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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

𝟒 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫...

"Happy birthday Fer!" I yell as he smiles, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you mum. I love you." Fer replies as he wraps his arms around me, kissing his cheek.

Today is Fernando's birthday. I can't believe he's finally turning 6. I can't believe how fast time flies by. There's one thing I miss the most. Pedri. I wish he was able to see his own sons 6th birthday. Fernando has grew and he looks almost identical to Pedri, only inheriting my nose. Everytime I look at him, I only think of Pedri. Ever since Pedri died, things haven't been the same. I miss his touch, his smile, his passion for football. Him in general. I now model to make money to support us and today I took a free day off for Fer's birthday.

"Want to see what I got you?" I ask as I see him nod eagerly as I lead him to the living room.

Fer follows me and sees the surprise on the couch. He screams in excitement as he sees the thing he was asking me the whole year.

"All of the Barcelona kits! And new cleats and shin pads! Thank you! Thank you so much!" Fer yelled in excitement as he ran to me and jumped onto me.

I laughed as i big smile grew onto my face as I saw how happy we was. Fernando grew a passion to football around a year ago. Ever since, he's supported Barcelona and wanted the kit. He's slowly following Pedri's footpaths, Being a Midfielder and a great player.

I wipe my tears away as I see him try on the kit and 'wow' in excitement. He shows himself wearing them and looking the mirror as he can't contain his excitement.

"You look like a real professional footballer Fer. Your teammates might even be jealous of you." I chuckle as I smile and he runs into my arms, hugging him.

"Thank you so much. It's amazing." Fer mumble as I kiss his cheek before playing with his hair.

"Remember. Be careful when your playing football. Especially near the goals." I whisper as he nods, pulling away.

"I will. I cant wait to show my friends!" He exclaims as I laugh.

"For later I also have a reservation booked for your favourite restaurant." I reply as I wink
and he laughs.

"Oh my god. This is the best day of my life." Fer answers as I smile.

"But before we do all of that, let's eat breakfast first." I say as he nods before preparing one of his favourite meals, spaghetti.

"That for breakfast?" Fer questions as I turn to look at him.

"It's your birthday so why not enjoy it." I reply as he smiles before going back to his kits.

I'm really happy he likes his presents. I want everything what is right for him and to support him in any decisions he makes. I want to be apart of his life and take care of him as he's my only son. I love to see him happy.

I finish making his food and place it in the dining room for him to come and eat. We talk for a little while as he eats and we get changed for the day.

"I love you. Remember that." I say as I kiss his cheek and he kisses my cheek back.

"I will. Where are we going now?" Fer asks curiously.

"You'll see baby." I answer as I put his shoes on and put mine on.

I'm taking him to aswell one of his favourite places. Camp nou. Everytime he goes to watch a match, he is over the moon. He has only watched 3 in real life and I saw the happiness in his eyes gleaming. I booked a private tour of the stadium so it wouldn't be crowded for him.

Before we're about to head out, I feel my phone ringing.

"Wait baby, I need to take this phone call." I say as he nods and waits passionately as I accept.

"Hello? Is this Mrs. González? This is the hospital calling."

"Yes? Why are you calling me? Is something wrong?"

"I'm pleased to say that your husband is awake."


"He's awake so if you'd like to come see him you may."

"I-I'm coming."

I end it and quickly take Fer and buckle him in his seat before getting in and driving instantly. My mind is racing with my heart beating out my chest as I feel tears in my eyes but not dare let them out with Fer next to me.

"Mum?" Fer asks, slightly afraid.

"Fer...dad is awake." I say as I take deep breaths as I rush to the hospital, trying not to go too fast.

"W-what? I thought he was you know...dead." Fer mumbles.

"Me too. I just got a call from the hospital. Then why the fuck would they say he's dead." I feel myself get angry but calm down as I soon approach the hospital.

I park quickly as I take Fer out and carry him to the hospital. I enter and I approach the front desk.

"Pedri González. Where is he." I say as I feel myself get impatient.

"Room 25." The nurse reply's as I nod, almost running through the hallway.

I reach room 25 and see a nurse walk out.

"Mrs Pedri is-" The nurse tries to explain but I ignore her and go in the room.

I see Pedri laying there, his expression confused but at the same time. It was hard to read as it looked like he was filled with all emotions. I stared at him in shock as his gorgeous, brown eyes met mine. My heart is pounding but when I see Pedri it somewhat relaxes. After 4 years.

"Pedri...love..." I say as I slowly approach him, Fer behind me not knowing what to say.

I go to him and about to kiss him with my eyes tearing up until he dodges it and I look at him in confusion almost panic. He stares at me as he's about to say something.

"Who are you?"

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