| 36. Stressed out. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

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Im ready and currently waiting for Pedri since he's gonna come pick me up as we're going to the same place.

I soon get a text from Pedri saying that he's here so I go down to the lobby and see his car parked. I go outside and get into his car and see him smiling.

"What?" I ask.

"Have you forgotten about our dat- dinner?" He says as I laugh.

"Of course not Pepsi." I reply as he starts to choke of laughter.

"Pepsi? One of the worst names I've heard,  Maria." He answers as I start laughing.

"Oh shut up Pepi." I tease him as we both laugh our asses off.

Most of the ride we were calling each other names and listening to music.

We finally made it to the training grounds. I quickly say bye to Pedri as I head to my office to grab my gear equipment.

The reason I take photographs is that there was only 1 which is still Keira and there were suddenly lots of 'professionals' wanting to be physiotherapists so I switched to photography which I'm not too bad at and pays nearly the same.

I then arrive at the field, seeing Xavi explaining some stuff which I don't bother to listen to.

I go sit near the bleachers and set up my equipment and wait for good times to take pictures. Doing this for 3 and a half hours does get boring sometimes.
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Training is finally over meaning I have to go home then to Camp Nou for the match which I'm ecstatic about.

I go to my office to put back my equipment and wait outside the change rooms for Pedri.

Eventually, he comes out and we walk together to his car and talk about how training was and how Xavi was in a bad mood today.

Pedri drove me to my hotel and I thank him before going to my hotel room.

I get changed into some black cargos and the Barcelona shirt Pedri gave me. The fact that it still smelled like him had me on my knees.

After, I quickly touch up on my makeup and leave the hotel to go to town and grab some lunch.

I stop at this small convenience store and buy myself a sandwich with a muffin, pineapple Fanta and a magnum ice-cream.

I go to sit down on a bench and eat whilst scrolling through my phone. Well mostly texting Pedri and Keira. Pedri's getting ready for the match since he has to be there early and Keira's at home going to the match as Gavi invited her which I find cute.
𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙿𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚒

I'm at home stressed out about everything. The match, the dinner. What if it goes wrong? Hopefully we just win otherwise this is gonna turn out shit.

For dinner, I'm taking her to this restaurant and after to this beautiful beach I would always go to when I felt down or needed some peace and quiet.

I finish eating my lunch and start getting ready to go to the stadium as it's 14:00 as the match starts in a hour.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐏𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈 𝐆.Where stories live. Discover now