| 18. Really sorry. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

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I woke up feeling exhausted. Not in the mood to do anything. I check my phone and I see 54 missed calls from Pedri and over 99+ messages from him. I open the messages to see what they said

Please Maria

im really sorry

I hope you can forgive me

please come back

i really didn't mean anything
I  said.

There's more but I couldn't read on as I started sobbing again.

I calm myself down as Keira comes in the room with Gavi.

"Morning sleepyhead, it's 2pm already and you look drained are you alright?" She asks me while she jumps on the bed.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired haha." I say as I let out an awkward laugh.

"Mmm alright do you want to eat anything?" Keira asks.

"No I'm alright I'll eat later." I tell her.

"Oh if you say so, me and Gavi are gonna go to eat out if that's fine."

"That's fine I'll just be here." I tell them as they leave.

I honestly feet exhausted, I've got massive eye bags and I feel tired and I'm not hungry and everything's a mess.

I just lay while staring at the ceiling until I hear a knock at the door. Who is that? Keira and Gavi had gone out like 5 minutes ago.

I nearly lift myself of the bed and weakly walk to the door. I unlock it and see an also exhausted Pedri?

"Pedri? What are you doing here? You have a sprained ankle." I tell him.

"Maria, my ankle is the least of my concerns. Now, before you shut the door, can I please come in and we can talk. I know I messed up and I really want for us to talk." He softly says.

"Hm fine." I say as I shut the door and tell him to follow me to the room I'm staying in. We sit down on the bed and stare at each other.

"Listen, I'm really sorry. I only got mad because Gavi told half of the squad and you were crying which really broke me. Then, when I saw Gavi, I instantly got mad because you cried because of him. I just care for you and I don't want to see you sad because of a dumb decision he made." Pedri explains.

"I understand Pedri,but you need to understand he's your best friend aswell. I know I did cry but it was because of a dumb reason. It's fine now Pedri." I tell him.

He smiles and hugs me tightly while I hug him back. We stop hugging and just stare at each other. Before I know it, Pedri leans over and kisses me and I kiss him back. We kiss for a few seconds until I break it, out of breath.

We both smile at each other and just lay together talking about the incident and Pedri apologising multiple times. I quickly do my skincare since I haven't done anything and Pedri wanted to have some skincare as-well. So we did face masks together.

After, I reminded Pedri so stay in bed and stop wondering around in pain since he still has a sprained ankle.

I brushed my hair and after, I got myself some cut up watermelon from the fridge.

Me and Pedri shared it as we just rested. He had no shirt on as usual and I was laying on him, poking his abs because it's like a pop-it yk?

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I heard Pablo and Keira talking about how good the lunch was even thought I think it was more like a date.

They come into my room and see me and Pedri just comfortably laying besides eachother.

"Erm Maria, you and him good now then?" Keira asks.

"Oh yeah, he apologised and we both forgave eachother. And Pedri has something else to say to Gavi." I say as I death stare Pedri.

"Oh uhm yeah sorry Gavi for shouting at you like that I was just mad at you but your my best friend and we're playing for the same club." Pedri tells him.

"It's fine Pedri it's more my fault, I shouldn't have told them."

They forgave eachother and went to Gavi's room when im left with Pedri.

"I'm bored." Pedri blurts out.

"Same." I say.

"Wanna do something long-lasting." Pedri whispers while smirking at me. I stare at him in shock.

"Absolutely not Pedri. There's people here." I whisper-shout to him.

"We'll go somewhere more private hermosa." He groans into my ear, knowing what he's doing.

"Not this time Pedri." I tell him as he whines.

I make him some pasta for lunch and then we do what we always do. Me in my pj's and Pedri in just his trousers watching a movie while comfortably cuddling. When we're like this, I feel like my life is complete. Just him & I.

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