| 37. João. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

It's currently 14:58 meaning the games about to start. I'm with Keira in our seats desperately waiting for it to start.

We're sat pretty close to the field meaning I can see Pedri perfectly.

Next to us is sat these 2 gorgeous women that are called Mikky and Sira. Apparently there the girlfriends of Frenkie de Jong and Ferran Torres which I found amazing.

Shortly, the match finally starts.

The first 10 minutes have been quite boring, Barcelona mostly defending, blocking all of Atletico's attempts.

On the 25th minute, Barcelona was awarded a free kick and decided for Pedri take it.

He placed the ball as I crossed my fingers and held my breath not wanting to look.

He runs up to the ball and..... OH MY GOD HE SCORED!

I screamed like crazy with Keira, Sira and Mikky as Pedri ran around the field and did his iconic celebration.

After his celebration, he pointed at me and made a heart with his hands which made me melt on the spot. I had to grab onto Keira to not faint.

We all talk about the goal but soon after we hear the whole crowd shouting.

I turn to the pitch and shit. The thing that I didn't want happening. Pedri was arguing with João.

I couldn't make out what they were saying but Pedri was shouting at him as João was just laughing at him.

In a matter of seconds, Pedri threw João on the ground as hard as he could before instantly getting a red card from the referee which didn't stop him.

Pedri kept insulting him and grabbed him by the shirt before getting separated and went furiously inside the tunnel.

"Girl you need to go see if he's fine." Keira said as I just processed what just happened.

"Yeah I'm going to." I say before standing up and walking towards the entrance.

Security lets me through as I tell them I'm his 'girlfriend' as that's the only way they will let me in.

I walk deeper into the tunnel before I hear kicking, smashing and cussing from Pedri.

I quickly run into the changing room and see Pedri with his fist all bloody as I stare at him in disbelief.

He turns around quickly and takes a deep breath before staring at me.

"What did you do." I say while walking towards him.

"Fucking João." He mumbled under his breath as he sat down on the bench.

I sit next to him and stare at his fist covered in blood and notice a smashed mirror on the floor.

I sighed. "Pedri... what did he do." I ask as he stands up again and starts pacing around before standing in front of me.

"That stupid son of a bitch mocked me and called you a slutty whore and I did everything to protect you and myself and look what's happened now." He shouts as I stare at him nervously.

"Pedri calm down. Let's get you cleaned up and clean the broken mirror on the floor." I reply as he nods.

I take Pedri's wrist and submerge his hand under water before drying it and applying a large band and wrapping it up in bandage as he stares at the floor blankly.

I quickly grab a bin and brush all off the mirror pieces of the floor and into the bin so no one gets hurt.

I approach Pedri and sit next to him.

"Right. Talk." I say.

"After I scored that goal, I was happy until I heard João talking shit saying that this penalty was easy to score and that I'm the worst Barcelona player. Then, he went on about how your a whore and a slut for being with me when you were hitting on him and all that crap and I don't know what happened after that. I got so furious that I don't know what I did. All I know I got sent off and stormed off before lashing out here." He explains.

I run my hand through his sweaty, messy hair before sighing.

"Thank for defending me out there from João I appreciate it. But you took it abit too much. You got yourself a red card and you had to be pulled apart from each other. You need to sometimes control how angry you get and what you do." I tell Pedri before resting my arm on his shoulder.

"I know but I just got so angry. It's fine now because I'm calm. I'm gonna go take a shower and sit for the rest of the match. Thanks for calming me down." He says as he kisses me on the cheek.

"You're welcome and I think I need to go since it's half-time soon." I reply as I hug him and say goodbye before returning to my seat.

I sit down and see Keira, Mikky and Sira staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You were in there for like 20 minutes. What happened?" Mikky says.

"Long story short. João was talking crap so Pedri got mad and got sent off and went to ask what happened and calmed him down. Now's he's gone to take a shower before going to sit." I explain.

"Oh okay because I thought something else was going on." Keira reply's as we all laugh.

"Definitely not in the changing rooms." I say while smiling.

The rest of the match didn't go too well.

None of the clubs scored but nothing interesting happened after the Pedri and João fight.

Either way, it ended 1-0 so another 3 points for Barcelona.

I say my goodbyes to Kiera, Mikky and Keira as we all split up to go our ways.

I waited outside the changing rooms for Pedri and whilst I'm waiting, Gavi comes out.

"You might be waiting for another 10 minutes. Xavi is gonna have a go at Pedri." Gavi says as I laugh.

"Great to know." I shout as he walks away.

I wait another 15 minutes until Pedri finally comes out.

"What took so long?" I ask as we walk together.

"Xavi just had a full go at me saying I should acted that way even if I was defending myself and you and that I'm probably not gonna play for 2 or 3 games." He explains as he shrugs.

I chuckle as we both walk to Pedri's car and get in.

"I'll drop you off at your hotel and pick you up at 5:00pm?" Pedri says.

"Yeah that's good." I reply as I smile.

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