| 26. Overthinking it. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

Me and Pedri both talk about the whole thing and I bring up the question about his parents.

"What about your parents? Would it not be a bit weird meeting them? Like what are you gonna say I am to you?" I ask

"I'll just say your a colleague and just a friend." He shrugs as moves away from me.

Ouch. Was that supposed to hurt? Just a friend or colleague? Why'd he move away? Was I just being delusional with what's going on between us? If I'm just a friend then I might aswell look for a guy while I'm at the event.

I sit quietly and he does aswell until we arrive.

I hop out the limousine and walk next to Pedri. He's not even bothered to show any affection between us. This is going great.

We go and security lets us in, revealing a big hall with lots of famous people there probably waiting for the awards.

Pedri literally leaves me and goes to Gavi and I go to Keira.

I explain to her what's happened and she just said that I'm overthinking it. I probably am. But no, he literally said we're just friends.

There was a small bar in the corner which I went to grab myself a whiskey.

I go and order and the bartender passes me it and I drink it instantly.

I look around until a see a brunette boy staring at me and approaching me.

"Hey. I havent seen you around. What's your name querida?" He asks me.

"I'm Maria, Maria Romaz. What about you?" I ask.

"I'm João Felix but you can just call me João." He says.

We sit on the stools and talk for a long time. He was a pretty chill guy, he was defo flirting and I did it back since there was no harm.

We kept talking about each others hobbies when I feel someone staring at me.

I glance back and see Pedri's eyes burning on me and João, his jaw tensing and looking like he's gonna murder him.

Why does he care? We're just friends right? I continue talking to João, knowing Pedri's still watching my every move and seeing the pure jealousy in his eyes.

He eventually walks to Gavi and some other people and leaves.

Me and João were still talking until we get called to start getting in our seats.

"It was lovely talking to you Maria. Could I get your number possibly to keep in touch?" João asks me.

"Sure it's -------------- and nice to meet you too aswell." I say as he write my number in his contacts and names me 'Maria😉'.

I start walking to the hall and see Pedri in the corner of my eyes giving me a stare that is making me regret what I did.

I brush it off and get seated in my seat which was next to Pedri's parents to my left and Keira to my right. I don't think they know me luckily since now it would be awkward.

We wait for a little until it was time to start.

Some people went up there and started talking about football and players that have changed it. Soon, the awards start coming in, the ballon d'or, ballon d'or féminin, yashin trophy and finally the kopa trophy.

I saw Pedri walk onto the stage and started talking while glancing at me time by time.

It was time to reveal the winner.

"And the winner is... Gavi!"

There's a massive applause from the audience as Gavi stands up and walks towards the stage.

I'm happy for Gavi and Keira is crying at this point so I hug her.

Gavi gives his speech and mentions how someone helped him achieve this by helping his mental health which is obviously Keira. They weren't ready to announce there relationship public as the fans would go crazy.

The event soon starts to end and most of us start leaving one by one.

I soon leave aswell, hugging Keira and Gavi and saying my goodbyes.

I was gonna call a taxi until I feel someone grab my arm.

"Your coming with me." Pedri says as he walks me towards the limousine, not knowing where he's gonna even take me.

"where are you even taking me?" I mumble to him as I get in.

He puts his hand on my thigh and stays quiet and so do I, I was speechless.

We soon arrive at the hotel and I go out and go infront of Pedri until he grabs my arm and takes me with him.

We soon arrive at our floor and he unlocks his room and when I go in, he pushes me into the wall and kisses me. Abit unexpected but am I loving it? Yeah.

I kiss him back as I release a slight moan.

I wrap my legs around him as he cups my ass so I don't fall on the floor and walks to his room and throws me on the bed.

He continues to kiss me as he takes my heels off and slowly unzips my dress as I sit up.

I break the kiss and unbutton his shirt, revealing his toned abs.

He slowly removes my dress, leaving me naked and starts unbuckling his belt and grabbing something from his nightstand.

"Could João please you like this?" He whispers into my ear as he pushes himself into me roughly.

Jealous Pedri arc?  and tysm for 16k reads i cant believe I've gotten that many reads. I made this story just for fun and to entertain readers and I really want to thank everyone who have helped me reach this number 💗💗
-m1a <3

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