| 30. Self care. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

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I wake up to the sound of Pedri groaning whilst sitting up and holding his head.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"My head hurts so bad and I don't remember what happened yesterday. Did I do anything stupid?" He said.

"I mean you started a fight and had a busted lip and your eye is still dark." I tell him.

"Oh I was sober for the fight but the rest I have no clue." Pedri told me.

"Well if you were sober, that was abit stupid to do." I said as I stood up to go to the kitchen.

I shout to Pedri to come to the kitchen. I take out some painkillers, glass of water, glass of saltwater and an ice-pack.

He sits down on the stool as he takes the painkiller and a glass of water to wash it down. After, I give him an ice-pack and tell him to keep it on his black eye.

"After every meal, rinse your mouth with saltwater to prevent infection so it may help heal." I explain to Pedri.

"Got it." He reply's.

I then go back to my hotel room and get dressed to go down for breakfast. It was quite warm so I put on some high waist ripped raw cotton denim shorts with a letter graphic striped trim drop shoulder tee. I quickly go cleanse my face and put on some mascara and brush my hair.

I go out my room and go into Pedri's as he gave me the spare card and wait in the living room for him. It didn't take long until he came out, looking quite good today. He wore a white-shirt under a grey jumper, combined with some dark blue cargos and some white Nike shoes.

His hair looked different than usual, more fluffy and neater.

"Did you do something to your hair?" I ask him .

"I kinda used your hairbrush." He mumbled as I stared at him in adore.

"I don't mind Pedri, and it honestly makes your hair look fluffier and nicer." I tell him as he smiles.

We both exit and start walking to the cafeteria when we hear lots of laughing in the distance.

We make it and see almost all of the team sitting in the group laughing about something which I quite couldn't hear out while Lewandowski shows something on this phone.

We walk up to them and everyone turns silent and trying their best not to laugh out loud.

"What's so funny?" Pedri asks as we bring chairs to sit with them.

"I don't know ask Lewandowski." Gavi reply's.

Me and Pedri both stare at Lewandowski in confusion when we shows a video of me leading Pedri to his room yesterday. Pedri kept acting stupid in the video which was probably causing them to laugh at that.

I turn to Pedri and see him have a confused look whilst I try my best not to laugh but failing miserably and burst out laughing and mostly everyone aswell.

We have a laugh about it when Pedri stays serious but we soon stop as none of us find it entertaining.

"I haven't actually realised but what happened to you Pedri? Your eye is black and your lips busted." Frenkie asked.

Everyone turned to stare at Pedri while he couldn't get anything out his mouth so I say something.

"We got into a little accident when we went into the club." I stepped in and everyone nodded.

We then get our food and talk amongst ourself and I'm taking with Pedri.

"Thanks for saving me, I didn't know what to say. I'm not gonna say I got into a fight because that sounds stupid." Pedri says.

"So getting into a fight because he was touching me without consent is embarrassing and stupid?" I ask with a sarcastic shock.

"I never said that. I will always protect you but fights are just childish." He told me.

I smile and give his a quick, soft kiss on his lips, being careful not his hurt his busted lip.

We all finish eating and go our separate ways when me and Pedri go upstairs to our rooms and say bye.

I go into my room and lay in bed, on my phone for 2 hours when I got a text from Pedri.

Hey so the boys are going bowling at 6pm
and I asked if u can come and they said
u can so do u want to go with me?

Maria Romaz
Sure it's not like I have anything to
do anyways

great see you later 👍

Maria Romaz
U too 🫶
*reaction ❤️

I smiled at the reaction not thinking but of it. It was currently 13:23 meaning I still had 4 hours until I had to start getting ready.

I was bored so I got my book I brought with me and went on the balcony and sat down on the chair and starting reading. The part I was on was abit boring so I started humming random songs that came to my head.

"Beautiful humming hermosa. I nearly fell asleep listening to you." Someone said.

I look and see Pedri infront of me just on another balcony.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked.

"I heard the door open to the balcony and I heard you humming." Pedri answered.

"Whatever." I replied and kept reading my book.

Pedri eventually left to do whatever whilst I read my book.

By the time I finished reading, it was 15:25 meaning I read for 2 hours.

I came back into my bedroom and got really bored. Until I remembered there's tanning beds downstairs.

I got changed into a bikini and put a shirt over me. I put my shoes on and closed the door.

I started walking until I saw Pedri's door open and look at me.

"What are you doing now?" Pedri asked as he stares at me up and down.

"I'm going to the tanning beds downstairs. You know self care." I reply as he chuckles.

"I'm from the Canary Islands so I'm already tanned, sucks for you." He said as I roll my eyes.

"Well guess what, I'm from England and there's barely any sunlight. And this hotel is amazing so best to use it while we're here." I told him as I walk off.

I enter where all the tanning beds are and see in each room there's a tanning bed.

I claim a room and take my clothes off and enter the tanning bed, being in there for 25 minutes.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐏𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈 𝐆.Where stories live. Discover now