Chapter 30 🔞

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I woke up cold as fuck. Ryder had already left for work and I had a day off class, so I could sleep in (wich I absolutely love, of course). I got up and hopped on the shower, loving the warm water on my skin. My brothers were gonna pay me a visit, and I had to look well taken care of. I shaved, got dressed, made the bed and made some coffe while waiting. Not gonna lie, I was really nervous.

I notice there was a little note on the counter.

Hey pretty boy, you looked so cute this morning I didn't want to wake you up. I hope you and your brothers have a good day, I'll be back around 7 pm. Love you baby.

Butterflies. Fucking butterflies. That man certainly knew how to mess with my head and my heart... And my body hehhe.

Anyway, the loud knock on the door made me know that my lovely brothers arrived. The look on Cody's fave was priceless. He looked around, mouth open wide and eyes big. I chucked and led them to the living room.

- So this is your house now? - My little brother half said half screamed.

- Yes, Cody. - I said with a smile - Technically its Ryder's house, but he insists that it's ours now and that I have to adress it as such.

- You even talk fancy now... - Johnny joked and I rolled my eyes.

- Well uni is doing good to my brain, but don't worry guys, I'll never lose my hood self...

We laughed and kept talking for a bit. I showed them around the house and they were so impressed I felt like I was showing them a palace. They had to leave early because Cody got some hoemwork to finish. I walked them to the car, and Johnny stopped me before going back in, when our little brother was already seated inside.

- Jack, I'm so happy for you and your new life, I mean it. Also, I wanted to tell you something.

- Thank you Johnny, and of course, you know you can tell me anything.- I said.

- Well - my brother started, looking to the floor - I'm moving out with my girlfriend soon.

My eyes went wide open.

- What? Girlfriend? Johnny why don't you tell me this things!

- Shut up, don't let Cody hear. He doesn't know yet and I don't know how to tell him. Jackie we can't leave him alone in the house, I don't know what to do.

Now THAT was a problem. Cody would probably freak out, and our uncles would end with him so quickly.

- Okay, relax. I'll talk to Ryder when he gets here and we'll see what we do, okay?

- Okay.

- Meanwhile, you should introduce me to the unlucky girl who gets to have you...

We just laughed and then he hugged me before leaving. I was really tired, so I just layed on the couch, trying not to think much about anything. I decided to call Nick, to see hlw he was doing. After the other night at the club he left me worried sick.

- Hi Nicky, how are you feeling?

- Jackkie!! I was just about to call you, mate. I'm doing just fine, Master has done a full day of aftercare. It's lovely, I swear I've neber felt better.

We both laughed and my hyper friend explained a bit more about all the amazing things Sean had done, like tons of massages, relaxing baths, some blowjobs... You get it.

- Mate, you guys totally have to come to the club this Friday. I'm gonna scene!

Damm. I wasn't shocked that they would do it, those crazy fuckers always tried everything. But it was going to be tje first time seeing Nick sceening and I was kinda nervous myself.

- We will be there for sure.

I heard the door open and a very mad looking Ryder came through the door.

- Shit, I'll text you later Nicky, I gotta go.

- Oh, someone's in trouble...

I rolled my eyes and hung up, getting up to meet my boyfriend.

- Hey, there. How was work? - I asked with a fake smile.

He just mumbled an "ok" and went straight to the bedroom. I followed him and watched from the door as he began changing.

- Are you okay, babe? - I asked, now a bit more worried.

Ryder stopped, looked at the floor then looked at me. He sighed and got closer, pulling me into a hug.

- I had a horrible day - He said.

I rubbed his back and kissed his cheek while he just held me tighter.

- Do you wanna talk about it?- I asked.

He pulled away softly and shook hisbhead, sitting on the bed. I sat next to him.

- Can I do anything to help you?

Ryder bit his lip and looked back at me. And I saw it in his eyes. And I instantly got hard. I didn't waist any time and got on my knees, starting to pull down his boxers. It was all he had on, so it was easy job. I began sucking as well as I knew, trying to make him feel as much pleasure as possible. His moans made me know I was doing a good job. He was gently carresing my face, playing with my hair a bit. I looked back st him after a bit, and he was still kind of tense.

I smiled to myself as I got up without a word left the room, and came back with some rope and a pair of handcuffs. The smirk on Ryder face was all I needed to lay on my stomach and close my eyes.

- You are such a good boy. -He said

My snake was rock hard and I couldn't help but shiver in excitement every time his hands touched my body.

Once I was tied up, I felt some lube and a finger entered me. I moaned loudly. Ryder put a pillow under my head.wich I thanked.and he got close to my ear to whisper.

- Baby I'm gonna ruin you tonight. I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you will feel your guts beeing rearranged. I'm gonna let out all my stress on you, my love.

FUCK. I wish you could have seen how HARD I was. Likeeee, oh my God...

And the blondie didn't waist no time, thrusting deep inside of me. I was in a bit of pain, and he didn't wait to let me adjust. But I was enjoying every second. He was rougher than ever, grabbing my hips to pull my ass up more, fucking me like a sex toy.

I started to half scream half moan when he started going deeper.

-You like that, little slut?

I just nodded, bot able to talk. He pulled my head uo by my hair kissing my now teary cheeks.

- I'm usinf you however I want, darling. And you are crying but you love it. You love every second. Don't you, baby boy?

I was in HEAVEN.

- Y-yes s-sir. - I managed to say.

He came deep inside of me and finished me with his mouth. After cumming I was dead. Every muscle on my body hurt. He helped me clean up and pulled me closer to him on the bed, holding me tight and kissing my head.

-Thank you, baby. - he said. - I needed that.

I smiled and kisaed his lips.

- My ass is so sore. -I said.

He just chuckled and wrapped both arms around me, attacking me with kisses. He said he wanted to help me, so he started giving my ass some kisses too, wich ended up being some licks, wich ended up being a lubed finger...

And then we fucked again, lol.

A/N hi thereee beautiful peopleeee. Yes, I'm alive lmao. Life has been CRAZY for me recently and I've had 0 time and 0 mental energy. But I'm back hereee for youuu.

Don't forget to comment (seriously, I love all the comments), vote and enjoy!!

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