| 33. Worried. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙿𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚒

Me and Maria were currently leaving the airport and walking towards my car as we drove here.

I open Maria's door and close it as I go to my side and hop in.

I put in my keys and start the car and drive.

We had a good conversation and I pushed my luck to invite her to our next game against Atletico Madrid which was in 2 days. She surprisingly accepted and I said I'll pay for her tickets although she kept insisting she would. Eventually, she gave in and let me pay.

I put my left hand on her thigh to help me relax as were halfway through the drive, almost at her hotel.

I would want to ask her to come live with me but since she's so stubborn, she'd probably decline.

Soon, we arrived at her hotel. I got out to take her bags and give to her and wave her goodbye as she smiles.

I start to drive back to my house to unpack and probably rest or hang out with the team or Maria.

Finally, I arrive and get my bags out and go in. I go to my room and unpack everything before going in my bed when Gavi texts me.

Hey the teams having a party
at Lewandowski's house to let loose
a little you wanna come?

Bro we just got back and there's a
party already? I'm gonna pass


I sit and scroll through Instagram and decide to text Maria.

Hey Maria you finished unpacking?

She doesn't reply so I decide to text again soon.

It's almost 4pm and I've got nothing to do so I get dressed into some shorts and a shirt and head down to the gym.

I start off today on legs for about an hour.

𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

I slowly open my eyes and realise I was so tired that I fell asleep. It was almost 1am. How did I sleep through the whole day?

I stand up, quickly unpacking most of my stuff and putting on some pj's. It was all dark outside, light shining everywhere.

I go down to the kitchen and get some fruits to eat. Did anyone text me?

I take out my phone and see many messages from most people but mainly Pedri.

Hey Maria you finished unpacking?
Are you okay?
Are you okay
I'm gonna panic if u don't reply
Stop ignoring me
If you don't reply I'm coming over
I'm coming over

No way he's actually coming over. I stand up from the kitchen until I hear banging on my door.

I stumble to the door and open it to see Pedri.

"What the fuck? are you okay? Why haven't you been answering me?" Pedri asks as he comes inside.

"I've literally slept till 1am that's why." I reply.

"I was so worried something happened to you." He says as he hugs me and I hug him back with a smile across my face.

"Since when do you care?" I ask.

"Since always." He answered as he stares at me.

He comes towards me and kisses me slowly in ages. After a whole minute, I break the kiss to breath some air.

"Arn't you tired?" I ask.

"Yeah I am. I couldn't sleep because of thinking what happened to you." He says as I smile.

"C'mon let's get some rest then." I tell him as I go into bed with him next to me.

He leans up and takes off his hoodie and shirt, leaving him in just joggers. Something about him makes me adore him. I snuggle next to him and hear him snoring, Indicating he's  already asleep.

I soon feel my eyes get heavy, knowing I'm gonna go any second.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐏𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈 𝐆.Where stories live. Discover now