Chapter 31🔞

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Tw: kinda graphic fight


Nick was a mess. Sean was trying to do breathing exercises with him to calm him down but there was just no way the boy was gonna relax.

- Puppy, if you are not relaxed enough we can't scene. You know that. - Sean said.

Nick froze for a bit and then started to fidget with his hands silently.

- Nicky how about you take one of those infusions? - Jack suggested.

It took a bit more to convince the hyper boy but he ended up agreeing. Sean made him sit on his lap, carresing his hair so he was actually relaxed. And it worked like a charm. In less than 15 mins the boy was all relaxed and happy.

- Okay guys, you know how this goes, right? - Ledger said.

- Ledge, - Sean sighed - we've talked about it 100 times today already. It's not my first public scene and you know it. And you know I know my puppy very well, and I can perfectly read his body language. We'll be fine.

The Master Dom sat down and I just chuckled. He looked like a worried mother. River was kneeling, head down mouth shut as promised.

- Where are Ash and his baby? - I asked - They were supposed to be here an hour ago.

- Probably got busy fucking or something...

- Nickolas!

Okay maybe he was a bit too relaxed...

- Ash just texted me -Ledge said - he said he's on his way, they had a little problem at home.

- Is Leo okay? - Jack asked worried.

- He didn't say, I hope it's nothing bad.

I started to get worried myself now. And Nick was visibly upset too. He was probability feeling overwhelmed by now. Sean noticed and got up with his little monkey attached to him.

- We're gonna go prepare in our playroom, let me know if you know anything. - My dom friend said.

They left and soon after Asher entered the room with a very upset looking Leo.
Jack rushed to greet his friend.

- Are you okay? What's wrong? - my boy said.

The blondie looked at him, his lip starting to tremble and he just broke down. Asher puled him into his chest, shushing him.

- What's going on, Ash? -I asked.

- Leo lost Archie.

That was fucked. That was really fucked. Last time Leo had lost his stuffie was horrible. (next chapter of fixing him 🤭) Ledger looked at me and we both got up.

- Did he lose it here or at home? -I asked

- I think it was here, because I don't remember bim having it on the ride home yesterday.


River. Fucking River. I knew just by looking at him. The way he squirmed on the pillow he was kneeling on. The way his lips got shut together tighter. Maybe studying phycology was doing something... I needed to tell Ryder but I didn't know how to. I didn't even know anything. I just knew Leo's stuffie was gone and River was involved.

- Leo I promise you we'll find it. - Master Ledger said.

After that we all went to prepare ourselves to watch the show. I told Ryder that I wanted to prepare in our playroom, wich meant that River could go to the sub's room. And that was exactly what I wanted. I knew he always took long before gettin gout, most of the time being the last one out.

- I think I left my phone in the office, can I go get it? -I asked innocently.

- Sure baby, just meet me in the VIP couches. - Ryder said.

Perfect. I sneaked into the subs room, that seemed empty. But I knew River was there. And he was about to find out I was there too. I finally spotted him and didn't waste more time. I pushed him against the lockers, holding both his arms behind his back with one hand and the other one close to his neck, so he couldn't move.

- What the fuck, dude? -He said.

- Where the fuck is Leo's stuffed animal? - I asked

- How the fuck would I know? -the bastard replied.

I pushed harder, making him whine.

- Do you think I'm dumb, River? Cause I can assure you I'm not. I've played nice with you for a long time. But now you really pushed my buttons. I'll ask you one more time, and you better not be bitchy again or you'll find out what I can really do.

I knew he was scared. His legs were shaking and his breathing was high speeded.

- Let me go you motherfucker, I don't know anything.

- Okay, I warned you.

I didn't think twice and I turned him around, punching his face really hard. His lip started bleeding and he fell down to the floor. I got on top of him, grabbing his face so he'd look at me.

- Ready to talk now?- I said. - Cause I can be here all day long.

He was griding his teeth, spittin out some blood.

- I said I don't know.

I slapped him, then looked at the time. I got up, knowing he'd stay on the floor.

- If I see you on the VIP couch for the show you can say goodbye to your teeth because I'll take it out one by one. - I threatened.

It seemed like he believed me, so I washed my hands and got out of the room.


Something was up with my boy and I didn't like it. The way he looked at me and the way he sat on my lap was just off. I didn't know why but I felt like something bad was going to happen. I decided to just enjoy the show my friends were giving.

Sean walked on stage holding Nick's leash. The sub was blindfolded and fully naked. He kneeled in the middle of the stage, in a perfect position. His arms behind his back and his dick already fully erect. Sean started with some light flogging, getting Nick's skin nice and pink. After that, he guided him to the bench, where he tied him up and started rimming him. The show was incredibly hot, but Jack didn't seem to be enjoying it much. I knew something was on his mind.and I was going to find out.

Sean started fucking his sub roughly, pulling him by the leash so his head stayed up. Nick was a mess of moans and whimpers, and it was truly beautiful. After begging for release for a long time, the sub came. A minute after Sean came too and quickly untied his sub, carrying his tired body out of stage. Lights went back on the dance floor, allowing me to see my friends again.

And then, I realized. River wasn't there.

A/N heyyy beautiful people!! Another update for youuuu ;)

Don't forget to vote, comment and enjoy!!

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