sit down.

Jackson rolled his eyes while Ryan chuckled again. The brunette's ass wasn't exactly prepared to be sat down in the kitchen's hard stools.

- I think I'll enjoy this lovely breakfast while standing, you know, some morning exercice.

They both laughed, and finished eating in silence.

- So, - Jackson said- you gonna drive me home? Cause we are pretty damm far from there and I'm too injured to walk that much.

- Well I was planning to, but seeing you are so demanding I may rethink my decision. - Ryder teased.

Jackson rolled his eyes again and smiled.

- Okay, okay. Please?

- Good boy - Ryder answered winking at him.

Jackson didn't say anything to that, but his snake definetly had a reaction to the cop's words.

The ride home was quiet, since Jackson was too tired to maintain a conversation. But the silence wasn't uncomfortable, so neither of them complained.

- Shit I forgot- Ryder said once they got to Jackson's house

- Huh?

- Let me see the stitches.

The brunette lifted his shirt, letting Ryder inspect every inch of the bruise until he was satisfied.

- Okay it doesn't look too bad, make sure you keep it clean, if it hurts too much or it looks weird call me, okay?

Jackson laughed at the cop.

- Bro chill, I'll be fine. Now if you let me go, officer, I got shit to do.

But before he could open the door, Ryder grabed him by his jaw, pressing hard and looking at him directly in the eyes.

- You better take good care of your bruises, baby, or I'll re-open your stitches and make you stare at the needle while I stitch it again. Understood?- his voice was stern, but not loud.

Jackson was speechless, eyes widened (and hard cock from the dominance). A soft slap made him react.

- Y-yes sir, understood.

Ryan smiled and kissed his cheek.

- Good boy.

Night arrived and Jackson was laying down on his bed. He didn't dislike the house, and his brothers were there, the only ones he actually cared about. There was always too many people in the house, he wasn't even sure who lived in it anymore. But he really didn't care, he had his own small room that he could lock and blast music in his headphones when everything around him was a mess. And that's exactly what he was doing, when his phone started buzzing. He looked at the screen and smiled when he saw the caller's name, who he had saved as "annoying cop".

- Hey Jack, I just wanted to check on you. Are you being good, darling?

Jackson smiled and blushed, happy that the cop wasn't there to see him this flustered. He had to play his tough act.

- I'm good, not much pain. How was work? Any criminals who dare breaking the law today?

A small laugh was heard from the other side of the phone line.

- Nah, everything was really chill today, so I guess you didn't leave your house. - Jackson rolled his eyes- Not much work. Have you eaten dinner yet?

- Not yet, I'll see if we even have anything eatable in our mess of a kitchen.

They both laughed and then stayed in silence for a bit, before Ryder spoke.

- Text me if you need anything, and be good.

- No promises.

Jackson closed his phone after the call ended, getting up and deciding to actually try and see if he could make himself something to eat.

The house was surprisingly quiet. In the kitchen, Jackson's brothers were sitting down, with a paper in their hands.

- Hey losers, didn't even know y'all could read. - Jack said while sitting on front of them.

- Hey Jackie, I don't think you are gonna be so happy once you read this. - His older brother said.

- The hell is this Johnny, I swear if you guys didn't pay gas again after I put all the money last month, Cody you were the one supposed to...

- Oh my God just read it, idiot. - Johnny cut him off, handing him the paper.

It was a letter. It took Jackson less than 30 seconds to start shaking.

- No fucking way. - he said throwing the letter across the room. - He better not come here, because I swear I'll kill him with my own hands.

-We aren't sure how he got out so early, he was supposed to do at least five more years. I guess he made some kind of contacts that helped him reduce his sentence.

Jackson pulled his hair out of frustration.

- He is not staying here - he said, now looking at his younger brother- you hear me, Cody? He's not staying.

- But it's his house too Jack, and he is our dad...

Jackson punched one of the cabinet's door hard, making the younger teen go mute and look down.

- That man is nothing to us, he is way far from being a parent. I still can't understand how you feel anything towards that piece of shit.

-Jackie, - Johnny said standing up - Cody is right, we can't really do anything, the house paper's are on his name. I agree with you, he's a piece of shit. But half of the people who are in this house will be more than welcome to have him back here. Are you also gonna fight with the twins? I know you are a tough boy, but you wouldn't make it alive from that.

They sayed silent, the younger boy let out a quiet sob. The two older brothers looked at him, instantly protective.

- Hey buddy it's okay, everything will be okay. We've dealt with this before, dont worry nothing will happen to you. As long as we're here you are safe, okay? - the oldest of the three said.

- I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, I know you have mixed feelings about him, but I'm just trying to protect you. - Jackson hugged his younger brother tightly. - I love you Cody, never forget your big brothers are here for you.

And right after he said that, there was loud knocking at the door. Jackson looked at his brothers before leaving the kitchen and walking to the front door, loud knocking again.

- Oh my God, I'm coming you impatient bitch - he said.

His hand grabbed the door knob and turned it. Before he could even pull, the door was hardly pushed open. His eyes widdened in fear and his body tensed.

- Missed me, little fag?

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