Chapter 7 🔞⛓️

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I stayed home for a bit more than a week, but I missed Ryder too much. We had called every day and texted a lot, and he was being extremely soft with me. And I hated it. So I figured I would have to get him a little mad. And by that I mean get in trouble, wich let's just say I'm a pro.

I was going with the easy one, but I had to be careful and make sure Ryder was by himself while on duty. And I had to wait 3 more fucking days until he was finally by himself. Then, everything else was easy. I saw him parking the car in the main street where I was waiting. I quickly rushed inside one of the small shops there, where I grabbed a beer and just started leaving without paying it.

I know, I know. "So inmature of you Jackson". Well shut the fuck up, I wanted my man back, not to go to jail again.

But my amazing plan didn't go as planned, cause I was quickly pinned down by a guy that was like 2 times bigger than me.

- Where the hell do you think you're going, Williams? - and of course, he had to know me.

- Hey man, I really dont want any trouble. I'll put back the beer, please let me go. - I begged.

He pushed my head hard against the floor, making me whine in pain.

- Nah, you're paying for this shit. And I don't mean just the can. - he said making me start shaking -Your little brother owns me money, so until he gives it back you're gonna be my personal punchbag.

My eyes went wide and I started wiggling my body to get away from him, but I couldn't do much. But then, I heard the angelical voice I had been waiting for.

- Police, what is going on here? - Ryder said.

The stopped the pressure in my head and I turned it around to face a very angry looking cop.

- This little bastard was stealing from my shop.

- Let him go, I'll deal with him.

I was handcuffed and dragged out in silence, and my heart was racing faster than ever. I almost screamed when I saw Ryder drive past the turn that lead to his house.

- W-where are we g-going? - I stuttered.

- To the station, you committed a crime. - he said coldly.

I couldn't believe my ears. I started panicking and I felt tears coming to my eyes. Did he not want me anymore? Before I could realize I was hyperventilating and Ryder stopped the car. He got out and opened the back door, cupping my face with his hands.

- Jackson breath slowly.

- P-please I'm s-sorry. - I said.

My vision started to get blurry and I couldn't hear what Ryder was saying anymore, until I felt his strong arms wrap around my body holding me tight, soft kisses being left on my head.

- Shh baby boy don't worry you're not going away. You're safe with me I'm not taking you anywhere.

Ryder's words felt amazing in my head, and I let myself relax slowly in his arms. After a bit he uncuffed me and lead me to the front passenger seat, giving me a kiss on the forhead and getting back to his seat to drive. His hand rested on my thigh all the ride, softly making circles with his fingers. We didn't say anything until we arrived to his house, but this time the silence felt nice. I followed him inside and into his room. He pointed to the bed and I sat there, keeping my mouth shut. He lifted up my shirt and checked on my bruise. The stitches had been removed a couple days before, but I still had a pretty bad looking mark. He looked into my eyes and kissed my forehead.

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