Chapter 21 ⛓️🔞

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A day. Literally a fucking day was all it took my boy to get himself into some trouble. And it wasn't just a slight mistake, it was a thought through crime. I was so pissed, I wanted to get inside the building and beat his ass black and blue in front of everyone. But I decided I needed to do this the right way, and make sure he learned his lesson.

He was beautifully kneeling, naked, and finally quiet. I swear this boy was always finding ways to push my buttons to the edge. I wanted to push him a bit more, not just the usual spanking with the paddle. And I knew exactly what to do. There was one thing my boy hated in this world more than the paddle: edging. And I had just the right implements for it. 

- Stand up, go tp the bed and lay down on your stomach. - I ordered. 

Without a word, Jack obeyed, walking to our room and doing as told. I let him stay like that for a bit, to get what I needed and also to kind of tease him. I grabbed a blindfold, ropes, the riding crop, some lube and two special toys. Back in the room, I put the blinfold over Jack's eyes, making him whimper in anticipation. 

- Ass up. - I said. 

I was being cold, but it was all part of the punishment. It was finally time to show him who he was messing with. It was time to show Jack that his dom could be very strict. I grabbed the lube, and started introducing the toy in my boy's hole, without a warning or preparation, He moaned in pain, but didn't move a finger. I could see his body was really tense, so I rubbed his thighs for a bit of comfort. I know I said I needed to be rough, but I didn't want him to safeword. At least not this quick. 

After the toy was fully inside, I grabbed his hips, guiding him to turn to his back, and starting to use the ropes on his wrists and ankles. My boy was now beautifully layed, arms tied together above his head and to the bedframe and his legs spread wide, ankles also tied to the bed. I licked my lips, amazed by the beautiful sight. Jack was too beautiful. I loved my boyfriend with all my heart. Specially at that moment. 

- You are not allowed to cum until I give you permission- - I said. - To help you,  I have a little something. 

I put the cock ring on the base of my boy's cock and I started to gently massage his balls, making him cry out deseperatedly. I smiled. I grabbed the ridding crop, and I brought it down with force on my boy's thighs He yelled in pain, but I kept going. Once his thighs were beautifully red, I started massaging his balls again, ridding crop still in hand. Jack was crying, whimpering and moaning. It was all music to my ears. I gently stroked him for a bit, before hitting his balls.

- Fuck! - he cried.

I hit his balls again, harder this time.

- Keep quiet. - I said.

I stroked him again and he lost it. He was crying so hard it scared me a bit. I dropped the ridding crop and rubbed circles on his back.

- Relax, Jay. You are doing a very good job. Just a bit more, okay? A bit more and I'll let you cum.

The praising worked on my boy very well, letting him finally relaxed. I could see that he was painfully hard, and there was a bit of precum on his tip. I hit him a couple more times and focused on stroking him. He was crying hard again.

- What do you want, baby? - I teased, partly to make him know I was not mad anymore.

- C-cum p-please. - he stuttered.

I took of his cock ring and started stroking fast.

- Cum for me Jack.

His whole body jerked, and he just passed out. I untied him, gently massaging where the ropes where. His skin was a bit red, but nothing to worry about. I wiped him clean with a wet towel, and he whimpered a bit when I reached his cock. I apllied some lotion on his thighs and balls, and I layed down next to him. I pulled him into my chest, and he hid his face on my neck. I started rubbing my hand on his back, softly kissing his head.

- You did so good, baby. Such a good job. I'm so proud of you.- I praised

He just layed there, holding onto me. We both fell asleep.

A/N Jack can never learn, can he? Comment, vote and enjoy!!

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