Chapter 22 🔞

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A full month passed and uni was actually going pretty well. I hadn't got in trouble at all, wich I was proud of. But, let's be just be honest, let's just be real... it was also very fucking boring. So, I called my friend Nick for some naughty ideas, and he did not dissapoint.

- Heyy Jackie, I heard you are coming back tonight?

- Yeah, that's why I was calling you. I need some help.

- Naughty help??

. Yep. Bratty help, actually.

- Fuck yeah! You came to the right place, my friend.

- Nick!

- Master stop listening to my conversations, that's so rude. Bro, I can't even talk without being scolded...

- Nick, focus. I need your help before Ryder comes back from work.

- Okay, okay. Let me think... Oh my God!! I know what you need to do. I tried it once with Master and it was so fun. I did end up being punished but it was totally worth it, I heard master whimper!!

- Damm, what did you do?

- Nickolas what are you talking about?

- Master stop it, or I'll have to lock myself in the bathroom next time I need to call my friends.

- Nick, dude. What did yo do?

- Hehehe, it was just so good, I can't stop thinking about it now. I tied him up and edged him.

- What?? You are crazy, Nick. But not gonna lie, it sounds pretty fun.

- You should totally do it, I can still hear Mater whimpering in my head...

- That's it, come here you little brat.

- No! Mater! I'm sorryy...

I heard what sounded like a spank and my friend hung up. I had a plan to make, and I was so nervous.


Jack seemed a little too nervous, and something was telling me that he had something bad in mind. I needed to be prerpared for whatever it was that the little minx had planned, and I decided to call the best brat tammer I knew.

- Hey Sean, going to the club tonight?

- Yeah, I wanted to give you a call just now. I don't wanna be a snitch, but as a dom I think it's best to tell you.

- Oh, do you know anything? Jack is acting suspicious.

- Well, I don't know much, but I overheard Nick on the phone talking about that time he tied me up, so I guess you should stay alert tonight.

- Damm, your boy is such a bad influence...

- Shut the fuck up, bro. Don't talk shit about my precious puppy. Is not my fault he has a lot of imagination...

- Hahaha, I'm just kidding. Anyway, we need to start getting ready, so I'll see you there. Bye Seanie.

- See you.

I started getting ready, while Jack was taking a shower. If I wanted my plan to go well, I had to think ahead. And I had to make him think he wad getting his way for a bit. I smirked just thinking about it. It was going to be a fun night.

We got to the club, and Jack was really excited to be back. I had missed it too, but to be honest a month had passed by really quickly. As soon as we entered the office, I saw Nick smirking at my boy. I had to bit my lip to contain myself from smiling too.

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