38. Task.

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Tae pulled the car infront of the mansion. He removed his seatbelt and looked over at left to find why his wife was not getting out of the car yet.

Tae smiled his boxy smile noticing kook was in awe looking at the elegant mansion.

Kook's mouth and eyes were wide open looking at the mansion which was looking so cozy and the garden it was so beautiful with all types of flowers present there.

Kook's mouth and eyes were wide open looking at the mansion which was looking so cozy and the garden it was so beautiful with all types of flowers present there

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" Let's go" tae said bringing jungkook out of his trance.

" Yeah" kook said still looking at the mansion not even glancing at his husband once.

Tae got out and jogged towards the passenger seat. He opened the door and took his angel in his arms who was again fast asleep. Which made taekook worried cause since morning either the baby is being grumpy or asleep.

Jungkook got out the car and stretched his muscles for some seconds then grabbed his hand bag from the seat ... closing the door after.

They both started walking towards the mansion. They were just stepping in when they heard yoongi cursing loudly.

" F**CK"

Kook got startled hearing it as it was the first time yoongi cursed in front of him. Tae sighed knowing there must be some bad news that his hyung is cursing otherwise infront of his in-laws and Jimin yoongi wouldn't dare curse.

Jungkook took his pup from tae and walked ahead and sat with the others on the couch ...tae too soon joined his wife.

" What happened hyung?" Tae asked looking at the worried face of yoongi.

" Bear all the maids , cooks and butler's are not present here to work ..... it's actually my fault as we didn't once came here ( India) .... keeping them here to work would be useless so I ordered them to only work here when we come. But as we planned this trip in a short time. I forgot to inform them. I remembered only when I got here...so I called them to know about their whereabouts but they are not here right now. Some belong to daegu, Seoul and far villages from here. Even if they try to come... it would take them atleast 2 to 3 days" yoongi explained with a guilt face . He should have remembered informing them.....now because of him they couldn't enjoy their trip well.

Jimin who was sat just beside him held his hand ..  stroking his chubby fingers on yoongi's hand soothingly.

Jimin mouthed an ' it's ok' when yoongi glanced at him.

All of them got worried hearing the bad news. Although the mansion looks great from out side but from inside it looks like an old whare house. The living room is dirty , couches, table....ceiling walls everything looks so rusty and smelly.

The couch they were seated on was all dirty too... it was Ha-rin who cleans it a bit and put a big white cloth on it for them to sit.

They haven't even looked all the mansion yet they were sure it would be as same as the living room.

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