| 24. Bonjour |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

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I slowly open my eyes and start to get conscious of my surroundings. I let out a yawn and forcing myself to stand up since I want to explore Paris as were only here for a week.

I go to the bathroom and stare on how beautiful and large it is. I take off my pj's and step into the shower, letting the warm water hit my skin.

I finish my shower and step out with a towel around my body. I walk to the kitchen humming one of my favourite songs and remember breakfast ends at 10 and it's already 8:41.

I start running to my room until I hear a knock on my door. Who is it now?

I run the door and open in, seeing Pedri.

"Pedri what do you want?" I ask him.

"I was wondering where you are since breakfast is ending soon and I saw your not in the cafeteria so I went to see if your even awake. And thank god I came because I love this view." He says as a smirk shows on his face.

"Whatever I'm gonna get changed and then I'll go." I roll my eyes and tell him.

"Can I come in? I haven't ate either and I was wondering if we can eat together since Gavi and the rest woke up way earlier than me so they have ate." He asks.

"Sure. Stay in the living room because I need to get changed." I say as I let him in, closing the door and going to my room as he follows me.

I'm in my room and Pedri is behind me staring at me.

"What?" I mumble as he starts walking to me, making me hit my back on the wall. I look up to him nervously as his gaze is on me. His gorgeous chestnut eyes make me fold every time.

He leans closer and starts kissing me as he has his hands on my waist.

We continue until I feel his hands next to my towel about to take it off until I push him off. He gives me a confused look.

"We're gonna be late if we do idiot and I still need to get changed." I laugh.

"I mean I'm a quick guy." He shrugs as I signal no.

I tell him to get out my room and I lock the door. I put on some black flared leggings, white turtleneck, a black jacket and my white converse.

I brush my hair and go out my room, seeing Pedri on his phone

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I brush my hair and go out my room, seeing Pedri on his phone. He turns to look at me and smiles.

"Are we going now?" I ask Pedri.

He nods and we walks together to the cafeteria, our hands inter-winding with eachother and I loved every moment with him.

We went to get plates and went to the buffet to load our plate.

We got our food and drink and starting eating while talking about the ballon d'or and who's gonna win the awards.

"Personally, I think the golden boy is gonna be you." I tell him.

"Thanks but I think it's Gavi. I won last year and Gavi has been a really good player, especially that he's 18." He smiles.

We kept chatting and when we finished we decided to go explore the city.

Most of the boys went to rest or went god where. Gavi was with Keira somewhere so that's all I know.

We walked to town as our hotel was located near.

We had loads of fun. There were fans that Pedri didn't understand what they were saying so he awkwardly signed shirts and photos. The only thing he knew what to say was Bonjour and oui which was making me die of laughter as a fan went up to him, he would just say bonjour and oui.

We later found an arcade that we entered and played lots of games together. Most of it was Pedri getting mad they he lost or him and me screaming of how many times we got jump-scared.

After 3 hours, Pedri and me finally left the arcade. We went on to a souvenir shop and bought some souvenirs of the Eiffel Tower for when we're back at Barcelona.

I sneakily bought Pedri a baguette pillow which I'll only give to him when we get back.

We soon got hungry and went to a nearby cafe and ordered these pastry's that we had trouble pronouncing.

Pedri and me ate, mostly talking about how good the pastry and coffee, making me laugh.

The day went quick and by the time we finished talking in the cafe, it was 7:30pm.

The Eiffel Tower will shine at 9pm and you could see it from the balcony so I told Pedri start walking back as it will take some time.

We walk back with his hand on my waist and mine on his back.

After 1 hour, we finally make it to the hotel.

I run to my room, Pedri following me as I open my door.

It's 8:40pm , meaning there's still 20 minutes until it shines. I was relieved I made it on time.

Me and Pedri sit on the balcony, still talking about the ballon d'or, mostly who's gonna win and disagreeing or agreeing.

It's 9:00pm so I stand up and see the Eiffel Tower sparkling. It was so beautiful and experiencing it in person was even better.

We started at the Eiffel Tower as it sparkles until I felt Pedri's eyes on me.

I turn my body to face him and feel him closer to me and his warm breath on my shoulder, making me shiver slightly.

He lift my jaw up to face him and leans in and kisses me on the lips passionately as I kiss him back, taking in every moment.

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