Chapter 12

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I was good for long. I tried my best to be the perfect sub. I had followers Ryder's instructions perfectly, barely bratting out, trying my best with all the stupid positions and comands. Literally best behavior ever. But there was something I could not change, I was impatient. And my dom was NOT making it easier for me. I had wanted a full scene for long time, telling him I was ready for everything, that I would be a good boy and safeword if needed. But still he wasn't giving it to me, and I was pissed.

- Jack, baby, breakfast is done. - Ryder informed from the hallway, his hand resting on the bedroom door's frame.

I ignored him and kept my eyes closed, laying on bed and not moving an inch. I heard my name being called and then, after some silence, footsteps started coming closer. I felt strong hands softly shaking me, but I didn't react.

- Babe, I know you are awake, stop it.

But of course, nothing coming out of me. I heard a frustrated groan and then I felt a sharp pain on my left thigh.

- Jackson, I will not repeat myself. Get out of bed, now.

Ryder's voice was firm and scary. I finally opened my eyes, but not to obey him. I rolled over and covered myself with the blanket, before rudely talking.

- Leave me the fuck alone, Ryder.

I expected to have my blanket ripped off my body, loud yelling, maybe another slap or just some stern warning. But I got nothing. Absolutely nothing. I heard Ryder leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I peeked to see if he was actually gone, and when I saw the empty room I almost started crying regretting my actions. I took a deep breath and decided to finally get out of bed, walking slowly towards the living room, where I knew my dom would be. My legs and hands were shaking, my heart was pounding hard and tears were already making their way down my cheeks. I stood in front of him, biting my lower lip. After only receiving silence, I dropped myself to my knees, in forgiveness position with my head down. And just waited. I waited for what felt like a full day. Ryder just wouldn't move. He would stay sat down and quiet. But I stayed in position. After ages, he finally spoke.

- Look up. -he said, and I obeyed. - I'm so disappointed with your behavior, Jackson.

I felt the tears coming back but I didn't hold them in. I let them run freely. We just stared at eachother in silence until I finally couldn't take it anymore.

- Black, please I'm sorry, talk to me, I'm so sorry.

I started hyperventilating and I felt so lightheaded my vision was just blurry. I felt Ryder wrap his arms around me and pulling me up to sit on his lap. I just burried my face on his neck while he shushed me and rubed my back while softly kissing my head.


- Its okay baby, I'm here. Shh don't worry about anything now. I'm here. - I said, slowly managing to calm down my poor baby. - I'm not mad at you I promise. I was testing your patiente because it was your way of showing me you were really good. And you were, you were a very very good boy, okay? -he didn't reply but I knew he was listening - I know what you want Jackie. I promise you tomorrow we'll go to the club and we'll do your first intense scene.

He lifted his head up and looked at me with his beautiful teary eyes.

- R-really? - he said.

I smiled at him and gave him a small kiss.

- Yes baby boy, pinky promise.

A/N Heyyy beautiful peopleee. Short chapter but next is coming soon.

Go go go go go check out the new book rn!!!!!!

As alwayss, don't forget to coment, vote and ofc enjoy <3

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