| 29. Protecting you. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

I had fun with Pedri in the swimming pool. It mostly consisted of us goofing around and laughing. We both got changed and went to our hotels room. We decided to chill for a little bit and go to the club at 8pm.

It was currently 5pm and was just on my phone scrolling through TikTok and by the time I finished, it was already 7pm.

I quickly stood up and went through my closet to find a dress to shock Pedri but even if I wore a Tesco bag he'd probably still be amazed. I decided to wear a short, black, tight dress that sat beautifully on me and I admired it for a little.

Her dress:

After, I went to go quickly straighten my hair and quickly put a natural make-up look since I wasn't too bothered to do my make-up

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After, I went to go quickly straighten my hair and quickly put a natural make-up look since I wasn't too bothered to do my make-up.

I then go paint my nails black to suit the dress even though there just nails. I grab my purse and put on my platform heels, completing my look.

I look at the time and see it's 7:50pm. Then, I hear a knock on my door, knowing who it is already.

The door opens and I see Pedri in a buttoned up white shirt with a dark blazer and some black cargos, matched with his white shoes.

"Wow, you look beautiful. I think I'm abit underdressed but I had no clue what to put on." He says with a nervous look whilst I laugh.

"It's fine don't worry you look good. Do u want to go now?" I ask him.

He reply's with a yes and we both hold hands when walking through the hotel and see a taxi that Pedri has already ordered.

While we're walking, we spot Raphinha and Araújo shouting oo's when we're walking, Pedri shooting a death stare at them making them shut up.

We enter the taxi and soon arrive at the club.

It was massive from the outside and could hear the music blasting.

We go out the taxi and walk towards the club. The security guards let us through and I'm met with a alcohol, sweaty smell.

Me and Pedri walk up the bar and request 2 Margaritas. The bartender quickly makes them and passes them to us.

We both drink our cocktails as we talk about Barcelona.

Then, I order us another round of cocktails and then another, and another, then another until we're absolutely wasted.

Me and Pedri both go on the dance floor and start dancing to Quevedo, Ovy On The Drums - SIN SEÑAL.

We both dance our hearts out until it's the end of the song and Pedri said he needs to go to the bathroom quickly.

I tell him okay and just move towards the toilets so I can see him when he comes out.

The next song plays and I start dancing until I feel 2 hands on my waist.

"Alone señorita, ay?" The man says, obviously drunk.

"No I'm not alone and get your hands off me." I tell him as I try smack his hands away but his grip just gets tighter and tighter.

"Well that's too bad is it? We're gonna have fun tonight and your not going anywhere." He tells me as he leans closer to me.

I put my hands on his face and try move it back but he keeps moving closer, about to kiss me until.

"Get the fuck off my girlfriend." Pedri shouts as he comes and pushes the guy on the floor.

The man quickly stands back up and throws a punch onto Pedri's mouth, making him fall on the floor.

I quickly go to Pedri to see if he's okay but he instantly stands up and punches the man in the nose and in the eye, making him pass out.

"What the fuck was that? Come on we're going home." I shout to Pedri as I escort him outside.

I call a taxi to our location and they say there on the way.

"Pedri what was that?" I ask him when he starts smiling.

"I was just protecting you amor, and it was just a punch in the nose and eye. I think I'm going crazy. When he punched me in the mouth, it felt amazing but I felt so angry. I couldn't control myself because my love for you is too strong to control it." He said as he stares into my eyes deeply.

He's gone crazy, or he's just too drunk to comprehend what he's saying. Although, drunk words are sober thoughts.

The taxi arrives and I tell Pedri to get in the back seats where I sit next to him.

"We're going back to the hotel and I'm gonna get you fixed up." I tell him and he nods.

He slowly leans to me and whispers, "When we get to that hotel room, your dress is gonna be on the floor." He says.

"Pedri no. I still haven't recovered from last time." I laugh as he gives a sarcastic sad face.

We arrive at the hotel and I hold Pedri's hand and guide him where to go. For some reason, Lewandowski was out on his phone even though it's like 1am and when he saw Pedri and me, he started laughing and started recording us two.

Pedri literally had no clue where to go so I had to guide him where to go. We finally make it to the hotel room and close the door.

I take Pedri to sit on the couch when I go get the first aid kit. I sit down with him and see that he has a busted lip.

I clean the area and rinse it with saltwater, causing Pedri to groan out of pain. I go to the kitchen and get some water and a painkiller for him. He swallows the painkiller and I apply some petroleum jelly on it.

We go to his bedroom and he gets changed into some joggers as I take one of his shirts.

We go into bed and get comfortable.

"Goodnight Maria."

"Goodnight Pedri."

"I love you very very much." He said as I laugh.

"I love you too." I smile as I doze off to sleep.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐏𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈 𝐆.Where stories live. Discover now