| 39. Pedri goddamn González |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

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I wake up feeling refreshed, knowing there's no work today meaning I can hang out with Keira or Pedri if there not busy. I pick up my phone and quickly text Keira.

Maria Romaz
Girl you can't believe what
happened yesterday

What happened?

Maria Romaz
Pedri asked me to be
his girlfriend


Maria Romaz
That's great to know 😭
I'm probably gonna be
at home since I have
nothing to do honestly

Have fun then

I go on to call Pedri and it goes to voicemail. Weird. I go to look on our texts and he hasn't texted me or anything.

Maria Romaz
You okay?

He's probably just sleeping.

I go to make myself some breakfast and get changed into some casual clothes.

Since Pedri isn't replying, I agreed to go to Keira's house and spend some time together.

I do my hair and call a taxi to go to Keira's place.

I soon arrive and greet eachother at the front door before entering and getting comfy.

"Soo how's things with Pedri?" Keira asks.

"It's been really good. He hasn't texted me since yesterday and it's already 2pm and I'm worried somethings wrong." I explain.

"Maybe he's planning a surprise? I promise it's fine." Keira says as we both grab some popcorn and switch on Netflix.

It's about 7pm as we finished watching the movies we promised to watch with eachother. I decided it would be best to start getting ready to go back to my hotel before it turns fully dark.

Me and Keira chill on the couch gossiping until my phone starts buzzing a lot from notifications instagram, twitter etc.

I look at Keira in confused as she looks weirded out.

"What's that about?" She asks.

"I don't know. Let me see." I say.

She moves towards me so she's next to me as I unlock my phone.

I go on instagram and my heart drops.


Pedri González has been spotted with another woman today in a restaurant. Have we misunderstood Pedri's and Maria's relationship? Or is Pedri cheating on her? Follow for more updates!

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I'm so stupid. What was I expecting? It's Pedri goddamn González I was with. Obviously it was just a joke.

I start tearing up as Keira looks in disbelief as she hugs me.

"Don't cry. I'm sure it was a misunderstanding. Maybe it was just one of Pedri's friends or relatives?" Keira reassures me.

"Then why the fuck was he with her at a restaurant?" I say as I sob into the blanket.

I decide to stay at Keira's as I didn't have the strength to go back to the hotel. Why would he ask me to be his girlfriend yesterday if he was gonna cheat? It honestly just broke me.

Keira luckily lent me some pyjamas to wear since all my clothes were left behind.

I got changed and went into the guest room and threw myself on the bed.

I just stared at the ceiling with a blank expression when I got a notification.

Sorry hermosa. I got caught up today.

Maria Romaz
Oh fuck you.


I blocked him and placed my phone on the nightstand. I tucked myself in bed and just continued staring into space with no expression. Have I lost emotions or some shit?

Emotional heartbreak 😪😪

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