| 11. Sprained. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

"Don't even try to get smart with me young man I know you did it on purpose so follow me." I tell Pedri.

"Why would I do this on purpose and I can barely walk." he says putting his hands up.

The hatred I have for him is unbelievable but I walk up to him and place my right hand under his arms for stability. We slowly walk in silence to my office to see what's 'wrong' with Pedri.

We arrive and I tell Pedri to lay down and stay still as I analyse what he's done to his leg. He sprained his ankle.

"Pedri you've sprained your ankle. Your not gonna be training for approximately a month." I tell him as I grab an ice pack and place it on the area to ease the pain and swelling.

As I keep treating him, I do frequent glances at him and he's just starting at the floor with a sad, blank expression. I feel bad for him as I know for a fact he really likes football.

"Right Pedri rest here for the rest of the training which is like 2 hours. after they finish, I'll order a taxi and I'll take you home and then go back to the hotel to my room." I tell him as I walk out to go tell Xavi the news about Pedri.

"Tell Xavi to come here because I need to tell him something." Pedri speaks as I nod and go to tell Xavi about Pedri.

"There you are Miss Romaz, so any news about Pedri?" Xavi asks while watching the boys.

"Well, Pedri has sprained his ankle so I don't think he'll be allowed to train for about a month unfortunately. And he said he wants to tell you something." I say as Xavi looks at me.

"Poor Pedri, I know he loves football more than anything and he's a really good player. Hope he gets well soon then and I'll go see what he wants and can u keep an eye on the boys to see that there doing what I set them to do?"

"Yea sure I'll keep an eye on them." I tell Xavi.

"Alright thanks." Xavi says as he walks away.

After Xavi goes, all the boys start running up to me, scaring the shit out of me. Especially as most of them stink of sweat. Ew.

"Hey aren't you Pedri's girlfriend? Well it's nice to meet you. Im Gavi as you might know." He shouts.

"Oh I'm not his girlfriend but nice to meet you Gavi." I tell him as he starts running back, doing a thumbs up at me.

"I'm Frenkie, he's Raphinha, that's Fati, there's Lewy, that's Ferran, there's Pablo and here's Balde." Frenkie says as he gives a smile at me.

"Wow a lot to take in but nice to meet you all, you should all start going back as Xavi is gonna come back soon." I tell them as most of them start running off like a hoard of bees.

"Bye then Maria, also Pedri talks about you in training that-" Frenkie says as Xavi comes back.

"Frenkie what did I tell you to do. Just do 20 pushups I can't deal with you everyday." Xavi shouts at him while face-palming as Frenkie runs back and starts doing his set of pushups.

"Thanks for the help with the boys. Anyway, if you don't mind, would you be willing to stay with Pedri for the following month? He can't support himself and he'll need someone to help him." Xavi asks me.

I mean, it's a month. No work, just chill.

"Yeah sure why not then." I agree.

"Great. Since training almost done, you and Pedri can go early since he's injured and E-Mail me when he's fully recovered so he can come back." Xavi explains.

"Sure no problem, see you in a month." I tell him as I go to get Pedri.

"Pedri come on. We're going to your house since I have to stay with you for a month because apparently you'll need support for the next month." I say.

I get a wheelchair and tell him to sit in there whilst I call a taxi. He grins and gets in.

The taxis here so we get in and i fold up the wheelchair and after I unfold it back up for him to sit in.

I go with him and he gives me his keys so I can unlock his door as we both go inside.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐏𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈 𝐆.Where stories live. Discover now