| 9. It's not nice staring. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

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I just woke up in my room confused. What happened last night? I don't remember anything.

I look around and I turn to see Pedri right next to me staring at me. I let out a loud scream from how much he frightened me from being there.

"Shut up we didn't do anything. You were way too drunk to be at your hotel alone so I ordered a taxi to the hotel and went with you to make sure your safe." Pedri explained.

"Mmm okay but why are you in the same bed as me? And where's Keira and Pablo?" I asked.

"You were literally begging for me to stay with you because you were 'scared' so I did and Keira and Pablo ordered a taxi to Keira's house and God knows what happened to them I just woke up as-well." Pedri says.

"Oh god. I'm gonna go make us some breakfast then. Pancakes alright?" I go to stand up and leave.

"Sure and I'm gonna go take a shower and I'll eat after." Pedri shouts.

I go to the kitchen and start making pancakes. By the time I'm done, Pedri comes to the kitchen only with a towel wrapped around on his waist and his hair still wet. Oh gosh. His abs are poking out, same with his biceps.

"It's not nice staring is it?" Pedri speaks as a smirk forms on his face.

He starts walking closer towards me, backing me into the wall. Were inches away as he towers over me. I can feel his warm breath on my shoulder. He lifts my chin up so I'm directly starting at his beautiful brown eyes. The butterflies I'm getting in my stomach were unbearable at this point.

"Have you made the pancakes then?" Pedri backs away while still not breaking eye contact.

"U-um yea? Probably? No, there done." I stuttered. No way he did that just to fucking tease me.

"Also, go check yourself in the mirror Maria think you've had a little accident." Pedri says as he's holding his laugh and he's looking at something on me. On my neck abouts?

I rush to the bathroom to go see what's wrong and when I gasped. I had hickies all over my neck. Was this from last night? I had so many questions especially from who did this? No way it could of been Pedri. I mean, he's a great and handsome guy. But I don't know I don't remember anything.

I walk back to the kitchen and see Pedri still eating the pancakes while on his phone at the same time. He hears me and turns around staring at me trying not to laugh.

"Shut up, did u do this?" I confront him.

"Hmm maybe? I don't know Maria did I? Pedri said in a snarky tone. It was definitely him.

"Pedri you fucking bitch you did this!" I shout while I start chasing him around the house.

I chased him around but couldn't keep up since he was way too fast and I was tired. I collapsed on the floor out of breath.

"Guess I win." He laughs while helping me up.

"Whatever. I'm gonna go text Keira to see if she's okay." I said and left.

Keira are you okay? You
left with Pablo apparently so
I'm just making sure your fine.

Heyy yea im fine im with Pablo
right now watching a movie at
my house. What about you and
Pedri 😼?

Oh everything's fine with me and
him. We finished eating breakfast
and thinking what to do next

Just hang out with Pedri the
whole day no offence I'm not
I'm the mood to have too much
people over I'm still hungover.

Yea that's fine I probably
will and goodluck with
your hangover.

Weird thing about me I never get hungover for some reason. And I'll take Keira's advice. I'll hang out with Pedri.

By the time I've finished texting Keira, Pedris finally dressed and on the couch texting Pablo probably.

"Hey Pedri I was wondering if you wanna watch a movie or something because I'm bored and I'm not feeling like going out anywhere." I say.

"Of course what movie would you like to watch then?" He asks.

"Maybe a horror movie? Pick any horror I don't mind." I tell Pedri while sitting next to him on the couch and bringing a blanket for us just incase we get cold.

He puts on a horror move and we begin watching it together.

*𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚙*

We finished the movie and fucking hell it was scary. I kept jumping when a jumpscare flashed onto the screen and Pedri held me in place so I don't fall off the couch. In the middle of the movie, I rested on Pedri because I couldn't take it anymore and I felt safe with him next to me.

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I felt tired and same did Pedri. I only had 1 bed which we shared since both of us didn't want to sleep on the floor. I changed into my pj's and he was just wearing boxers. We talked for a while and eventually I started to drift of into sleep.

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