| 35. Go out. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

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I woke up earlier than usual which is good since I'll have more time to get ready. I get up and get a notification and it's from Pedri.

Want me to pick you up
to training?

Maria Romaz
no it's fine I can order a taxi

Too bad I'll be there at 8:15

Maria Romaz
wow okay thanks then🫶

Your welcome❤️

Since when was he nice to me? I smile to myself. I went to go take a shower and after I did, I did my skincare and brushed my teeth.

Soon after that, it was 7:30 meaning I still had 45 minutes to get ready. I go pick some random cargos and a shirt since I could care less about what I wear. Then, I go to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich and a coffee whilst fixing my hair.

I start putting my shoes on when I get a text from Pedri saying he's here.

I quickly take my items and go to the lobby and see Pedri's green Mini Cooper parked.

He gets out and opens the door and I get in, slightly smiling as he enters the drivers seat.

We both start talking about how's our morning been so far and the team drama. We were laughing and everything until he turned serious.

"Maria. Can I ask you something?" Pedri said nervously.

"Yeah, has something happened?" I ask him.

"Do you want to go out with me after the match?" He managed to spill out.

I smile and kiss him on the cheek to not distract him too much while he's driving.

"Of course I would." I reply as he sighs in relief and smiles.

"What time do you want to go out then?" I ask Pedri.

"Since the match will probably end at 5:00pm, would 8:00pm be fine?" He explains.

"Perfect." I say as we start a conversation about something else.

We soon make it to the training grounds and go our ways after we say goodbye.

I rush to find Keira as we have mostly talked on text but not much in real life as we've been slightly occupied with our jobs.

I eventually find her and hug her from behind, making her jump which made me laugh.

"Puta mierda you scared me." Keira says as she takes a deep breath and I laugh even more.

She soon calms down and I start explaining what has happened.

"Soo Pedri asked me to go out with him again after the match and I'm really excited and I don't know what to wear and how to style my hair and-"

"Calm down it will go great and I'll help you pick out your outfit and help you." She answers  as I smile.

We quickly end the conversation and go back to where we need to be. I go down to my office to grab my camera equipment and then go to the bleachers and position my camera.

I see Pedri staring at me when whispering something to Gavi, making him look at me.

I smile at them while they do the same and keep talking. Bit weird.

I angle my camera and take pictures while all the players train and most pictures looking perfect.

Time went by quickly and it was soon the end of training.

After training, I went in Keira's car and drove together to a boutique.

Since it was a fancy-ish dinner, I didn't want a very long dress nor an uncomfortable one. I wanted one that I feel confident and comfortable in.

There were some arguments about what dress but finally after 2 hours, I found the one I wanted and when I first saw it on me, I fell in love.

The dress she chose:

I payed for the dress and left with Keira and decided to grab lunch together

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I payed for the dress and left with Keira and decided to grab lunch together.

We found this small diner and went to go sit down.

We then order our food and drinks and talk amongst eachother whilst we wait for our food.

"How do you think your dinner with Pedri will go?" Keira asks me.

"I don't know. Maybe good or bad." I reply as she laughs.

"It's gonna go great. Your just overreacting." She answered as I smiled.

"Probably." I mumble.

The waiter hands us our food and we eat while talking until we finish.

We finished eating and decided to go home.

Keira dropped me off at my hotel and then drove to her house.

I went to my hotel room and got changed into my pyjamas and did my skincare.

After, I went on the balcony and read a book for a while until I got tired.

I soon went into bed with a goodnight text from Pedri which made me smile before drifting off.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐏𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈 𝐆.Where stories live. Discover now