| 32. Departure. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

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I couldn't sleep anymore. I fell asleep at 9pm since the bowing tired me. The thing that's keeping me awake is Pedri's words replaying in my head.

"You did great hermosa."

It made me smile every time I thought of it and relaxed me.

I stood up and walked towards the balcony, leaning on the railing as I just stared at the Eiffel Tower and some lights glistening in the distance.

I start humming to myself from relaxation and stare at all the architecture until I felt a presence behind me, their warm breath on my shoulder as they slowly slide their hands to collide with my waist.

I slightly jump from the unexpected arrival. I turn around and face Pedri, inches away from my face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him confused.

"I heard you enter the balcony, humming to some song. Guessing you couldn't sleep like me?" He replies, not taking his gaze away from mine.

"Yeah. I can't sleep." I muttered as Pedri rested his head on my shoulder as he grips on my waist slightly tighter.

We both stayed on the balcony for about 20 more minutes, admiring the view and enjoying each others presence.

"Do you want to go back in and rest?" Pedri asks as he turns to face me.

"Sure." I mumble as we both walk back to my bed.

We both lay down as I rest on Pedri's chest as he runs his hand through my hair.

I soon start feeling myself fall asleep as Pedri caresses me and kisses the top of my head before getting himself comfy.

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I slowly wake up again, seeing Pedri facing me as he's sleeping. Todays the day we sadly leave to Barcelona.

I slowly try shuffle out of back when 2 hands slither to my stomach and pull me back with a strong grip.

"Don't leave." Pedri mumbles as I laugh.

I stay in bed for 10 more minutes until I escape from his grip and go to the bathroom.

I close the door and take off my clothes and enter the shower.

I turn the water on, meeting the warm water instantly making me relax.

Suddenly, I see the bathroom door open and find Pedri entering the shower with me.

"Miss me?" He asks as he smiles.

"Nope." I reply as Pedri frowns.

I rinse the shampoo out of my hair as Pedri watches my every move.

He backs me into the wall and kisses me whilst his hands travel to my ass.

You can guess what happened after...

I get changed into some grey parachute pants combined with a plain black baggy shirt.

Me and Pedri meet and walk to the cafeteria to get breakfast. Everyone has mostly ate so we're one of the last.

We get our food and ate while talking about the next match against Barcelona.

We soon finish and go start packing because our departure time is 2pm, meaning we only had 3 hours to pack since it's currently 10:54.

I go into my room and bring out my suitcase to start packing. I'm gonna miss France since it was quite a nice journey even thought I had no clue half of the things people said to me.

After an hour, I've finally managed to fit everything in my suitcase. I double check to see if I've gotten everything and I have.

Me and Pedri both walk out together and talk whilst walking to the Barcelona bus which will transport us to the airport.

We soon meet all the players, along with some staff and Keira.

I go to Keira and chat when walking into the bus to catch up.

Me and Keira sit down as Pedri and Gavi sit behind us so we're close.

We then drift away into a conversation about France, Gavi, work, Barcelona and almost everything.

After 20 minutes, the bus arrives at the airport and we all get off.

We all go through security and get all our bags checked and have an hour left until departure.

Me and Pedri go get snacks and drinks for our flight since we were bored and had a little argument about which Pringle flavour is the best.

We finally get our stuff and get called to go to the gate our plane is at.

They check my passport and let me onto the plane, same with the rest.

I sit next to the window as Pedri sits next to me with Gavi and Keira behind us.

The captain announces to put the seat belts on and the flight attendants start doing those boring instructions.

We soon get ready to take off and I hold Pedri's hands which his grip is tighter than ever.

Were successfully in the air and are able to do what we want.

Me and Pedri talk with Gavi and Keira for a bit until we find a movie to watch and act all flirty with eachother.

The seats were quite uncomfortable and Pedri offered for me to sit on his lap which I didn't deny.

I sit and move around a little to get comfy because there's something in his pocket poking me. He slightly groans whilst I move around.

"Pedri what is in your pocket?" I ask him.

"I don't have anything in my pockets?" He said confusedly.

Then it hits me. He has nothing in his pockets. That's his...you know what. I am so stupid.

I sit there embarrassed while watching the movie but soon fall asleep, probably from me staying up at 5.

I start to wake up from Pedri shaking me to wake up.

"You need to wake up. We land in 10 minutes." He said quietly.

I yawn and stretch to see that I'm cuddled up on his lap, wondering how I didn't fall off.

I return to my seat and get all my thought together.

We prepare to land and I take Pedri's hand into mine to show that he's safe.

We have a smooth landing and have finally arrived in Barcelona.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐏𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈 𝐆.Where stories live. Discover now