| 17. Nothing without me. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

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Me and Pedri were both watching a movie until there was a knock on his door. He pauses the movie and I go see who it is.

I open the door and it turns out to be Gavi.

"Gavi? What are you doing here?"

"Thought I could hang out with you guys if that's fine."

I let him in and I see Pedri limping towards us and when he sees Gavi, he turns furious.

"What the fuck is Gavi doing here Maria."

"Is there a problem?" Gavi asks.

"Yeah, you and your mouth telling everyone what you heard yesterday!" Pedri yells.

"How do you know that." Gavi says.

"Because Frenkie texted me asking if it's true and you told half the team about it. So get the fuck out of my house and come back with an apology." Pedri shouts at Gavi.

"Whatever." Gavi murmurs before he slams the door and leaves.

I go walk to Pedri as Im the one mad now.

"Pedri what the fuck was that? There was no need to blow up on Gavi like that!" I yell at him.

"It's not my fault he tells everyone everything and he literally made you cry so he deserves it." He says.

"He's your best friend godammit you could of just asked about it instead of lashing out on him and so what if I did cry." I shout at him.

"You know what. I was only trying to protect you from his bullshit Maria but since your on his side. Go to his fucking house and to go live with him. I'm sorry I'm trying to help. But your fucking nothing without me." He screams at me and goes back to his room, slamming the door as hard as he can and locking it.

Why did he say that? After all I did with him, this is how he treats me. My eyes start watering up and I angrily pack all my belongings, throwing them in my suitcase.

I finish packing and start walking out the room until Pedri comes out of his room with his eyes on me.

"Where are you going?" He asks me.

"I took your advice and I'm going to Gavi's place to stay for awhile until I feel like I actually want to come back." I tell him as I push past him walking to the door.

"No please hermosa, I didn't mean to say all that I was just angry. Please don't go. I'm so sorry for everything." He yells as his eyes slowly water up.

I go past him to the door. I unlock it and go outside. I look at him one last time until I shut the door and go. He looked regretful as I probably did aswell.

I call a taxi to Gavi's house as Pedri mentioned where he lived.

I arrived and knock on Gavi's door as he open it in surprise.

"Maria? Why are you here?" He asks.

"Well me and Pedri kinda got into a massive argument and I thought I can come to yours."

"Alright come in I guess and you can sleep in the guest room since Keira is here as-well." He says.

I go unpack my items even though Pedri has tried calling me a dozen times. I lay down until Keira comes in, asking what happened.

I explain everything that happened while trying my best not to cry. She immediately pulls me into a huge saying it will be alright even though I know it wouldn't.

I get dressed into my pj's and go into bed. I just cried in the bed until like 5am when I actually fell asleep. I did care for Pedri, I just never knew he would react in this way. Maybe I should block him and avoid him for the best.

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