| 19. Pretty you are. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

1 & 1/2 Months later:

Pedri has fully recovered now and is back in training. Keira and Gavi started dating which I totally support.

I've continued my job and there not been any serious injury's. The most recent one was probably Gavi as he fell flat on his face and I just gave him an ice pack.

Apart from that, me and Pedri have been hanging out and have been getting along pretty well. Barcelona also won a match against Real Madrid by 2-0. One goal by Lewandowski and one by Gavi.

There gonna host a celebration party today at 8:00pm and I'm invited since I work there and Pedri would of probably asked me to come.

It's currently 6:21pm so I need to hurry up.

The dress I chose is a short, tight dress with spaghetti straps and has a beautiful colour to it.

Her dress:

After I get dressed, I go do my makeup and curl my hair

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After I get dressed, I go do my makeup and curl my hair. I decide im gonna have my hair down and keep my makeup style natural.

┏♪・. 〇. ・〇・ +☆+┓
┗+☆+・・━ + ・♬┛

I have completed my look, and now currently waiting for Pedri to come pick me up as I'm in the hotel. I see his green Mini Cooper arrive and immediately see him staring at me.

He was too busy looking that he nearly forgot to hit the brakes and almost crashed into a tree. I was dying of laughter when I sat in his car.

I calmed down and looked what he wore. Pedri wore a black tuxedo with the top 2 buttons un-done, making him look gorgeous.

We drive in silence until Pedri breaks it.

"Maria. Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" Pedri asks me.

What? No way Pedri. Pedri González complimented me. I thought we were just friends because honestly, no way he would like someone like me.

"Mmm I don't think you have before but thanks." I tell him as I slightly blush and smile.

"It true. Your breathtaking." He reply's as he tucks my hair behind my ear and then placing his free hand on my thigh, making the butterflies in my stomach explode.

I couldn't reply from how shocked I was and just stayed silent until we got to the location. (The party is thrown at Raphina's house since he agreed to host it).

After a few minutes, we got there and Pedri got out and opened the door for me. What a gentleman. We hold hands as I'm quite nervous.

We enter and get greeted by a tipsy Raphina. Already drunk? The party just started. We walk around and suddenly spot Gavi and Keira laughing together.

We go greet them as Pedri talks with Gavi and I talk with Keira. We just talk about how the relationship is with Gavi and mainly about the Barcelona squad.

"Soo Maria. Don't lie about this but do you have feelings for Pedri. I won't tell him I just want to know so I can help." Keira whispers so no one can hear.

"I don't know. I get butterflies when something happens between us. He always flirts with me but I think he does it as a joke. He aswell complimented me in the car and rested his hand on my thigh but it's probably nothing. Either way, why would he like someone like me? He's a famous footballer while me? I'm a nobody." I quickly explain to her as she listen closely.

"Girl he defo likes you. There's no way he would do all those things for no reason. You should date. You'd make a great couple." She says as Gavi starts talking to her again.

I'm still not sure. Yea maybe he does those things but I'm still not convinced unless he confesses first.

"Maria, want to come to the bar?" Pedri asks as he comes to me.

I'm not really the drinking type, but if I drink 1 beverage, there's no way stopping me.

"Sure why not. I'm here to enjoy myself anyway." I tell him as we walk to the bar.

I order myself a mojito and Pedri orders a vodka tonic. We both quickly chug the whole drink wasting no time. I feel the alcohol kick in instantly.

We order a negroni each. then 2 shots each. We both drink them and at this point, it's fully kicked in.

We both start talking mainly about football and the top 3 hottest boys in the Barcelona team.

"3rd Is Araújo, 2nd is Gavi, and the hottest is the one and only, Pedri!" Pedri exclaims making me laugh.

"Let me phrase that right, 3rd is You, 2nd is Araújo and 1st is Gavi." I laugh at him while he has a serious face.

"Well could Gavi please you like I can? Can Gavi do better than me?" Pedri says.

"I dont know if you do. I must see if you can do better." I tell him and I shrug my shoulders.

He completely ignored what I said and took me to the dance room. Everything was in there dancing the night away and me and Pedri were aswell. We got touchy while we were dancing and at 12am, we decided we should get home.

We ask Gavi to drive us home in the Mini Cooper (Gavi has a permit to drive) and he agrees. We say bye to everyone and leave.

Gavi and Keira are at the front as there not as drunk while me and Pedri are in the backseat, flirting with each other.

" I can't wait for you to rip that dress off you." Pedri whispers in my ear.

"Well too bad I'm going to my hotel and your going to your house so suck that." I tell him.

"Well you can suck something else." Pedri says as he shrugs.

Keira and Gavi start laughing while I look at Pedri with a serious face.

I'm at the hotel and I say bye to them as Pedri watches me and gives me an evil smirk. Dirty motherfucker. I go to my room and get changed and fall on the bed and fall asleep as I'm so trashed, hoping for a better outcome when I wake up.

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