| 42. Honeymoon. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

2 weeks later...

Me and Pedri finally arrive in Hawaii. We picked to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon as it's a beautiful place.

We take our bags and when we get out the plane, the warm air hits us instantly.

"It's so warm here." I say.

"Not warmer than Spain." Pedri says as he shrugs.

The airport wasn't too crowded and many people didn't recognise us meaning it went quickly.

They checked our passports and we went to our taxi with our bags.

We both go into the taxi and put on our seatbelts while telling our driver where to go.

Pedri booked us a 5-star hotel room with an amazing view and everything you can imagine. I love this man.

Throughout the whole ride, we talk through what we're gonna do for the week as we've booked to stay for a week.

"We should go to the new water park that they opened up not too long ago!" I say as he laughs.

"Definitely. Anything for you." Pedri replies as he kisses my cheek.

Soon, we arrive at the hotel and holy moly, it was massive.

"Wow. Pedri. This is so big." I shout.

"I know something else that is big." He mumbles.

"Shut up. Let me enjoy this week." I say whilst walking in the reception.

"Reservation name?" The lady asks.

"Under the name González." I reply.

"Let's see... Great! Here's the key to your room. Have a great stay Mrs and Mr González." She says.

Guess I really am the Mrs González now. Pedri takes the key as we walk up to our room which is No. 001.

Our room was on the highest floor and when Pedri unlocked it, my jaw dropped on the floor. Literally.

The room was like a mansion. Massive kitchen. Massive living room. Massive bedroom. Everything.

"Pedri I- why?" I barely make out a word.

"Figured you deserve the best. And after all, it's our honeymoon. Isn't it?" Pedri reply's as he smiles and wraps his arms around me.

Since it's 4pm. We decided to go grab some dinner.

I quickly got dressed into a white summer dress with some sandals whilst Pedri stayed the same. In black shorts and a white shirt.

We both left our luggage in our hotel room and left to go into the built in restaurant in our hotel.

There wasn't much people since it was a 'pricey' hotel but that just made it better for us.

We grabbed plates and put on some food. There were unlimited food selections and they all looked delicious.

I eventually made up my mind to what I want and me and Pedri sat in a corner to avoid recognition.

The restaurant was a nice modern kind, mostly black with the table set nicely with roses, candles etc.

Me and Pedri both talked our throughout the whole dinner about plans, football and all that to keep us entertained.

We eventually finished and decided to go swimming in the ocean as it was 6pm and the sun would be setting soon.

We go into our hotel room and quickly get changed into our swimming costumes.

"You look amazing." Pedri said while kissing my neck.

"Same with you." I smile.

The beach wasn't too far ,meaning it was only about a 5 minute walk.

I grabbed some towels and we headed out to walk to the beach.

After 5 minutes, we eventually made it and it was beautiful.

The sun was setting slowly, the water being crystal clear and reflecting the suns light as the sand was clean and warm.

We put our belongings down and sat down on the sand to observe the sun for a little bit.

"Do you want to go in the water?" Pedri asks.

"Isn't it cold?" I say.

"You literally said it's so warm here. Now let's go before I drag you." Pedri reply's.

"Make me." I answer.

Pedri sign as he grabs me and takes me in bridal style.

"Wait wait wait! Don't you dare throw me in the water or I'll be furious with you the whole honeymoon." I shout.

"Fine." Pedri says as he puts me down.

I go in the water and it's cold at first, but once you go in deeper, you get used to it.

Me and Pedri were both in the water splashing eachother like little kids.

We were in the same water length but the water was to my shoulder and to Pedri his stomach.

We soon calmed down and stayed neck to eachother in the water.

I wrapped my legs around Pedri's waist and placed my head on his shoulder.

"I love you." I say quietly.

"Me too. Me too." He mumbles as he kisses my  forehead.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐏𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈 𝐆.Where stories live. Discover now