| 23. Ballon d'or (P2) |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

~ 1 week later ~

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Today is when we fly to Paris for the FIFA ballon d'or 2022. I am quite excited as we're staying there for a week and we get to meet many football stars such as Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Karim Benzema, Kylian Mbappe and many more.

I have packed all my things and waiting for Pedri to pick me up and we're gonna drive to the airport together. We're meeting the rest of the FC Barcelona squad with some staff and Keira there.

I double check my apartment to see if I've gotten everything and I have. I go downstairs and wait for Pedri to arrive.

After a few minutes he arrives and opens the door, signalling me to get in.

Over the past week, things between me and Pedri got more heated after the date. We talked more, he always got touchy and always calls me hermosa, bonita etc.

Anyway, we drove while listening to some of his and my fav songs while singing our hearts out. It was quite funny and we shortly arrived at the airport.

We take our items and go meet the others.

I say hi to Keira and Pedri goes off to Gavi so me and Keira talked about how everything's been between them and me.

We go check in and pass security and now boarding the plane. You decided to sit next to Pedri as Keira said she'd like to sit next to Gavi which I don't mind.

I walk into the plane and see Pedri sat next to the window alone waiting for me. I sit down next to him and see his smile at me as he holds my hand.

Everyone gets on the plane and they start with the instructions and to fasten your seatbelts.

We're taking off and we still hold hands as believe it or not, Pedri hates the taking off and landing which I found quite funny but he just looked at me with a stern look.

The flight was only 3 hours which wasn't quite long. Me and Pedri just watched a movie on the TV but eventually, I felt myself dozing off.
𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙿𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚒

Me and Maria started watching a movie since there wasn't much to do and like 20 minutes in, Maria started to fall asleep and her head landed on my shoulder.

I wasn't sure if she was cozy on my shoulder but she didn't budge so I didn't move. She's so beautiful when she's sleeping peaceful.

I started smiling about the thought and saw Gavi walk past us, giving a confused expression while I signal him not to wake her.

About 1 & 1/2 hours in, they started to give out menus if we wanted to eat.

Unfortunately, I had to wake Maria up to know if she wants anything to eat or drink.

"Maria? I know your sleeping but do you want to eat anything or to drink? There handing out menus." I whisper softly to ear, making her open her eyes slowly.

"I just woke up from a very good nap on this pillo- well your shoulder but yeah. I'll probably just take a water and a bowl of pasta." She said quietly as she yawns. Cute.

I signal one of the flight attendants to tell her what we'd like. I got myself a water and a salad as I wasn't that hungry.

We got our food and finished eating it. Soon after, we were gonna land soon so we had to fasten our seat belts. I held Maria's hand as he held mine. Anytime I touch her, I go crazy. She helps me feel ease and relax as we land without a thump.

We take our luggage and exit the plane, following Gavi and Keira since we didn't have a clue where to go.

We checked in the airport and hopped on the FC Barcelona bus to our hotel.

We have a hotel that all players are staying at and we have separate rooms. I requested for mine and Maria's to be next to each other and that luckily worked since when we arrived at the hotel, my room number was 58 and hers was 59.

I say bye to Gavi and Maria says bye to Keira and we walk off in our separate ways.

Me and Maria walk to our room and she gives me a kiss before going in her room.

I walk in the room and it's pretty nice. It's huge with a balcony, huge kitchen and living room. The bedroom a super king sized bed and modern decoration.

I hang all my clothes in the closet and my belongings in the drawers near the bed. There was one thing I need to have near the bed just incase me and Maria get, well a little out of hand just incase.

I take my clothes off, leaving me and boxers and go into the bed.

I put my phone on charge and lay there thinking about her until I fall asleep.

What does he mean by that one thing near the bed 🤨
-m1a <3

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