Chapter 8

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I had been staying in Ryder's place for about a week. It was Friday and we were laying down on his couch, just chilling after he came back from work. His head was resting on my lap and I was playing with his soft blonde hair. He turned his body facing me, staring at me for a bit before talking.

- Jack I wanna take you to a club. - he said, surprising me.

- A club? I didn't know the good cop also went clubbing on weekends. - I teased.

He pinched my side while sitting up with a smile.

- It's not just any club baby, and I need you to listen well for this one, okay?

Getting serious now damm.

- Okay, okay. I'm listening Ryder just spit it out.

He stared at me with that look for a bit before I realized. It wasn't just serious, it was serious.

- I'm listening sir.

That seemed to please him cause he relaxed a bit.

- Good boy. Now, this is a bdsm club.

My eyes widdened and my mouth went wide open. That little bitch laughed out loud at my reaction.

-You're too cute. - he said while caressing my leg with his hand. - What do you know about those Jay?

I thought about it for a bit before answering.

- Well I know people do stuff there, and I know there are lots of rules and also very kinky shit.

That made him laugh again.

- Well yeah that's a way to put it. But I think it's better if I explain, okay?

I just nodded, and that earned me a fairly hard slap on my thigh.

- Y-yes sir. - I corrected myself.

- Very good boy. Now, we have already talk about BDSM itself, but in the club things are very specific. Every club has its own rules, so I'm going to explain you about this one in specific. The club is called The Wave, and I am a VIP member of it. I have a couple friends in there, one of them is the owner of the club. That's also why I always go there.

It was a lot of information and I was slowly getting upset. I just kept thinking about Ryder with other people, other submissives. But he knew how to read me well and he quickly explained himself.

- Baby I just go there to visit my friends now, I don't even watch the shows anymore. I've played with submissives in the past, I have my own private playroom. But I just have eyes for one boy and he's the only one I ever want to go there with.

I smiled and nodded, now a bit more relaxed.

- Okay, now that this is clear, let's talk about rules. - Aaaand that was me tensing up again. - Submissives, and specially the VIP ones like you will be now, requiere special training. You will need to past a test.

- A fucking test? - I said a bit rougher than I meant, regretting it right after and lowering my head. - Sorry.

- Jackson I understand this is a lot, but please try to behave. Don't worry, as I said, the Master Dom, wich is the owner of the club, is my friend. I'll do your training with him, and we'll go very slow. However, you will be able to go to the club and watch the shows, as long as you stay by my side at all times, okay?

I nodded, not even sure if I was understanding everything.


I knew Jack was trying his best to be a good boy and listen to everything I was saying, and I was being very patient and explaining him the basics. Finally, we agreed on going that night, just to have a look around and introduce him to my friends. I think I was more nervous than he was. I called my friend Ledger, the owner of the club, and he reassured me that we would make the situation very comfortable for my precious boy.

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