Chapter 16 ⛓️

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- Dude, what was that? -I asked Leo as soon as we got to the sub's room.

- I don't know, daddy said Nick has been kneeling since they arrived at 7.

Fuck. That was a long time.

- Nick is a brat for sure, - I said - but Master Sean seemed a bit too strict.

- Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen him like this.

I took off Ryder's hoddie and I was soon the center of attention of a couple subs, including Leo. When I remembered my hickeys I blushed and tried to hide myself a bit.

- Someone had a fun time -A blue haired guy said.

I turned around, still blushing.

- None of your business. -I replied.

- Hey, calm down buddy. I wasn't trying to offend you. I know you are one of the VIP subs. Haven't been around much tho.

I just agreed and faced Leo again.

- Jack - he whispered. - Careful with him.

I couldn't help but chuckle. Careful? I wasn't gonna be quiet because of a bitchy sub. Okay yeah, I was a sub too but whatever.

- And why is that? I'm not scared of a pussy like him.

Maybe I was a bit too loud.

- What did you say? - The guy asked.

- You heard me. I'm not scared of a pussy like you.

- Jack, please. - Leo whispered.

But I ignored him and got closer to the boy, with a wide smile.

- You have no idea what you've done, boy. - He said.

- Awwe, so scawwyy. I don't even know your name and you already want to fight me? I was right then, you are nothing but a little pussy.

- You fucking bitch. - the guy said, coming towards me and pushing me on the floor, getting on top of me.

- River! - Ares yelled, grabbing the boy and taking him off me. - What the hell is going on?

I stayed on the floor, kinda to play victim, and just looked up at the security guard with innocent eyes.

- He was being a bitch, he called me names. - River said.

- I didn't say much, you fucking pushed me! - I defended myself.

- Enough. - Ares said. - Both to Master Ledger's office. Now.

I started shaking, realizing I was in trouble. I told Leo to just go with the other subs and he shily agreed.


- Red. - Nick said between sobs.

Sean was quick to react and he pulled his boy up and on his lap, taking off the leash.

- Shh baby it's okay, you did very good. Such a good boy. I'm not mad at you puppy, you are a good boy.

Nick just hid his face on his owner's chest and cried.

- Need the plug off? - Sean asked, and his sub just nodded. - Okay, lets go to our playroom. You're a very good boy for using your safeword, baby. I'm going to take it off for a bit and then we'll put it back on for the rest of your punishment.

Nick just whimpered in response. And with that they left, leaving the door open for Ares, who was coming.

- Ryder - he said, and I got up worried - Your boy was in the middle of some trouble.

Jackson entered the room with his head down, followed by River.

- This two were fighting, I'm just gonna let you and Ledger figure this out. -He said, closing the door as he left.

Ledger got up too, and approached the boys, lifting their chins so they would look at him.

- I'm going to get each of you to tell me what happened separately. If both of the stories match, your punishment will be lowered. If it doesn't, and I do not care who is lying, you will both get a public spanking.

Jack's eyes widened, and I even tensed up myself.

- Am I clear?

- Yes, Master Ledger.

The Master Dom made me get out of the room too, and he called me back in when both stories were told. I sat on the couch and just watched. My baby was shaking and had teary eyes. They were both lined up, heads down.

- Well, the stories don't match. -Ledger said, and my heart skipped a beat.

- What? - Jack cried out, looking at River and crying harder- Why would you lie?

River bit his lip and started shaking too.

- I d-didn't lie.

I knew better than to interrupt the Master Dom, even if he was one of my best friends. So I just bit my tongue and stayed quiet.

- We made a deal, now you both will get a public spanking before the show tonight.

Jackson looked at me and my heart broke.

- S-sir - He called, but I shook my head.

He just cried harder.

- And before we get you guys on public, you will need those butts nice and red so everyone in the club has a nice view.

That's when Jack lost it.

- Master Ledger, please. I didn't lie, I didn't lie. - he begged while crying.

- No, Jackson. We had a deal. I don't care who lied, you will both get the same punishment. Now come here, you're going first.

Jack looked back at me and I mouthed a "love you baby", wich was answered with a pout. River stood there but didn't look at my boy.

- Shorts down. - Ledger ordered.

Jack's shaky hands struggled, but his shorts ended up on the floor. Since he was going comando, his butt was bare and on display for my friend to spank. Ledger grabbed his paddle and without a warning he started bruising my boy's beautiful ass. I had to control myself, because as soon as Jack's cries started to sound wrong to my ears, I wanted to push my friend and hug my boy tightly.

- Wait! - River said.

Ledger looked at the sub rising an eyebrow.

- I lied, please stop.

I knew he had lied, but hearing it from him made me want to rip all of his blue tinted hairs.

Ledger put his paddle down and whispered something to Jack's ear. My boy pulled up his shorts and rushed to the corner, nose on the wall.

- River, - the Master Dom said - do you know where my playroom is?

- Yes, Master Ledger.

- It's open. I want you there in less than 5 minutes, naked, kneeling in the middle of the room and your hands on your back.

I wasn't even a sub and I was scared. Ledger could be terrifying sometimes, I have to admit it.

- Y-yes M-master - River said, before rushing through the door.

- Jack, time's up, boy.

With that, my beautiful sub ran to my arms, and I was finally able to hold him and comfort him. Ledger sat next to us and rubbed Jack's back while praising him.

A/N So many things without explanation now heheh... I hope you all enjoy, beautiful people. Comment pls!! And dont forget to vote <3 :)

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