| 8. No Maria. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

"Maria you know what this means." Keira says coming closer to me.

"What?" I don't know what she's on about.

"Let's go out to celebrate!" She exclaims.

I don't really like going out. But since it's a special occasion and I'd do anything for her, I'll go. Lucky I have a dress in my bag.

"Sure why not, but where do you want to go?" I ask.

"Hmm I was thinking a club." Keira smirks at me. Gosh I hate clubs but screw it.

"Sure do we get ready now?" It's turning dark soon anyways so it's better to start getting dressed.

"Yep I'm gonna call Pablo and Pedri to see if they want to come with us." Keira shouts as she walks out the room, letting me change.

Great, Pedri. At least I can meet this Pablo guy Keiras been crushing on.

I put on this short, black dress as this is one of the ones I brought to Spain.

 By the time I've finished getting dressed, Keira comes back saying that Pablo and Pedri are both coming, great

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By the time I've finished getting dressed, Keira comes back saying that Pablo and Pedri are both coming, great.

We eventually finish doing our hair, makeup and everything a woman needs to do. It's currently 18:57 and we agreed on 19:00 so we start rushing down the stairs to put our heels on.

I hear a car pulling in the driveway, probably Pablo and Pedri.

Keira puts her heels on and runs outside leaving me alone. Great because I can't put these heels on myself.

I struggle until I see Pedri coming in and woah, he looked amazing.

He catches me staring and winks at me, making me roll my eyes. Whatever I'll ask him to help me.

"Pedri can you help me put on my heels I can't put them on myself."

"Of course." He spoke as he comes towards me, towering over me.

He leans down and starts doing my heels. How can he do them better than me?

"Done." Pedri says as he stands up again helping me up.

We walk to the car which Pablo and Keira are in the back seats, obviously flirting with each-other and leaving me to sit with Pedri in the passenger seat. Cool... Pedri opens the door for me as usual and I sit down and do my seatbelt.

We start driving to the club and all I hear is Keira and Pablo talking about some things I don't even know about. What lovebirds.

We arrive at the club and when I enter, all I smell is alcohol and sweat. This is why I hate clubs. The lights are flashing my eyes making me barely see anything.

We sit down in a corner but ending up going to the bar.

I order 2 shots for myself since I'm feeling bored today and this will help me get loose. I drink the 1st shot with no emotion and the 2nd one with a slightly stinging sensation.

I felt the shots kick in instantly making me feel better already as Pedri stares at me in disbelief. It was me and Pedri as Keira and Pablo went somewhere. I started drinking uncontrollably making me go from tipsy to absolutely drunk.

"Maria no more shots you've literally had 6 now." Pedri says to me as he holds me by my shoulders.

"Pedri?? What? I've not had a lot you are being abit dramatic you go have some shots and you'll see what I'm on about you pussy." I randomly blurted out my mouth.

Pedri looked quite pissed like he was gonna kill someone but he soon walks over to the bar and ordered 3 shots. After he gets handed them, he drinks all 3 instantly without any facial expressions, making me stare in disbelief.

After that, me and Pedri were drunk and went to sit in our corner. His hands were on my waist whilst I sway side to side in beat to the music.

"God Pedri, do you know what you do to me?" I say to Pedri in a drunk voice.

"No Maria, do you know what you do to me?" Pedri asks me, being inches towards my face.

I don't reply and just stare at him while he stared at my lips. He started moving closer towards me and he smashes his lips against mine, making me gasp.

Our kiss turned into a make-out session, leaving lots of hickies on my neck.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐏𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈 𝐆.Where stories live. Discover now