| 22. Maria González. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

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I finish with the massage and I must say, I feel refreshed. I quickly remembered that me and Pedri have a date at 6pm so I call a taxi to come get me.

I arrive at my hotel and start getting ready. I decided to wear a beautiful beige dress that fitted me perfectly.

Her dress:

Along with that I styled my hair to have curtain bangs with wavy hair with some nude makeup

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Along with that I styled my hair to have curtain bangs with wavy hair with some nude makeup. I complete how I look and slip on my favourite platform heels and finish it off with a purse.

By the time I finish, it's already 17:45.

I text Pedri if he's gonna come pick me up and instantly reply's, reassuring me he will pick me up.

After a few minutes, I see a text from Pedri, saying he's here.

I walk down to the lobby and see him waiting for me in a suit. So fancy.

He kisses me on the cheek as a welcome and puts his arm around my waist, leading me to his car.

He opens to door and I get in as he smiles at me as he gets in the drivers seat. I can see he is genuinely happy that he's taking me somewhere for real and I'm here for him.

Pedri drives to the restaurant he picked out which I have no clue about. In between the car ride, he kept complimenting me about how I look and saw him taking frequent glances at me while focusing on the road at the same time and I couldn't help and smile.

We arrive at the restaurant and holy crap, it was huge and so fancy.

I get out the car and we both walk in together, the smell of food meets me instantly.

While I was viewing the restaurant in shock, we get interrupted by a lady.

"Name of reservation?" She asks as he looks Pedri up and down before shooting a cold look at me. Bitch.

"González." Pedri reply's as he holds me closer and plants a kiss on my neck, knowing it's gonna piss off that woman.

"Mhm checks out, here Mark will escort you to your table." She says as she gives a dirty look at me. She slowly walks to Pedri and whispers something to him which I catch to hear.

"If you get bored of your whore, I'm here for you." She whispers with a smirk, shocking me and leaving Pedri pissed off she just said that.

"The only fucking whore is you and don't EVER speak to my girlfriend like that. Do you understand? Now let me and my girlfriend have a peaceful date without you ruining it." He shouts at her, making her soul leave her for a second.

The waiter escorts us to our table after that little argument.

Me and Pedri sit down and see Pedri looking stressed already.

"Pedri you alright?" I ask him.

"Maria if you want, we don't have to be in this restaurant if you do want too after that."

"No Pedri. It's fine it was just her being stupid."

We continue our date with talking and then ordering the 1st course, then second, then third. We ate and had a really good time. We talked about how we were when we were younger, football, hobbies, fav songs, food and lots of other topics. I had a really good time and I think Pedri did too.

I ordered a few cocktails as-well unlikes Pedri since he's driving. I was a little tipsy but still able to control myself.

We left the restaurant and decided I would spend the night at Pedri's and return to the hotel when I wake up.

The drive to his house was quite comforting. I took off my heels since they were killing me so I was barefoot and I was laying on Pedri's shoulder as he was driving .

We arrived at his house and I couldn't be bothered to put my heels back on so he carried me in bridal style which made me explode in butterflies.

I'm finally in his house and I set down my heels and go straight to his room and he follows me.

I throw myself on his bed from exhaustion and see him climb on top of me and kiss me. I kiss him back and he started to undo my dress.

"Pedri im not in the mood sorry I just wanted a quick smooch from you." I tell him as he frowns.

"Its fine I'm not gonna force you. I'll save it for a better moment or place." He shrugs as I laugh at him.

Pedri takes his suit off and hangs it in his closet, leaving him just in boxers. Maybe I should of let him continue.

I take my dress off and feel Pedri's eyes from behind me scanning me. I pick one of Pedri's shirts as it's quite warm and put it on me.

I walk towards the bed and climb in next to Pedri which is staring at me as always.

"What now Pedri." I say.

"Nothing. Just admiring what's mine." He says as he gets himself comfortable.

I roll my eyes at him and get ready to drift of to sleep. I ended up on Pedri's chest as usual since it's warm, comfy and makes me feel relaxed.

He runs his hand through my hair as I slowly start to drift to sleep.

I'm about to go sleep until I heard Pedri whisper something to me which I don't think I was supposed to hear.

"I love you hermosa. I knew you were the one for me when I first saw you in that airport. I told myself to focus on my career but when I saw you, I couldn't. I cant wait to make you mine, Maria González." He whispered into my ear as he nibbled on it and kissed my cheek as he started to drift off.

I shed a tear from what I heard as no one ever appreciated me that much. Thankfully, Pedri didn't notice as he was already asleep. Thank god I have him.

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