Chapter 34

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- Tonight we are going to the club. - Ryder said, a bit too serious. - I swear to God Jackson, if anything between you and River goes wrong today, I'm beating your ass in front of him. Got it?

Well for sure I got it dammm...

- Yes sir - I said.

He smiled and kissed the top of my head as he went on to go take a shower. I layed down on my bed until someone rang the doorbell. I got up and made my way to the door to see through the camera who was. And oh boy.guess who was in there...

- Who is it, baby? -Ryder said coming out of the room with a towel around his waist. Looking extremely sexy...

But yeah, River was there with Ledger. I had no option but to answer the door.

- Ledger and River. - I said.

- Oh well that's a surprise. - My boyfriend replied going back to his room to (unfortunately) get dressed.

I opened the door for both Ledger and River to come inside and greeted both.

- So, there is something River wants to talk to you about. - Ledger started.

River's hands were shaking and his eyes were locked on the table. I was nervous as fuck too, my head was running so fast thinking about everything that blue haired boy could have to confess. My boyfriend seemed quite tense too, and he started nervously bouncing his leg up and down.

- Come on baby, just let it out. -the Master Dom told his sub, while gently rubbing his thigh.

River was quiet for shat felt like hour, until he finally started talking. And oh boy he had a lot to say...

- There is something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time, but I wasn't sure how. At first I really didn't want to admit it, but now I genuinely like you and I really want us to get along. - My heart was fucking racing... - Nick is my brother.

I was confused as fuck.

- Nick?

- Not Sean's pup, Jack. - Ledger clarified.

And then it hit me. I looked at Ryder and he looked back at me, mouth open wide.

- Holy shit. - He said.

I think it was the first time I had seen my boyfriend react like that. But I was too shocked to understand anything else rather than the fact that the guy who had been making my visits at the club impossible was the brother of the guy who made my life impossible for a very long period of my life. And I had so. many. questions.

- What the fuck? - was all I manged to say.

I didn't even mean to sound rude, it was really all my body allowed me to say.

- I knew who you were because I had seen pictures of you in Nick's house, and he had mentioned you a lot of times. I was also there in one of your trials, I didn't have blue hair at thr time though so very hard for you to remember me...

Everything was starting to make sense. His hate for me. His actions. His violence. And then I got a bit scared, I got up and backed up.

- What do you want from me? What does he want you to do to me? -I asked.

Ryder got up too and instinctively put himself in front of me.

- Guys, relax. -Ledger said. - This is not what this is about.

- Yeah, my brother doesn't know that I know you. A-and I don't hate you anymore. - River said stuttering a bit.

- And why the fuck should I believe you? -I said getting heated up.

- Because I have nothing to hate you for.

- Thats bullshit, your brother told you about me.

- Yes, and I knew who you were Jackson but I didn't know you. -He paused, looking at the floor. - And I guess I didn't know my brother either...


I tear fell down River's cheek and he quickly apologized and wiped it out. Ledger gave him a forehead kiss and whispered something in his ear that I couldn't ear. The blue haired boy just nodded.

- River's brother is dead now, Jack. He shot himself in prison after he was sentenced to life for killing his girlfriend.

I was so shocked I didn't even know what to do with my hands, so I went for the safest option, putting them on my boy. I grabbed his left hand with mine as my right hand was rubbing his back. He looked like his head was going a thousand miles per hour.

- Baby, do you need a minute? - I asked. He shook his head no.

- I'm sorry for your loss. - he said.

I certainly did not expect that, and neither did River, who's eyes lit up.

- Thank you. And I'm sorry for everything, Jack, I mean it.

(if u dont understand who Nick is, go bacn to the first chapter of the book, beautiful :))

A/N HI BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!! Yes, I am alive. I'm sorry for not being active for the past... 2 months... Forgive me pls, rough times. Anywayss, how are you??? Please comment I've missed you guys!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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