| 28. Goddess. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙿𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚒

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The sun peeking through the windows awake me, seeing Maria laying on top off me. I try my best to move her off me without waking her up. I take out some black cargos and a plain white shirt to wear.

I get dressed and go to the bathroom quietly to wash my face, brush my teeth and make my hair look somewhat normal.

Suddenly, I get a text from Gavi asking if we want to join them in breakfast since we didn't go yesterday and just ate in our room.

I answered back that we'll come. Unfortunately, that meant I had to go wake Maria up. Even when she sleeps, she looks like a goddess.

I walk to the bedroom and see Maria half-awake.

"Good morning hermosa. How are you?" I ask as I lay next to her.

"Pretty good compared to yesterday. I can probably walk but it will still hurt slightly." She answered weakly.

"That's good to hear. Also start getting ready because we're gonna go eat breakfast with Gavi and the others." I tell her.

"Can you go to my hotel room and get me some clothes? I only have 1 pair of clothes here. My hotel card is over there." She says as I pick up her card and leave to get her clothes.

I go into her hotel room and walk to her bedroom where her closet it. I must say she does have good style.

I pick out some black cargos and a white shirt with a puffer jacket so we can match.

I look around and see that in her bathroom she has so much skincare, girls do that much?

I quickly steal a face mask of her pile to try later and hopefully she doesn't notice.

I walk out and lock her room and go back to enter mine.

I see Maria in my bedroom on her phone when she stares at me.

"What took so long?" She asks me.

"Uhm- I was just looking what clothes to pick for you." I lied.

"Hm alright." She reply's.

I give her the clothes I picked and she smiles at me before signaling to get out and wait.

I sit in the living room and scroll through instagram when Maria comes out. She looked amazing in what I picked and the fact that we match makes it even better.

"Any reason you look so proud?" She asks me.

"Yeah there is. You look amazing in the clothes I picked out. And did you even see that were matching?" I told her.

"Now I realised we're matching. That's why you were going through my whole closet to find something identical." She said as she smiled and slightly turned pink.

We put on our shoes and a coat to keep us warm and walk down to the cafeteria when we spot Gavi there already waiting impatiently.

Me and Maria both walk to Gavi and see him fuming whilst sitting with half of the team.

"What took you both so long? Gavi said your were supposed to be here like 15 minutes ago." Frenkie asked.

"It's because last night they fu-" Gavi was about to say until I interrupted him very quickly.

"Gavi, no te atrevas. Recordar lo que pasó la última vez que lo dijiste y hacer cómo sabes que lo hicimos. (Gavi, don't you dare. Remember what happened the last time you said it and do how you know we did it.)" I mumbled to him so he only could hear it and he just simply nodded.

"What did they do Gavi?" Lewandowski asked.

"Nothing." Gavi simply said.

Me and Maria go up to grab a plate and get some food. Gavi slowly trails behind me and whispers Im sorry as I pat his back as a 'it's okay'.

We all sit down and discuss what most of us are doing today, some going to a gym so they don't miss on training and some hanging out with relatives or girlfriends, wives etc.

After, we all finish eating and all split up, going our own ways.

"Maria what do you want to do? We still have the whole day." I ask.

"Later maybe you want to go to a club? It's France and it's cool to explore." She says.

"Why not." I tell her. I'm not really a clubbing guy but I'm not gonna deny anything if it's going with her.

We decided that we're just gonna have fun. We're gonna go to the hotel swimming pool that has a jacuzzi, sauna, waterslides and lots more.

I grab a pair of swimming shorts and a towel whilst Maria goes to her room to grab her bikini and a towel.

We then walk together to the swimming pool and split up to go get changed.

I get changed into my plain black swimming shorts and leave my items in the dressing room. I grab my towel and look in the mirror to see how I look. These past months, I've started getting more shredded. In better words, gaining more muscle.

I walk out and see Maria at the same time. Wearing a solid high cut red bikini. Seeing her in red was my weakness as it was my favourite colour and she simply wore it beautifully.

We were both staring at eachother for a good minute until I snapped out of it and just dived into the swimming pool. Meanwhile, Maria walked in normally, trying not to get her hair wet.

I then pull her next to me by her waist and then place my hand on her head and put her head underwater.

She instantly came up and did not look happy. On the other hand, I was dying off laughter.

We kept flicking water on each other. Eventually, Maria gave up and me decided to go on the waterslides on the side.

The first one was a dark one and I went first. I didn't scream at all since it was just dark and quite fast.

Then it was Maria's turn and she was screaming like a child and bellyflopped into the water.

I was crying of laughter because it was so funny.

We soon left the swimming pool and started to get dressed because we spent so much time it was 16:27 already.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐏𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈 𝐆.Where stories live. Discover now